UNIX Extensions for XOP 2.0 (Installation notes) ================================================ IMPORTANT: The installation of XOP extensions requires a previous installation of the main XOP XAID [XAFS toolbox] ------------------- 1) Download the file xaid1.2.tar.Z to your main XOP directory 2) Execute: zcat xaid1.2.tar.Z | tar xvf - 3) Start xaid by entering at the unix prompt: xop xaid Note: The XAID installation package does not contain the DABAX files containing the EXAFS and XANES experimental database. If you want to install them, just copy into your $XOP_HOME/data/dabax directory the (big) files: ../../DabaxFiles/XAFS_DATA_EXAFS_CHI.dat ../../DabaxFiles/XAFS_DATA_EXAFS_CHI.HIdl ../../DabaxFiles/XAFS_DATA_XANES.dat ../../DabaxFiles/XAFS_DATA_XANES.HIdl TOPO [analysis on profiles and surfaces by Windt] ------------------------------------------------- 1) Download the file topo2.04.tar.Z to your main XOP directory 2) Execute: zcat topo2.04.tar.Z | tar xvf - 3) Start topo by entering at the unix prompt: xop topo4xop See also: http://cletus.phys.columbia.edu/~windt/idl/ IMD [Multilayers by Windt] -------------------------- 1) Download the file imd4.1.tar.Z to your main XOP directory 2) Execute: zcat imd4.1.tar.Z | tar xvf - 3) Start imd by entering at the unix prompt: xop imd4xop See also: http://cletus.phys.columbia.edu/~windt/idl/ SHADOWVUI [Visual user interface to the x-ray tracing program SHADOW) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Download the file shadowvui1.0Beta3.tar.Z to your main XOP directory 2) Execute: zcat shadowvui1.0Beta3.tar.Z | tar xvf - 3) Install SHADOW for your computer platform. Files for SHADOW can be downloaded from: http://www.nanotech.wisc.edu/shadow (alternatively see http://www.esrf.fr/computing/scientific/raytracing/) (to make its downloading easier, the files for installing SHADOW 2.3.2 under few Unix platforms are in the ./SHADOW directory). 4) Edit the files .shadowrc and .shadowrc.sh in the directory where you installed SHADOW. 4.1) Set the SHADOW_ROOT to your particular installation directory 4.2) VERY IMPORTANT: Set a new environment variable (add new line(s)): <> in file .shadowrc: setenv SHADOW_ENV_FILE "/tmp/shadow-env-${USER}" <> in file .shadowrc.sh: SHADOW_ENV_FILE="/tmp/shadow-env-${USER}" export SHADOW_ENV_FILE 5) Edit the file $XOP_HOME/extensions/shadowvui/data/shadowvui_preferences.pro and customize the variables in the UNIX block (see instructions therein). 6) Start shadowvui by entering xop shadowvui NOTE: The SHADOW version 2.3.2 contains a bug in the wiggler source and crashes the program. Older versions may work. PROW [A data integration program based on profile fitting for the evaluation of weak and/or overlapped 2-dimensional macromolecular diffraction patterns written by Dominique Bourgeois. -------------------------------------------------------------------- See the instructions in ftp://ftp.esrf.fr/pub/scisoft/xop/Extensions/PROW