Version 2.01 August, 1997
David L. Windt
Copyright (c) 1997, David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies. All rights reserved
The topo library is a set of IDL routines for analyzing 1D or 2D surface topography (i.e., surface roughness) data. I originally wrote these routines in order to analyze WYKO and AFM data of optical surfaces, but the routines are general, and can be used to analyze any type of 1D or 2D topography data.
The available routines are listed below. In particular, the routines xanlz_prof and xanlz_surf are point-and-click (widget) applications for 1D and 2D analysis, respectively.
My understanding of surface roughness is based largely on the material contained in these two references:
1. J. M. Bennett and L. Mattsson, 'Introduction to Surface Roughness and Scattering' (Optical Society of America, Washington, D. C. 1989)
2. E. L. Church, 'Fractal surface finish', Applied Optics, 27 (8) 1518-1526 (1988)
See the README file in the topo directory for installation instructions.
Note: To use the topo library, you must be running IDL V4.01b or higher.
To load the topo library, at the IDL prompt type .run topostart:
IDL> .run topostart
Once the library has been loaded, you can use these routines as you would any IDL procedures and functions.
For instance, you might make up some 2D data like this:
IDL> x=vector(0.,100.,256)
IDL> y=x
IDL> z=randomn(seed,256,256)
and then try:
IDL> xanlz_surf,x,y,z
I've also included some sample WYKO data to play around with, called (oddly enough) 'wyko_example.dat'; you can read this file using the RD_WYKO function:
IDL> rd_wyko,x,y,z,file='wyko_example.dat'
IDL> rd_wyko,x,y,z,file='wyko_example.dat',/swap_endian
and then:
IDL> xanlz_surf,x,y,z
Last Updated: 14-August-1997
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NAME: ANGLE2WAVES PURPOSE: Procedure to compute (and optionally plot) the spatial wavelengths corresponding to scattering for incidence angle ALPHA, wavelength LAMBDA, into scattering angles ALPHA+/-DELTA(0) to ALPHA+/-DELTA(1) CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: ANGLE2WAVES,ALPHA,LAMBDA,DELTA,WAVES=WAVES INPUTS: ALPHA - A scalar or 1D array of incidence angles. LAMBDA - Scalar specifying the incidence wavelength. DELTA - 2-element array specifying the min and max scattering angles to consider. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: WAVES - Output array of spatial wavelengths, having dimensions [2,N_ELEMENTS(ALPHA)]. Units are the same as for LAMBDA. The following keywords only have an effect when ALPHA is an array: NOPLOT - Set to inhibit plotting the results. All IDL PLOT graphics keywords. PROCEDURE: WAVES=FLTARR(2,N_ELEMENTS(ALPHA)) WAVES(0,*)=LAMBDA/2./SIN(DELTA(0)/2.*!DTOR)/ COS((ALPHA-DELTA(0)/2.)*!DTOR) WAVES(1,*)=LAMBDA/2./SIN(DELTA(1)/2.*!DTOR)/ COS((ALPHA-DELTA(1)/2.)*!DTOR) EXAMPLE: Compute the range of spatial wavelengths (in angstroms) corresponding to scattering for 30 degree incidence, with scattering angles from 1 to 60 degrees (i.e., 30+/-1 to 30+/-60), for a photon wavelength of 100 angstroms: ANGLE2WAVES,30.,100.,[1.,60.] MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: ANLZ_PROF PURPOSE: Perform 2D analysis of X,Y profile data. This procedure combines the functionality of several TOPO routines, and displays the results in a single composite plot, using the PLOT_PROF, PLOT_H_DIST, PLOT_S_DIST, PLOT_AUTOCOV, and PLOT_PSD routines. This routines is called by the XANLZ_PROF widget application. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: ANLZ_PROF,X,Y INPUTS: X - 1D array of (equally spaced) lengths in angstroms. Y - 1D array of heights in angstroms. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: XREGION - 1D array of subscripts for X, specifying a region-of-interest. SUB_TILT - Set to subtract tilt, using SUB_TILT HEIGHTS - Output array of heights (see HEIGHT_DIST), in units determined by the value of TOPO.YUNITS_PTR (see PROCEDURE below.) HEIGHT_HIST - Output array of height histogram values (See HEIGHT_DIST) N_HEIGHTS - Number of heights to be used for HEIGHT_DIST NOFIT_HEIGHT - Set to inhibit fitting the height histogram with a gaussian. SLOPES - Output array of slopes in degrees (See HEIGHT_DIST.) SLOPE_HIST - Output array of slope histogram values (See HEIGHT_DIST) N_SLOPES - Number of slopes to be used for HEIGHT_DIST NOFIT_SLOPE - Set to inhibit fitting the height histogram with a gaussian. TAU - Output array of lag lengths, in units determined by the value of TOPO.XUNITS_PTR (see PROCEDURE below.) AUTOCOV - Output array of autocovariance values, in units determined by the value of TOPO.YUNITS_PTR (see PROCEDURE below.) For example, if TOPO.YUNITS_PTR=1, then the AUTOCOV units will be nm^2. FIT_AUTOCOV - Same as FIT_TYPE keyword to PLOT_AUTOCOV. FREQ - Output array of spatial frequencies, in units determined by the value of TOPO.XUNITS_PTR (see PROCEDURE below.) For example, if TOPO.XUNITS_PTR=1, then the FREQ units will be 1/nm. PSD - Output array of power-spectral-density values, in units determined by the value of TOPO.YUNITS_PTR (see PROCEDURE below.) For example, if TOPO.YUNITS_PTR=1, then the PSD units will be nm^3. ZERO_PAD - See PROF2PSD HANNING - See PROF2PSD KAISER - See PROF2PSD RANGE - See PROF2PSD FIT_PSD - Same as FIT_TYPE keyword to PLOT_PSD PRSTYLE - 5-element array specifying [COLOR,LINESTYLE,THICK,PSYM,SYMSIZE] keywords for profile plot. (except that PSYM and SYMSIZE are ignored!) HSTYLE - 5-element array specifying [COLOR,LINESTYLE,THICK,PSYM,SYMSIZE] keywords for height-histogram plot. (except that PSYM and SYMSIZE are ignored!) SSTYLE - 5-element array specifying [COLOR,LINESTYLE,THICK,PSYM,SYMSIZE] keywords for slope-histogram plot. (except that PSYM and SYMSIZE are ignored!) ASTYLE - 5-element array specifying [COLOR,LINESTYLE,THICK,PSYM,SYMSIZE] keywords for autocovariance plot. PSTYLE - 5-element array specifying [COLOR,LINESTYLE,THICK,PSYM,SYMSIZE] keywords for PSD plot. PRXAXIS - 4-element array specifyin [XTYPE,XRANGE(0),XRANGE(1),XSTYLE] keywords for profile plot. AXAXIS - 4-element array specifyin [XTYPE,XRANGE(0),XRANGE(1),XSTYLE] keywords for autocovariance plot. PXAXIS - 4-element array specifyin [XTYPE,XRANGE(0),XRANGE(1),XSTYLE] keywords for PSD plot. PRYAXIS - 4-element array specifyin [YTYPE,YRANGE(0),YRANGE(1),YSTYLE] keywords for profile plot. AYAXIS - 4-element array specifyin [YTYPE,YRANGE(0),YRANGE(1),YSTYLE] keywords for autocovariance plot. PYAXIS - 4-element array specifyin [YTYPE,YRANGE(0),YRANGE(1),YSTYLE] keywords for PSD plot. RESTRICTIONS: The X values must be equally spaced. X and Y must be in angstroms. PROCEDURE: Although X and Y must be in angstroms, the units for displayed (and returned keyword) variables are determined by the values of the relevant tags of the common block variable TOPO. That is, set TOPO.XUNITS_PTR to 0 for angstroms, 1 for nm, 2 for microns, and 3 for mm. Same goes for TOPO.YUNITS_PTR. The precision of the fit parameters that are labelled on the plots is determined by the values of the variables TOPO.XPRECISION for length-related parameters (e.g., correlation length), TOPO.YPRECISION for height-related parameters (e.g., rms roughness), and TOPO.SPRECISION for slope-related parameters (e.g., rms slope.) For example, if TOPO.XPRECISION=3, then three places to the right of the decimal will be displayed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: AUTOCOV2PARS PURPOSE: Procedure to compute the rms roughness SIGMA and correlation length L from the the autocovariance function, C(TAU). CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: AUTOCOV2PARS,TAU,C,SIGMA,L INPUTS: TAU - 1D array of lag lengths. C - 1D array of autocovariance values. OUTPUTS: SIGMA - Rms roughness, in units determined by the units of C. For example, if [C]=nm^2, then [SIGMA]=nm. L - Correlation length, in same units as TAU. PROCEDURE: SIGMA=SQRT(C) L = 2/SIGMA^4 * Integral(C^2) MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: AUTOCOV2PSD PURPOSE: Function to compute the power-spectral-density function S(F) from the the autocovariance function, C(TAU). CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: S=AUTOCOV2PSD(TAUX[,TAUY],C) INPUTS: TAUX - 1D array of lag lengths along X direction. TAUY - Optional 1D array of lag lengths along Y direction. C - 1D or 2D array of autocovariance values. OUTPUTS: S - 1D or 2D array of power-spectral-density values. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FX - 1D output array of spatial frequencies along X direction. FY - 1D output array of spatial frequencies along Y direction. POSITIVE_ONLY - Set to only compute S(F) for positive spatial frequencies. HANNING - Set to use a Hanning window function. RANGE - 2-element array specifying the min and max spatial frequency values to be considered. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: AUTOCOV_FIT PURPOSE: Function to fit the autocovariance function with either a gaussian, and exponential, or a gaussian plus an exponential. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: Result=AUTOCOV_FIT(TAU,C,PARS,FIT=FIT) INPUTS: TAU - 1D array of lag lengths. C - 1D array of autocovariance values. FIT - Set to 0 to fit to a gaussian. Set to 1 to fit to an exponential. Set to 2 to fit to a gaussian+exponential. OUTPUTS: Result - Fit function. PARS - 1-D array of fit parameters. PROCEDURE: The autocovariance function is fit using either the GAUSS_FIT, the EXPO_FIT, or the GAUSSEXPO_FIT functions. See the documentation for these functions (in the windt library) for a desciption of the elements of PARS. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: HEIGHT_DIST PURPOSE: Function to compute the height histogram from X,Y profile data. The function can also be used to compute the slope histogram, in conjunction with the PROF2SLOPE function. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: Result=HEIGHT_DIST(X,Y[,HEIGHTS]) INPUTS: X - 1D array of (equally spaced) lengths. Y - 1D array of heights. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: N_HTS - Integer specifying the number of bins to be used in conjunction with the HISTOGRAM function. RANGE - 2-element array specifying the min and max height values to consider. OUTPUTS: Result - 1D array of density values. (See the HISTOGRAM function.) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: HEIGHTS - 1D array of height values; the i'th element of Result is the density of heights in the i'th bin of HEIGHTS. PROCEDURE: The HISTOGRAM function is used. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: PARS2AUTOCOV PURPOSE: Function to generate an autocovariance function from an array of parameters describing the function. This function is a sort of inverse of the AUTOCOV_FIT routine. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: C=PARS2AUTOCOV(TAUX[,TAUY],P,TYPE=TYPE) INPUTS: TAUX - 1D array of lag lengths along X direction. TAUY - Optional 1D array of lag lengths along Y direction. P - Array of parameters describing the function. The number of elements of P required depends on the value of the TYPE keyword: TYPE - Keyword specifying the functional form for C: 0 for gaussian, 1 for exponential, 2 for gaussian+exponential. OUTPUTS: C - 1D or 2D array of autocovariance values. PROCEDURE: TYPE=0 - Gaussian: C=P(0)^2*EXP(-(TAU/P(1))^2)+P(2) TYPE=1 - Exponential: C=P(0)^2*EXP(-ABS(TAU)/P(1))+P(2) TYPE=2 - Gaussian+Exponential: C=P(0)^2*EXP(-(TAU/P(1))^2)+P(2)^2*EXP(-ABS(TAU)/P(3))+P(4) MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: PARS2PSD PURPOSE: Function to generate a power-law power-spectral-density function from an array of parameters describing the function. This function is a sort of inverse of the PSD_FIT routine. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: S=PARS2PSD(FX[,FY],P) INPUTS: FX - 1D output array of spatial frequencies along X direction. FY - 1D output array of spatial frequencies along Y direction. P - 2-element array of parameters describing the power-law function. P(0)= K_n, P(1)=n. OUTPUTS: S - 1D or 2D array of power-spectral-density values. PROCEDURE: For a 1D PSD function, S=P(0)/(ABS(F)^P(1)) For a 2D PSD function, S=GAMMA((P(1)+1)/2)/2./GAMMA(.5)/GAMMA(P(1)/2.)* $ P(0)/(ABS(F)^(P(1)+1)) MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: PLOT_AUTOCOV PURPOSE: Procedure to plot and optionally fit the autocovariance function. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: PLOT_AUTOCOV,TAUX[,TAUY],C INPUTS: TAUX - 1D array of lag lengths along X direction, in units corresponding to the value of TOPO.XUNITS_PTR. TAUY - 1D array of lag lengths along Y direction, in units corresponding to the value of TOPO.YUNITS_PTR. C - 1D array of autocovariance values, in units corresponding to the value of TOPO.YUNITS_PTR. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: SIGMA - Output rms roughness, computed from C using AUTOCOV2PARS, in units corresponding to the value of TOPO.YUNITS_PTR. CORR_LENGTH - Correlation length, computed from C using AUTOCOV2PARS, in units corresponding to the value of TOPO.XUNITS_PTR. FIT_TYPE - Set to -1 for no fit, 0 for gaussian fit, 1 for exponential fit, 2 for gaussian+exponential fit. REGION - Set to interactively select a region-of-interest for fitting, using GET_ROI. CFIT - Output fit dependent variable. TAUFIT - Output fit independent variable. FIT_PARS - Fit parameters. (See AUTOCOV_FIT.) FIT_COLOR - IDL graphics keyword for fit function. FIT_THICK - IDL graphics keyword for fit function. FIT_LINESTYLE - IDL graphics keyword for fit function. NOLABEL - Set to inhibit labelling the SIGMA, L and fit parameters values. LABEL_POSITION - Integer specifying label position, as per PLOT_TEXT. Plus most IDL PLOT graphics keywords. RESTRICTIONS: The units for TAU and C must correspond to the values of the relevant tags of the common block variable TOPO. That is, set TOPO.XUNITS_PTR to 0 for TAU in angstroms, 1 for nm, 2 for microns, and 3 for mm. Similarly, set TOPO.YUNITS_PTR to 0 for C in angstroms^2, 1 for nm^2, 2 for microns^2, and 3 for mm^2. The precision of the fit parameters that are labelled on the plot is determined by the values of the variables TOPO.XPRECISION for length-related parameters (e.g., correlation length), and TOPO.YPRECISION for height-related parameters (e.g., rms roughness). For example, if TOPO.XPRECISION=3, then three places to the right of the decimal will be displayed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: PLOT_H_DIST PURPOSE: Procedure to compute, plot and optionally fit a height histogram function. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: PLOT_H_DIST,X,Y INPUTS: X - 1D array of lengths, in units corresponding to the value of TOPO.XUNITS_PTR. Y - 1D array of heights, in units corresponding to the value of TOPO.YUNITS_PTR. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: N_HEIGHTS - Integer specifying the number of bins to be used in conjunction with the HISTOGRAM function. HIST - 1D ouput array of density values. (See the HISTOGRAM function.) HEIGHTS - 1D output array of height values; the i'th element of HIST is the density of heights in the i'th bin of HEIGHTS. NOLABEL - Set to inhibit labelling the SIGMA, and L values. LABEL_POSITION - Integer specifying label position, as per PLOT_TEXT. Plus most IDL PLOT graphics keywords. RESTRICTIONS: The units for X and Y must correspond to the values of the relevant tags of the common block variable TOPO. That is, set TOPO.XUNITS_PTR to 0 for X in angstroms, 1 for nm, 2 for microns, and 3 for mm. Similarly, set TOPO.YUNITS_PTR to 0 for Y in angstroms, 1 for nm, 2 for microns, and 3 for mm. The precision of the fit parameters that are labelled on the plot is determined by the values of the variables TOPO.XPRECISION for length-related parameters (e.g., correlation length), and TOPO.YPRECISION for height-related parameters (e.g., rms roughness). For example, if TOPO.XPRECISION=3, then three places to the right of the decimal will be displayed. PROCEDURE: HEIGHT_DIST is used to compute the height histogram function. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: PLOT_PROF PURPOSE: Procedure to plot a profile function. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: PLOT_PROF,X,Y INPUTS: X - 1D array of lengths, in units corresponding to the value of TOPO.XUNITS_PTR. Y - 1D array of heights, in units corresponding to the value of TOPO.YUNITS_PTR. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OVERPLOT - Set for overplot. NOLABEL - Set to inhibit labelling the SIGMA, and L values. LABEL_POSITION - Integer specifying label position, as per PLOT_TEXT. Plus most IDL PLOT graphics keywords. RESTRICTIONS: The units for X and Y must correspond to the values of the relevant tags of the common block variable TOPO. That is, set TOPO.XUNITS_PTR to 0 for X in angstroms, 1 for nm, 2 for microns, and 3 for mm. Similarly, set TOPO.YUNITS_PTR to 0 for Y in angstroms, 1 for nm, 2 for microns, and 3 for mm. The precision of the parameters that are labelled on the plot is determined by the values of the variables TOPO.XPRECISION for length-related parameters (e.g., correlation length), and TOPO.YPRECISION for height-related parameters (e.g., rms roughness). For example, if TOPO.XPRECISION=3, then three places to the right of the decimal will be displayed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: PLOT_PSD PURPOSE: Procedure to plot and optionally fit the power-spectral-density function. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: PLOT_PSD,FX[,FY],S INPUTS: FX - 1D array of spatial frequencies along X direction, in units corresponding to the value of TOPO.XUNITS_PTR. For example, if TOPO.XUNITS_PTR=1, then [FX]=1/nm. FY - 1D array of spatial frequencies along Y direction, in units corresponding to the value of TOPO.XUNITS_PTR. For example, if TOPO.XUNITS_PTR=1, then [FY]=1/nm. S - 1D array of power-spectral-density values, in units corresponding to the value of TOPO.YUNITS_PTR. For example, if TOPO.YUNITS_PTR=1, then [S]=nm^3. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OVERPLOT - Set for overplot. SIGMA - Rms roughness, computed from S using PSD2PARS. CORR_LENGTH - Correlation length, computed from S using PSD2PARS. FIT_TYPE - Set to -1 for no fit, 0 for power-law fit. REGION - Set to interactively select a region-of-interest for fitting, using GET_ROI. TWOD - Set to indicate that the 1D PSD being plotted is actually a slice from a 2D PSD function, so that the units are labelled properly. SFIT - Output fit dependent variable. FFIT - Output fit independent variable. FIT_PARS - Fit parameters. (See AUTOCOV_FIT.) FIT_COLOR - IDL graphics keyword for fit function. FIT_THICK - IDL graphics keyword for fit function. FIT_LINESTYLE - IDL graphics keyword for fit function. NOLABEL - Set to inhibit labelling the SIGMA, L and fit parameters values. LABEL_POSITION - Integer specifying label position, as per PLOT_TEXT. Plus most IDL PLOT graphics keywords. RESTRICTIONS: The units for F and S must correspond to the values of the relevant tags of the common block variable TOPO. That is, set TOPO.XUNITS_PTR to 0 for F in angstroms, 1 for nm, 2 for microns, and 3 for mm. Similarly, set TOPO.YUNITS_PTR to 0 for S in angstroms^3, 1 for nm^3, 2 for microns^3, and 3 for mm^3. The precision of the fit parameters that are labelled on the plot is determined by the values of the variables TOPO.XPRECISION for length-related parameters (e.g., correlation length), and TOPO.YPRECISION for height-related parameters (e.g., rms roughness). For example, if TOPO.XPRECISION=3, then three places to the right of the decimal will be displayed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: PLOT_SLOPE PURPOSE: Procedure to plot a slope function. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: PLOT_SLOPE,X,SLOPE INPUTS: X - 1D array of lengths, in units corresponding to the value of TOPO.XUNITS_PTR. SLOPE - 1D array of slope values, in degrees. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OVERPLOT - Set for overplot. NOLABEL - Set to inhibit labelling the SIGMA, and L values. LABEL_POSITION - Integer specifying label position, as per PLOT_TEXT. Plus most IDL PLOT graphics keywords. RESTRICTIONS: The units for X must correspond to the value of the relevant tag of the common block variable TOPO. That is, set TOPO.XUNITS_PTR to 0 for X in angstroms, 1 for nm, 2 for microns, and 3 for mm. The precision of the rms slope parameter that is labelled on the plot is determined by the value of the variable TOPO.SPRECISION. For example, if TOPO.SPRECISION=3, then three places to the right of the decimal will be displayed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: PLOT_S_DIST PURPOSE: Procedure to compute, plot and optionally fit a slope histogram function. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: PLOT_S_DIST,X,Y INPUTS: X - 1D array of lengths, in units corresponding to the value of TOPO.XUNITS_PTR. Y - 1D array of heights, in units corresponding to the value of TOPO.YUNITS_PTR. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: N_SLOPES - Integer specifying the number of bins to be used in conjunction with the HISTOGRAM function. HIST - 1D ouput array of density values. (See the HISTOGRAM function.) SLOPES - 1D output array of slope values; the i'th element of HIST is the density of slopes in the i'th bin of SLOPES. NOLABEL - Set to inhibit labelling the SIGMA, and L values. LABEL_POSITION - Integer specifying label position, as per PLOT_TEXT. Plus most IDL PLOT graphics keywords. RESTRICTIONS: The units for X and Y must correspond to the values of the relevant tags of the common block variable TOPO. That is, set TOPO.XUNITS_PTR to 0 for X in angstroms, 1 for nm, 2 for microns, and 3 for mm. Similarly, set TOPO.YUNITS_PTR to 0 for Y in angstroms, 1 for nm, 2 for microns, and 3 for mm. The precision of the fit parameter (i.e., rms slope) that is labelled on the plot is determined by the value of the variable TOPO.SPRECISION. For example, if TOPO.SPRECISION=3, then three places to the right of the decimal will be displayed. PROCEDURE: PROF2SLOPE is used to compute the slope values; HEIGHT_DIST is used to compute the slope histogram function. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: PROF2AUTOCOV PURPOSE: Function to compute the autocovariance function from the profile data. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: C=PROF2AUTOCOV(X,Y,TAU=TAU) INPUTS: X - 1D array of (equally-spaced) lengths. Y - 1D array of heights. OUTPUTS: TAU - 1D array of lag lengths, in units of [X]. C - 1D array of autocovariance values, in units of [Y]^2. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: POSITIVE_ONLY - Set to compute the autocovariance function for positive lag lengths only. RESTRICTIONS: The X values must be equally spaced. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: PROF2PSD PURPOSE: Function to compute the power-spectral-density function from the profile data. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: S=PROF2PSD(X,Y,F=F) INPUTS: X - 1D array of (equally-spaced) lengths. Y - 1D array of heights. OUTPUTS: F - 1D array of spatial frequencies, in units of 1/[X]. S - 1D array of PSD values, in units of [Y]^3. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: POSITIVE_ONLY - Set to compute the psd function for positive frequencies only. RANGE - 2-element array specifying the min and max spatial frequencies to be considered. Default is from 1/(length) to 1/(2*interval) (i.e., the Nyquist frequency), where length is the length of the scan, and interval is the spacing between points. ZERO_PAD - Set this to an integer specifying the number of zero-height points to add on either side of the profile data. HANNING - Set this to use a Hanning window function. KAISER - Set this to use a Kaiser-Bessel window function RESTRICTIONS: The X values must be equally spaced. PROCEDURE S=Length*ABS(FFT(Y*Window),-1)^2 Where Length is as described above, and Window is the value of the optional window function (Hanning or Kaiser-Bessel). MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: PROF2SLOPE PURPOSE: Function to compute the slope from the profile data. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: Result=PROF2SLOPE(X,Y) INPUTS: X - 1D array of (equally-spaced) lengths. Y - 1D array of heights. OUTPUTS: Result - 1D array of slope values, in degrees. RESTRICTIONS: The X values must be equally spaced. X and Y must have the same units. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: PSD2AUTOCOV PURPOSE: Function to compute the autocovariance function, C(TAU), from the the power-spectral-density function S(F). CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: C=PSD2AUTOCOV(FX[,FY],S) INPUTS: FX - 1D array of spatial frequencies along X direction. FY - Optional 1D array of spatial frequencies along Y direction. S - 1D or 2D array of power-spectral-density values. OUTPUTS: C - 1D or 2D array of autocovariance values. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TAUX - 1D output array of lag lengths along X direction. TAUY - 1D output array of lag lengths along Y direction. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: PSD2PARS PURPOSE: Procedure to compute the rms roughness SIGMA and correlation length L from the the power-spectral-density function S(F). CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: PSD2PARS,F,S,SIGMA,L INPUTS: F - 1D array of spatial frequencies. S - 1D array of power-spectral-density values. OUTPUTS: SIGMA - Rms roughness, in units of [S]^(1/3) L - Correlation length, in units of 1/[F] PROCEDURE: SIGMA=SQRT(2*Integral(S)) L = 1/2/SIGMA^4 * Integral(S^2) MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: PSDPARS2SIGMA_L PURPOSE: Procedure to compute the rms roughness SIGMA and correlation length L from the scan LENGTH and the power-law parameters K_N and N. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: PSDPARS2SIGMA_L,K_N,N,LENGTH,SIGMA,L INPUTS: K_N - Power-law scaling factor. N - Power-law exponent. LENGTH - Scan length. OUTPUTS: SIGMA - Rms roughness. L - Correlation length. PROCEDURE: SIGMA = SQRT(K_n*LENGTH^(N-1)/(N-1)) L = (N-1)^2*LENGTH/2/(2*N-1) MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: PSDPARS_ANGLE2SIGMA_L PURPOSE: Function to compute the rms roughness SIGMA and correlation length L from (a) the maximum spatial wavelength corresponding to scattering for incidence angle ALPHA, wavelength LAMBDA, into scattering angles ALPHA+/-DELTA(0) to ALPHA+/-DELTA(1), and (b) the power-law parameters K_N and N. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: PSDPARS_ANGLE2SIGMA_L,K_N,N,ALPHA,LAMBDA,DELTA,SIGMA,L INPUTS: K_N - Power-law scaling factor. N - Power-law exponent. ALPHA - A scalar or 1D array of incidence angles. LAMBDA - Scalar specifying the incidence wavelength. DELTA - 2-element array specifying the min and max scattering angles to consider. OUTPUTS: SIGMA - Rms roughness. L - Correlation length. PROCEDURE: The ANGLE2WAVES procedure is used to compute the range of spatial wavelengths corresponding to scattering at incidence angle ALPHA, wavelength LAMBDA, into scattering angles ALPHA+/-DELTA(i). The maximum wavelength is then used along with the specified K_N and N to compute SIGMA and L, using the PSDPARS2SIGMA_L routine. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: PSD_FIT PURPOSE: Function to fit the power-spectral-density function with a power-law. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: Result=PSD_FIT(F,S,PARS) INPUTS: F - 1D array of spatial frequencies. S - 1D array of power-spectral-density values. OUTPUTS: Result - Fit function. PARS - 1-D array of fit parameters. PROCEDURE: The autocovariance function is fit to the function S=P(0)/(ABS(F)^P(1)) MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: RD_DIGITAL_AFM PURPOSE: Read a Digital Instruments Nanoscope III AFM image. CALLING SEQUENCE: RD_DIGITAL_AFM,X,Y,Z KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILE - name of Nanoscope III data file. SPHERE_SUB - set to subtract a 2nd order polynomial background. HIST_EQUAL - set to perform histogram equalization of image. OUTPUTS: X - Vector of x-position values, in angstroms. Y - Vector of y-position values, in angstroms. Z - Array of height values, in angstroms. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Labs, 1992.
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NAME: RD_GRIFFITH_AFM PURPOSE: Read a Joe Griffith AFM file. CALLING SEQUENCE: RD_GRIFFITH_AFM,X,Y,Z KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILE - name of AFM data file, without the .arr ending. It is assumed that both the .arr and .hed files exist. TILT_SUB - set to subtract tilt. SPHERE_SUB - set to subtract a 2nd order polynomial background. HIST_EQUAL - set to perform histogram equalization. OUTPUTS: X - Vector of x-position values, in angstroms. Y - Vector of y-position values, in angstroms. Z - Array of height values, in angstroms. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Labs, 1991.
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NAME: RD_WYKO PURPOSE: Read a WYKO TOPO-3D data file. CALLING SEQUENCE: RD_WYKO,FILE=FILE,X,Y,Z,HEADER=HEADER KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILE - name of WYKO data file. OFFSET - set to skipping an additional 512 bytes ; at the beginning of the data file. This additional 512-byte header is introduced by BASIC/UX when the file is transferred from an LIF to an HFS disk. SPHERE_SUB - set to subtract a 2nd order polynomial background. HIST_EQUAL - set to perform histogram equalization of image.
SWAP_ENDIAN - set to use the SWAP_ENDIAN function to convert the data file from 'big endian' to 'little endian', or visa-versa. Useful for reading on a Windows platform WYKO data files originally stored on Unix or Mac platforms, or visa-versa. OUTPUTS: X - Vector of x-position values, in angstroms. Y - Vector of y-position values, in angstroms. Z - Array of height values, in angstroms. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: HEADER - structure value containing the raw header information. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, March 1991.
August, 1997: Added SWAP_ENDIAN keyword.
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NAME: SUB_TILT PURPOSE: Function to subtract tilt (i.e., a straight line) from profile data. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: Result=SUB_TILT(X,Y,CURVATURE=CURVATURE) INPUTS: X - 1D array of lengths. Y - 1D array of heights. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: CURVATURE - Set to subtract a 2nd order polynomial instead of a straight line. OUTPUTS: Result - The new profile data. EXAMPLE: NewY=SUB_TILT(X,Y) MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: SURF2AVE_PSD PURPOSE: Procedure to compute the average power-spectral-density functions along X and Y from surface data. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: SURF2AVE_PSD,X,Y,Z,XAVEPSD=XAVEPSD,YAVEPSD=YAVEPSD, FX=FX,FY=FY,XPSD=XPSD,YPSD=YPSD INPUTS: X - 1D array of lengths along X direction. Y - 1D array of lengths along Y direction. Z - 2D array of heights. OUTPUTS: FX - 1D array of spatial frequencies along X direction, in units of 1/[X]. FY - 1D array of spatial frequencies along Y direction, in units of 1/[Y]. XAVEPSD - 1D array of PSD values = average of XPSD along Y direction, in units of [Z]^4. YAVEPSD - 1D array of PSD values = average of YPSD along X direction, in units of [Z]^4. XPSD - 2D array of PSD values computed along X direction, in units of [Z]^4. YPSD - 2D array of PSD values computed along Y direction, in units of [Z]^4. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: POSITIVE_ONLY - Set to compute the autocovariance function for positive lag lengths only. RANGE - 2-element array specifying the min and max spatial frequencies to be considered. Default is from 1/(length) to 1/(2*interval) (i.e., the Nyquist frequency), where length is the length of the scan, and interval is the spacing between points. ZERO_PAD - Set this to an integer specifying the number of zero-height points to add on either side of the profile data. HANNING - Set this to use a Hanning window function. KAISER - Set this to use a Kaiser-Bessel window function MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: SURF2PSD PURPOSE: Function to compute the 2D power-spectral-density function from surface data. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: S=SURF2PSD(X,Y,Z,FX=FX,FY=FY) INPUTS: X - 1D array of lengths along X direction. Y - 1D array of lengths along Y direction. Z - 2D array of heights. OUTPUTS: Result - 2D PSD function, in units of [Z]^4. FX - 1D array of spatial frequencies along X direction, in units of 1/[X]. FY - 1D array of spatial frequencies along Y direction, in units of 1/[Y]. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: POSITIVE_ONLY - Set to compute the autocovariance function for positive lag lengths only. XRANGE - 2-element array specifying the min and max spatial frequencies along X direction to be considered. Default is from 1/(Xlength) to 1/(2*interval) (i.e., the Nyquist frequency), where Xlength is the length of the scan along X, and interval is the spacing between points. YRANGE - 2-element array specifying the min and max spatial frequencies along Y direction to be considered. Default is from 1/(Ylength) to 1/(2*interval) (i.e., the Nyquist frequency), where Ylength is the length of the scan alogn Y, and interval is the spacing between points. ZERO_PAD - Set this to an integer specifying the number of zero-height points to add on either side of the profile data. HANNING - Set this to use a Hanning window function. KAISER - Set this to use a Kaiser-Bessel window function PROCEDURE: S=XLength*YLength*ABS(FFT(Z*Window),-1)^2 Where XLength and YLength are as described above, and Window is the value of the optional window function (Hanning or Kaiser-Bessel). MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: TOPOSTART PURPOSE: The start procedure for the TOPO surface topography library. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: At the IDL command line, type ".run TOPOSTART". COMMON BLOCKS: COMMON TOPO,TOPOHOME,TOPO COMMON PLOT_PRINT,PRINTPARS (See PLOT_PRINT) PROCEDURE: The site-configuration file ( is read, defining widget fonts, etc. The topo save file is loaded into IDL, using the RESTORE command. RESTRICTIONS: UNITS and PRECISION: When using any of the topo plot procedures: PLOT_PROF, PLOT_SLOPE, PLOT_H_DIST, PLOT_S_DIST, PLOT_AUTOCOV, and PLOT_PSD; or the procedures ANLZ_PROF, XANLZ_PROF, and XANLZ_SURF, the data length (X for 1D, or X and Y for 2D) and height (Y for 1D, or Z for 2D) units MUST ALL BE IN ANGSTROMS. However, the common block variable TOPO is used to control the units that are actually displayed. In particular, the variables TOPO.XUNITS_PTR and TOPO.YUNITS_PTR determine the units for lengths and heights, respectively; set TOPO.XUNITS_PTR to 0 for angstroms, 1 for nm, 2 for microns, or 3 for mm. Same goes for TOPO.YUNITS_PTR. The precision of the fit parameters that are labelled on the plots is determined by the values of the variables TOPO.XPRECISION for length-related parameters (e.g., correlation length), TOPO.YPRECISION for height-related parameters (e.g., rms roughness), and TOPO.SPRECISION for slope-related parameters (e.g., rms slope.) For example, if TOPO.XPRECISION=3, then three places to the right of the decimal will be displayed. The TOPO.*UNITS_PTR and TOPO.*PRECISION variables can either be set explicitly before executing any of the aforementioned procedures, or they can be set transparently to the user be selecting the appropriate menu items when using the XANLZ_SURF or XANLZ_PROF procedure. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: TOPO_X_CONVERT PURPOSE: Function to convert length variables according to the value of the common block variable TOPO.XUNITS_PTR. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: NewX=TOPO_X_CONVERT(X) INPUTS: X - 1D array of length values, in angstroms. OUTPUTS: Result - 1D array of length values, in units specified by TOPO.XUNITS_PTR, i.e., 1 => angstroms, 2 => nm, 3 => microns, and 4 => mm. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TO_ANGSTROMS - Set to convert an input X from the units specified by TOPO.XUNITS_PTR to angstroms. COMMON BLOCKS: COMMON TOPO MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: TOPO_Y_CONVERT PURPOSE: Function to convert height variables according to the value of the common block variable TOPO.YUNITS_PTR. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: NewY=TOPO_Y_CONVERT(Y) INPUTS: Y - 1D array of height values, in angstroms. OUTPUTS: Result - 1D array of height values, in units specified by TOPO.YUNITS_PTR, i.e., 1 => angstroms, 2 => nm, 3 => microns, and 4 => mm. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TO_ANGSTROMS - Set to convert an input Y from the units specified by TOPO.YUNITS_PTR to angstroms. COMMON BLOCKS: COMMON TOPO MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: XANLZ_PROF PURPOSE: A widget application for 1D profile analysis. This program is really a widget interface to the ANLZ_PROF routine. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: XANLZ_PROF[,X,Y,GROUP=GROUP] OPTIONAL INPUTS: X - 1D array of (equally-spaced) lengths, in angstroms. Y - 1D array of heights, in angstroms. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP - Widget GROUP_LEADER keyword to XMANAGER. COMMON BLOCKS: COMMON TOPO COMMON PLOT_PRINT RESTRICTIONS: The X values must be equally spaced. X and Y must be in angstroms. PROCEDURE: Although X and Y must be in angstroms, the units for displayed variables are determined by the values of the relevant tags of the common block variable TOPO. That is, set TOPO.XUNITS_PTR to 0 for angstroms, 1 for nm, 2 for microns, and 3 for mm. Same goes for TOPO.YUNITS_PTR. The precision of the fit parameters that are labelled on the plots is determined by the values of the variables TOPO.XPRECISION for length-related parameters (e.g., correlation length), TOPO.YPRECISION for height-related parameters (e.g., rms roughness), and TOPO.SPRECISION for slope-related parameters (e.g., rms slope.) For example, if TOPO.XPRECISION=3, then three places to the right of the decimal will be displayed. The TOPO.*UNITS_PTR and TOPO.*PRECISION variables can either be set explicitly before executing this procedure, or they can be set transparently to the user be selecting the appropriate menu items once the procedure is running. If no data are passed, the user is prompted to enter the IDL command string used to read in new data. This command string *must explicitly define X and Y in angstroms*. For example, if your data is in the form of a plain text (ASCII) file, consisting of two columns of data, X and Y, then you can use the EROM routine, as in EROM,X,Y,FILE='MyProfile.dat' If your data is not in this form then you will probably need to write your own IDL procedure to read in the data, with X and Y as explicit parameters, i.e., MY_PROCEDURE,X,Y or Result=MY_FUNCTION(X,Y) Once the profile data are defined, this routine uses the ANLZ_PROF routine to compute the height distribution, the slope distribution, the autocovariance, and the power-spectral-density, with optional fitting, and displays the results in a composite plot that can be printed using PLOT_PRINT. Various popup-widgets are used to adjust the computations, fits and plots to the users preference. No common blocks are used that prevent multiple instances of this routine from being used. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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NAME: XANLZ_SURF PURPOSE: A widget application for 2D surface analysis. CATEGORY: Topographic analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: XANLZ_SURF[,X,Y,Z] OPTIONAL INPUTS: X - 1D array of (equally-spaced) lengths along X direction, in angstroms. Y - 1D array of (equally-spaced) lengths along Y direction, in angstroms. Z - 2D array of heights, in angstroms. COMMON BLOCKS: COMMON TOPO COMMON PLOT_PRINT COMMON XANLZ_SURF RESTRICTIONS: The X and Y values must be equally spaced. X, Y and Z must be in angstroms. PROCEDURE: Although X, Y and Z must be in angstroms, the units for displayed variables are determined by the values of the relevant tags of the common block variable TOPO. That is, set TOPO.XUNITS_PTR to 0 for X and Y angstroms, 1 for nm, 2 for microns, and 3 for mm. Similarly, set TOPO.YUNITS_PTR to 0 for Z in angstroms, 1 for nm, 2 for microns, and 3 for mm. The precision of the fit parameters that are labelled on the plots is determined by the values of the variables TOPO.XPRECISION for length-related parameters (e.g., correlation length), TOPO.YPRECISION for height-related parameters (e.g., rms roughness), and TOPO.SPRECISION for slope-related parameters (e.g., rms slope.) For example, if TOPO.XPRECISION=3, then three places to the right of the decimal will be displayed. The TOPO.*UNITS_PTR and TOPO.*PRECISION variables can either be set explicitly before executing this procedure, or they can be set transparently to the user be selecting the appropriate menu items once the procedure is running. If no data are passed, the user is prompted to enter the IDL command string used to read in new data. This command string *must explicitly define X and Y*. For example, if you're reading in WYKO TOPO-3D data, you can use the RD_WYKO procedure, as in RD_WYKO,X,Y,Z,FILE='MyProfile.dat' You might also try the RD_DIGITAL_AFM procedure for reading in data obtained with the Digital Instruments Nanoscope III atomic force microscope. If you cannot use RD_WYKO or RD_DIGITAL_AFM, then you will need to write your own IDL procedure to read in the data, with X, Y and Z as explicit parameters, i.e., MY_PROCEDURE,X,Y,Z or Result=MY_FUNCTION(X,Y,Z) (The TOPO distribution includes some sample WYKO data, in a file called 'wyko_example.dat'.) Once the surface data are defined, the user can select interactively 1D profiles along X or Y. These profiles are plotted, as are the corresponding PSD functions. The user can also select X or Y profiles for more detailed analysis using the XANLZ_PROF routine, which can be called directly from XANLZ_SURF. MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Laboratories, May 1997
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