Example reconstruction using Paganin back-propagation#

%matplotlib widget
import numpy as np
    from scipy.datasets import face
except ImportError:
    from scipy.misc import face
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pynx.wavefront import *
# We import the CPU version of the operators because only this version
# of BackPropagatePaganin implements the generalised method
from pynx.wavefront.cpu_operator import *

Reconstruction of a rectangular object#

# Create a wavefront as a simple transmission through a rectangular object
w = Wavefront(d=np.zeros((1, 512, 512), dtype=np.complex64), pixel_size=1e-6, wavelength=1.5e-10)
a, b = 100e-6 / 2, 200e-6 / 2
x, y = w.get_x_y()
d = ((abs(y) < a) * (abs(x) < b))
delta = 1e-6
beta = 1e-9
thickness = 1.3e-6
mu = 4 * np.pi * beta / w.wavelength
k = 2 * np.pi / w.wavelength
print("       mu * t = %f\nk * delta * t = %f" % (mu * thickness, k * delta * thickness))
w.set(np.exp(1j * k * (-delta + 1j * beta) * thickness * d).reshape((1,512,512)))
       mu * t = 0.000109
k * delta * t = 0.054454

Initial amplitude#

w = ImshowAbs(fig_num=1) * w

Amplitude after propagation#

w = ImshowAbs(fig_num=2) * PropagateNearField(0.5) * w

Reconstruct wavefront using Paganin’s equation#

This only uses the propagated intensity, the phase is discarded

w = ImshowAngle(fig_num=3, title='Back-propagated phase') * BackPropagatePaganin(dz=0.5, generalized_method=True, rebin_factor=1) * w
w = ImshowAbs(fig_num=4, title='Back-propagated Amplitude') * w

Manually display the calculated thickness (in microns) from the reconstructed phase#

plt.figure(5, figsize=(9.5,4))
plt.imshow(np.fft.fftshift(-np.angle(w.get()[0])/(k*delta))*1e6, extent=(x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()), origin='lower')
plt.title("Back-propagated thickness (µm, from phase)", fontsize=9)
plt.xlabel(u'X (µm)')
plt.ylabel(u'Y (µm)')

plt.imshow(np.fft.fftshift(w.paganin_thickness[0])*1e6, extent=(x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()), origin='lower')
plt.title("Back-propagated thickness (µm, from amplitude)", fontsize=9)
plt.xlabel(u'X (µm)')
plt.ylabel(u'Y (µm)')


Test with a more complicated image#

d0 = face()[:,:768,0]
wavelength= 1.5e-10
delta = 1e-6
beta = 1e-9
thickness = 1e-7  # base thickness, to be multiplied by image value 0..255.
pixel_size = 1e-6
mu = 4 * np.pi * beta / wavelength
k = 2 * np.pi / wavelength
print("       mu * t = %f\nk * delta * t = %f" % (mu * thickness, k * delta * thickness))
d0 = np.exp(k * (-1j * delta - beta) * thickness * d0)

w = Wavefront(d=np.fft.fftshift(d0), pixel_size=pixel_size, wavelength=wavelength)
w = ImshowAbs() * w
       mu * t = 0.000008
k * delta * t = 0.004189

Propagated image#

dz = 1
w = ImshowAbs() * PropagateNearField(dz=dz) * w

Reconstructed image with Paganin operator#

w = ImshowAbs() * BackPropagatePaganin(dz=dz, delta=delta, beta=beta) * w
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