.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 .. _scripts: Scripts Reference ================= Command-line scripts are available, both `Ptychography`_ and `CDI`_ scripts. .. _ptycho_scripts: Ptychography ------------ These are instructions to run the command-line scripts such as `pynx-ptycho-cxi`, `pynx-ptycho-id01`, `pynx-ptycho-id13`, `pynx-ptycho-id16a`, etc... This help text can be simply obtained by typing the script without any parameter. Generic instructions ++++++++++++++++++++ Here are generic instructions applying to all the scripts: .. literalinclude:: ../../pynx/ptycho/runner/runner.py :start-after: helptext_generic :end-before: """ :language: rst Specific instructions +++++++++++++++++++++ Instructions for beamline-dedicated scripts can be fully obtained by executing the script without any parameter. `pynx-ptycho-cxi`: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../pynx/ptycho/runner/cxi.py :start-after: helptext_beamline :end-before: """ :language: text `pynx-ptycho-id01`: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../pynx/ptycho/runner/id01.py :start-after: helptext_beamline :end-before: """ :language: text `pynx-ptycho-id13`: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../pynx/ptycho/runner/id13.py :start-after: helptext_beamline :end-before: """ :language: text `pynx-ptycho-id16a`: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../pynx/ptycho/runner/id16a.py :start-after: helptext_beamline :end-before: """ :language: text .. _cdi_scripts: CDI --- These are instructions to run the command-line scripts: `pynx-cdi-id01` and `pynx-cdi-id10`. They can also be used for generic data not from these beamlines. This help text can be simply obtained by typing the script without any parameter. Generic instructions ++++++++++++++++++++ Here are generic instructions applying to all the scripts: .. literalinclude:: ../../pynx/cdi/runner/runner.py :start-after: helptext_generic :end-before: """ :language: rst Specific instructions +++++++++++++++++++++ Instructions for beamline-dedicated scripts can be fully obtained by executing the script without any parameter. `pynx-cdi-id01`: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../pynx/cdi/runner/id01.py :start-after: helptext_beamline :end-before: """ :language: text `pynx-cdi-id10`: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. literalinclude:: ../../pynx/cdi/runner/id10.py :start-after: helptext_beamline :end-before: """ :language: text CDI-regrid ---------- These are instructions to run the: `pynx-cdi-regrid` command-line script to prepare a 3D cdi CXI file from multiple projections. .. argparse:: :module: pynx.cdi.runner.regrid :func: make_parser :prog: pynx-cdi-regrid.py