Linespread-, Pointspread- and Modulation Transfer Function Calculations with Mathematica In imaging the linespread function (LSF), the pointspread function (PSF) and the modulation transfer function (MTF) are used to characterize the spatial resolution of an imager. Similar to electronics, the PSF is the response to a point illumination or a 2-dimensional delta-function; the LSF is the response to a 1-dimensional delta-function and the MTF is the spatial frequency response to sinusoidal functions. These three functions are related to each other by integral transforms: LSF ---> MTF by Fourier Transform PSF ---> MTF by Hankel Transform PSF ---> LSF by Abel Transform. Since often only one of these functions is measured or can be measured easily, the others can be calculated by means of these transforms. Programs Three programs, written in Mathematica, have been designed to carry out the above conversions. They read and store ASCII files of x,y values 1.) 'lsf_to_mtf_to_psf', input: LSF, output: MTF, PSF 2.) 'psf_to_mtf_to_lsf', input: PSF, output: MTF, LSF 3.) 'mtf_to_psf_to_lsf', input: MTF, output: LSF, PSF Environment Access is needed to a computer that holds a Mathematica licence. Literature Danty and Shaw, Image Science, Academic Press