Source code for TDS_Reading

# Copyright (C) 2011-2014 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
#              Ab2tds  
#  European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble,France
# Ab2tds is  developed at
# the ESRF by the Scientific Software  staff.
# Principal author for Ab2tds: Alessandro Mirone, Bjorn Wehinger
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) 
# any later version.
# Ab2tds is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Ab2tds; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
# Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# Ab2tds follows the dual licensing model of Trolltech's Qt and Riverbank's PyQt
# and cannot be used as a free plugin for a non-free program. 
# Please contact the ESRF industrial unit ( if this license 
# is a problem for you.
import math
import string
import sys
import time
import numpy
import hashlib
import os

from yaml import load, dump
    from yaml import CLoader as Loader, CDumper as Dumper
except ImportError:
    from yaml import Loader, Dumper            


if USE_HDF5:
    import h5py
    import cPickle

def ciclicity(a,b,c):
  if( a==b or  a==c or c==b):
    return 0
  elif(  (b-a)*(c-b)*(a-c) <0  ):
    return 1
    return -1  

def CellVolume( cellVects ):
        AntiSymm= numpy.array([ [ [ ciclicity(i,j,k) for k in range(0,3) ] for j in range (0,3) ] for i in range(0,3) ]), cellVects[2]),cellVects[1] )[0],cellVolume)
        return cellVolume

def BrillVects(cellVects):
        AntiSymm= numpy.array([ [ [ ciclicity(i,j,k) for k in range(0,3) ] for j in range (0,3) ] for i in range(0,3) ])
        cellVolume= CellVolume(cellVects)
        Brillvectors=numpy.zeros([3,3], numpy.float32)
        Brillvectors[0]=2 * numpy.pi *, cellVects[2]),cellVects[1] )/ cellVolume
        Brillvectors[1]=2 * numpy.pi *, cellVects[0]),cellVects[2] )/ cellVolume
        Brillvectors[2]=2 * numpy.pi *, cellVects[1]),cellVects[0] )/ cellVolume
        return Brillvectors

class CalcDatas:
    def get_CalcDatas_Object_From_File(filename, file_extra=None,

        tipo = "Castep"
            class params:
                s=open(sys.argv[2], "r").read()
            tipo = params.CODE

        returndata= ReadCastep(filename, file_extra,
                               energy_scaling=energy_scaling, tipo=tipo)

        return returndata

    def Reduce(self, Qs):
        #,self.cellVects )/(2 * numpy.pi)
        bv = self.GetBrillVects()
        res =  Qs,  numpy.linalg.inv (bv  ) ) 
        return res

    def GetCellVolume(self):
        cellVolume = CellVolume( self.cellVects )
        return cellVolume
    def GetBrillVects(self, CTransf=None):
        if CTransf is None:
            Brillvectors= BrillVects(self.cellVects)
            cellVects =, self.cellVects)
            Brillvectors= BrillVects(cellVects)
        return Brillvectors

    def GetClippedQs(self, QsReduced=None):

        Brillvectors = self.GetBrillVects()

        if QsReduced is None:
            QsReduced =numpy.array(QsReduced, copy=True )

        QsReduced[:] = ( (QsReduced +0.5 ) % 1) -0.5  #    0.9   1.4  0.4  -0.1

##         positivita = numpy.less( QsReduced , 0.0)
##         if numpy.sum(numpy.sum(positivita) ):
##             raise Exception, " procedura of reduction of Qs inside the Brillouin zone by now works only with positive coefficients "

        Qs_Brill = ( QsReduced , Brillvectors   ) )  

        mods_ref= numpy.sum( Qs_Brill* Qs_Brill, axis=-1   )

        factors_list= [  [i,j,k] for i in range(-1,2) for j in range(-1,2) for k in range(-1,2)]
        a     =   numpy.zeros( Qs_Brill.shape,  Qs_Brill.dtype)
        Qs_new=   numpy.zeros( Qs_Brill.shape,  Qs_Brill.dtype)
        for (i,j,k) in factors_list:
            Qs_new[:] = Qs_Brill - (i* Brillvectors[0] + j*Brillvectors[1] + k*Brillvectors[2] )
            mods = numpy.sum( Qs_new *  Qs_new, axis=-1   )
            mask = numpy.less(mods, mods_ref)
            notmask= numpy.less(mask ,  1)
            a[mask]   =  Qs_new[mask]
            a[notmask ]  =  a[ notmask]
            mods_ref[mask]   =  mods[mask]

        return a

    def GetNonClippedQs(self, QsReduced=None):

        Brillvectors = self.GetBrillVects()

        if QsReduced is None:

        Qs_Brill = ( QsReduced , Brillvectors   ) )  

        return Qs_Brill
    def __init__(self, NofIons=None, NofBranches=None, NofWaves=None,
                 cellVects=None, atomReducedPositions=None, atomNames=None, atomMasses=None,
                 frequencies=None, eigenvectors=None, weights=None, atomAbsolutePositions=None,
                 QsReduced=None, namemd5=None):

        if NofIons is None:

        self.NofIons= NofIons
        self.NofBranches= NofBranches
        self.NofWaves= NofWaves
        self.cellVects= cellVects
        self.atomReducedPositions= atomReducedPositions
        self.atomNames= atomNames
        self.atomMasses= atomMasses
        self.frequencies= frequencies
        self.eigenvectors= eigenvectors
        self.weights= weights


        if atomAbsolutePositions is None:
            #  The positions are given in  the cell vectos basis.
            #  Now we transform the position in xyz absolute space.
            for k in range(0, len(atomReducedPositions )):
                self.atomAbsolutePositions.append([k],  cellVects   ))
            self.atomAbsolutePositions =numpy.array(self.atomAbsolutePositions)
        assert( NofIons == len(   self.atomAbsolutePositions    ) )
        assert(    NofBranches ==  eigenvectors.shape[1]      )
        assert(    NofBranches ==  eigenvectors.shape[2]      )
        assert(    NofWaves ==  eigenvectors.shape[0]      )
        assert(    NofWaves ==  frequencies.shape[0]      )
        assert(    NofBranches ==  frequencies.shape[1]      )
        assert( NofIons == len(  atomMasses    ) )

    def Get_md5postfix(self):
        if "md5_code=" in postpend and len(postpend[9:])==8*4:
            return postpend
            raise Exception, " not able to retrieve the md5 postfix"

    def Get_filename(self):
        if "md5_code=" in postpend and len(postpend[9:])==8*4:
            return self.namemd5[:-(8*4+1+9)]
            return self.namemd5

    def dump_on_file(self, nomefile):
        h['/NofIons'] = self.NofIons
        h['/NofBranches'] = self.NofBranches
        h['/NofWaves'] = self.NofWaves
        h['/cellVects'] = self.cellVects
        h['/atomReducedPositions'] = self.atomReducedPositions
        h['/atomAbsolutePositions'] =    self.atomAbsolutePositions
        h['/atomNames'] = self.atomNames
        h['/atomMasses'] = self.atomMasses
        h['/frequencies'] = self.frequencies
        h['/eigenvectors'] = self.eigenvectors
        h['/weights'] = self.weights
        h['/Qs'] = self.QsReduced
    def read_from_file(self, nomefile):
        self. NofIons= ( h['/NofIons']).value
        self.NofBranches=(h['/NofBranches'] ).value
        self.NofWaves=(h['/NofWaves']  ).value
        self.cellVects=h['/cellVects'] [:]
        self.atomReducedPositions=h['/atomReducedPositions']  [:]
        self.atomAbsolutePositions=h['/atomAbsolutePositions']  [:]
        self.atomNames=h['/atomNames']  [:]
        self.atomMasses=h['/atomMasses']  [:]
        self.frequencies=h['/frequencies']  [:]
        self.eigenvectors=h['/eigenvectors']  [:]
        self.weights=h['/weights']  [:]
        self.QsReduced  = h['/Qs'][:]
    def dump_extra_on_file(self, nomefile):
        res={"BornCharges": self.BornCharges,  "Polariz":self.Polariz   }
        for keyd in res.keys():
            nuova_key= keyd
            if(nuova_key in h5):
                del h5[nuova_key]
            h5[nuova_key]= res[keyd]
    def read_extra_from_file(self, nomefile):

            self.BornCharges = ( h['/BornCharges']).value
            self.Polariz     = ( h['/Polariz'] ).value
            return 1
            print " DID NOT FIND BornCharges Polariz in pre-existing HDF5 file "
            return 0

    def GetGvectsDump(self) :
        if self.gvectsdump is not None:
            return self.gvectsdump

        Brillvectors = self.GetBrillVects()
        for i in range(-2,3):
            for j in range(-2,3):
                # i=j=0
                for k in range(-2,3):
                    dum  = i*Brillvectors[0]+j*Brillvectors[1]+k*Brillvectors[2]
        gs = [ numpy.sum( b*b) for b in Brillvectors ]
        G = min(gs)
        dum= 30.0/G
        # self.gvectsdump =  numpy.array(gvects), dum
        self.gvectsdump =  numpy.array([[0,0,0.0]]), dum
        return self.gvectsdump


    def GetNonAnalytic(  self,  q   ):

        if(  not hasattr(self,"BornCharges")  ):
            if len(q.shape)==1:
                return numpy.zeros([  3*len(self.atomNames), 3*len(self.atomNames)],"f")

                return numpy.zeros([nqs, 3*len(self.atomNames), 3*len(self.atomNames)],"f")
        Gvects, dumpfact = self.GetGvectsDump()  ##

#         pfs = numpy.tensordot( Gvects ,self.atomAbsolutePositions,[[-1],[-1]])
#         pfs = numpy.exp( -1.0j*pfs)

        if(len(q.shape)==1) :
            q= Gvects + q
            q= Gvects[:,None,:] + q
            q= Gvects[:,None,None,:] + q
            q= Gvects[:,None,None,None,:] + q
            raise Exception, "problem : shape unknown "             

        facts = numpy.sum(q*q,axis=-1)*dumpfact ##
        facts=numpy.exp(-facts) ## 

        pfs = numpy.tensordot( q ,self.atomAbsolutePositions,[[-1],[-1]])
        pfs = numpy.exp( -1.0j*pfs)

        P = self.Polariz / abs(self.GetCellVolume())  # adimensional
        dielectric =  4*math.pi * P



        if lenshape==1:
            qq = q[None,:]*q[:,None]
        elif lenshape==2:
            qq = q[:, None,:]*q[:, :,None]
        elif lenshape==3:
            qq = q[:,:,None,:]*q[:,:, :,None]
        elif lenshape==4:
            qq = q[:,:,:,None,:]*q[:,:,:, :,None]
        elif lenshape==5:
            qq = q[:,:,:,:,None,:]*q[:,:,:,:, :,None]
            raise Exception, "problem : shape unknown " 

        ## tmp =  numpy.tensordot(  q    , dielectric  , axes=[[-1],[0]]   )
        deno  =  numpy.tensordot(  qq    , dielectric  , axes=[[-2,-1],[0,1 ]]   )

        Z = numpy.reshape(self.BornCharges, [-1,3,3])
        # print Z
        Z=numpy.transpose( numpy.transpose( Z)/ numpy.sqrt(self.atomMasses ) )

        avdie = ( dielectric[0,0]+dielectric[1,1] +dielectric[2,2])/3.0 
        ZZself = Z[:,:,None,:]* Z[:,None,:,:] 
        bohr = 0.52917721092

#         for i in range(len(ZZself)):
#             print numpy.sum(ZZself[i], axis=-1)
#             print "########### "
#         raise Exception , " OK " 

        ZZself = numpy.sum( ZZself, axis=-1) *(4.0*math.pi/3.0*(1.0/2.0/math.pi/(dumpfact/2.0))**(3.0/2.0) /avdie ) 

        # Z = numpy.reshape( Z  , [-1,3])
        Zq =  numpy.tensordot( q , Z,  axes=[[-1],[-1]]  )
#         if len(Zq.shape)>3:
#             Zq=   numpy.array(numpy.swapaxes(  numpy.transpose( numpy.transpose(numpy.swapaxes ( Zq ,1,-2 ))*  numpy.transpose(pfs) ) ,1,-2 )  )
#         else:
#             Zq=numpy.array(numpy.transpose( numpy.transpose(Zq)*  numpy.transpose(pfs) ))

        # numpy.transpose( numpy.transpose(Zq)*  numpy.transpose(pfs) )

        Zq=numpy.reshape( Zq , tuple( list(Zq.shape[:-2]) +[Zq.shape[-2]* Zq.shape[-1]]))


        if lenshape==1:
            nume = Zq[None,:]*(Zq[:,None].conj())
        elif lenshape==2:
            nume = Zq[:,None,:]*(Zq[:,:,None].conj())
        elif lenshape==3:
            nume = Zq[:,:,None,:]*(Zq[:,:,:,None].conj())
        elif lenshape==4:
            nume = Zq[:,:,:,None,:]*(Zq[:,:,:,:,None].conj())
        elif lenshape==5:
            nume = Zq[:,:,:,:,None,:]*(Zq[:,:,:,:,:,None].conj())
            raise Exception, "problem : shape unknown " 

        res = 4*math.pi /  abs(self.GetCellVolume())  * numpy.transpose (( numpy.transpose(facts)* numpy.transpose(nume))/numpy.transpose(deno)) ##

        res=numpy.sum(res,axis=0) ##
#         for i in range(len(self.atomNames)):
#             if lenshape==2:
#                 res[i*3:(i+1)*3, i*3:(i+1)*3]   = res[i*3:(i+1)*3, i*3:(i+1)*3] - ZZself[i]
#             elif lenshape==3:
#                 res[:,i*3:(i+1)*3, i*3:(i+1)*3]   = res[:,i*3:(i+1)*3, i*3:(i+1)*3] - ZZself[i]
#             elif lenshape==4:
#                 res[:,:,i*3:(i+1)*3, i*3:(i+1)*3]   = res[:,:,i*3:(i+1)*3, i*3:(i+1)*3] - ZZself[i]
#             elif lenshape==5:
#                 res[:,:,:,i*3:(i+1)*3, i*3:(i+1)*3]   = res[:,:,:,i*3:(i+1)*3, i*3:(i+1)*3] - ZZself[i]
#             else:
#                 raise Exception, "problem : shape unknown " 

        res = res /4 / math.pi/ math.pi
        bohr = 0.52917721092
        res = res *( bohr  )  # pour la distance qui s'en va avec e2
        hartree = 4.3597482e-11
        nuclearunitmass = 1.6605402e-24
        c_light = 2.997925e+10

        res=res*hartree/nuclearunitmass/c_light/c_light *1.0e16 # le dernier pour L2 au denominateur
        return res


[docs]def ReadCastep(filename, filename_extra=None, energy_scaling=1, tipo="Castep"): # check if filename is already pospended by a md5code lfilename=string.split(filename,".") postpend=lfilename[-1] res=None resExtra=None ## try to read preparsed data for phonon from a hdf5 file (res) if "md5_code=" in postpend and len(postpend[9:])==8*4: namemd5=filename else: stime=time.time() print "-----reading the file ", filename s=open(filename,"r").read() etime = time.time() print " Reading Took ",etime - stime, "seconds" m=hashlib.md5() m.update(s) postfix=m.hexdigest() namemd5=filename+".md5_code="+postfix if os.path.exists(namemd5): print " ()()()() Pre-serialised object for this file exists already in file ", namemd5 s=None print " ()() !! Now reloading the structure " stime=time.time() if(USE_HDF5): print " ()() !! using HDF5" res=CalcDatas() res.read_from_file(namemd5) else: print " ()() !! using cPickle" f=open(namemd5,"r") res=cPickle.load(f) etime = time.time() print " Reloading Took ",etime - stime, "seconds" # end of try from hdf5 for phonons if res is None : # start parsing phonon file if tipo=="Castep": stime=time.time() print "----- splitting the file into lines ", filename sl=string.split(s,"\n") s=None etime = time.time() print " splitting Took ",etime - stime, "seconds" linecount=0 while( "Number of ions" not in sl[linecount]): linecount+=1 NofIons= string.atoi(string.split(sl[linecount])[-1]) while( "Number of branches" not in sl[linecount]): linecount+=1 NofBranches= string.atoi(string.split(sl[linecount])[-1]) while( "Number of wavevectors" not in sl[linecount]): linecount+=1 NofWaves= string.atoi(string.split(sl[linecount])[-1]) print "\tNofIons\t\tNofBranches\tNofWaves" print "\t", NofIons, "\t\t",NofBranches, "\t\t",NofWaves while( "Unit cell vectors (A)" not in sl[linecount]): linecount+=1 cellVects=[] for icellvect in range(3): linecount+=1 cellVects.append(map(string.atof, string.split(sl[linecount]))) cellVects=numpy.array(cellVects) print "\tCell vectors " for v in cellVects: print "\t%e20.7 %e20.7 %e20.7"%tuple(v.tolist() ) while( "Fractional Co-ordinates" not in sl[linecount]): linecount+=1 atomReducedPositions=[] atomNames =[] atomMasses =[] for i in range(NofIons): linecount+=1 items=string.split(sl[linecount]) atomReducedPositions.append(map(string.atof, items[1:4])) atomNames.append(items[4]) atomMasses.append(string.atof(items[5])) atomMasses=numpy.array(atomMasses) qs= numpy.zeros([NofWaves,3],"f") weights = numpy.zeros([NofWaves],"f") frequencies = numpy.zeros([NofWaves,NofBranches],"f") eigenvectors = numpy.zeros([NofWaves,NofBranches, NofBranches],"F") linecount+=1 stime = time.time() print "Read waves\t ", 0, "/", NofWaves, oldQn=-1 while(oldQn<NofWaves-1): # CASTEP counting starts from 1 #for iwave in range(NofWaves): iwave=oldQn if (iwave and iwave%100 ==0): etime = time.time() print "\rRead waves\t ", iwave, "/", NofWaves, "in ", etime-stime, "seconds. Total is approx.",NofWaves*(etime-stime)/iwave, sys.stdout.flush() linecount+=1 items=string.split(sl[linecount], "=") items=string.split(items[1]) newQn=string.atoi(items[0])-1 # CASTEP counting starts from 1 if(newQn==oldQn): print " PRESENCE QPOINTS WITH MULTEPLICITY>1 . LINE = ", sl[linecount] oldQn=newQn qs[newQn]=map(string.atof, items[1:4]) if numpy.sum( qs[newQn]*qs[newQn] )==0.0 : if(len(items)>8): direction = numpy.array(map(string.atof, items[5:8])) bvs = BrillVects(cellVects) directionQ = , bvs ) direction = SMALLQ * direction / numpy.sqrt( numpy.sum( directionQ*directionQ ) ) print " FOUND A Gamma POINT, replacing it with direction ", direction qs[newQn]= direction/10 else: qs[newQn]= [0.0,0.0,1.0e-6] weights[newQn]=string.atof(items[4]) for imode in range(NofBranches): linecount+=1 items=string.split(sl[linecount]) frequencies[newQn,imode] = string.atof(items[1])*energy_scaling linecount+=2 for imode in range(NofBranches): for idegree in range(0,NofBranches,3): linecount+=1 items=map(string.atof,string.split(sl[linecount])[2:8]) eigenvectors[newQn,imode, idegree:idegree+3].real=items[0:8:2] eigenvectors[newQn,imode, idegree:idegree+3].imag=items[1:8:2] elif tipo in ["Vasp","phonopy"]: stime=time.time() print "----- reding yaml file ", filename file = open(filename,"r") yamlData = load(file, Loader=Loader) print " reading Took ",etime - stime, "seconds" NofIons= yamlData["natom"] NofBranches = 3 * NofIons NofWaves= len(yamlData["phonon"]) print "\tNofIons\t\tNofBranches\tNofWaves" print "\t", NofIons, "\t\t",NofBranches, "\t\t",NofWaves bvs = yamlData["reciprocal_lattice"] cellVects =BrillVects(bvs)/2.0/math.pi print "\tCell vectors " for v in cellVects: print "\t%e20.7 %e20.7 %e20.7"%tuple(v.tolist() ) atomReducedPositions = yamlData["atomReducedPositions"] atomNames = yamlData["atomNames"] atomMasses = numpy.array(yamlData["atomMasses"]) qs= numpy.zeros([NofWaves,3],"f") weights = numpy.zeros([NofWaves],"f") frequencies = numpy.zeros([NofWaves,NofBranches],"f") eigenvectors = numpy.zeros([NofWaves,NofBranches, NofBranches],"F") Phonons = yamlData["phonon"] for iwav in range(NofWaves): phonon = Phonons[iwav] qs[iwav] =phonon["q-position"] if numpy.sum( qs[iwav]*qs[iwav] )==0.0 : qs[iwav]= [0.0,0.0,1.0e-6] weights[iwav]= phonon["weight"] for imode in range(NofBranches): frequencies[iwav,imode] = phonon["band"][imode]["frequency"]*energy_scaling*33.35641 for imode in range(NofBranches): vvv = numpy.array( phonon["band"][imode]["eigenvector"]) for idegree in range(0,NofBranches,3): eigenvectors[iwav,imode, idegree:idegree+3].real = vvv[idegree/3][:,0] eigenvectors[iwav,imode, idegree:idegree+3].imag = +vvv[idegree/3][:,1] else: raise Exception, " Unknown phonon file type: not Castep neither Vasp, phonopy" # eigenvectors=numpy.array(numpy.swapaxes(eigenvectors, 1,2)) res=CalcDatas( NofIons= NofIons, NofBranches= NofBranches, NofWaves= NofWaves, cellVects= cellVects, atomReducedPositions= atomReducedPositions, atomNames= atomNames, atomMasses= atomMasses, frequencies= frequencies, eigenvectors= eigenvectors, weights= weights, QsReduced=qs, namemd5 = namemd5) qs = res.GetNonClippedQs() print " GetNonClippedQs " print qs assert( len(qs) == len (eigenvectors) ) for i in range(len(qs)): if tipo in ["Vasp","phonopy"] : q=qs[i] facts = numpy.tensordot( q , res.atomAbsolutePositions , axes= [(0),(1)]) facts=(numpy.exp(+1.0j*facts)).astype( numpy.complex64 ) facts = facts[:,None]*(numpy.array([1,1,1]).astype( numpy.complex64 )) facts.shape = ( facts.shape[0]*3 , ) eigenvectors[i] = eigenvectors[i] *facts # print qs[i] # print eigenvectors[i] print "----- Saving the readen structure to file ", namemd5 stime=time.time() if(USE_HDF5): print " ()() !! using HDF5" res.dump_on_file(namemd5) else: print " ()() !! using cPickle" f=open(namemd5,"w") cPickle.dump(res,f) f=None etime = time.time() print " Saving Took ",etime - stime, "seconds" # end of parsing phonon file ## try to read preparsed data for Born charges and Polarisability from a hdf5 file (resExtra) Extra_has_been_read = False if filename_extra is None : namemd5=namemd5 # the info might eventually be here. Such name has been set before. else: stime=time.time() print "-----reading the file ", filename_extra s=open( filename_extra,"r").read() etime = time.time() print " Reading Took ",etime - stime, "seconds" # Read what has to be preprocessed. Result will then be (over)written to namemd5 if filename_extra is None and os.path.exists(namemd5): print " ()()()() Looking for Born Charges and P in prestored file ", namemd5 s=None print " ()() !! Now reloading the structure " stime=time.time() if(USE_HDF5): print " ()() !! using HDF5" Extra_has_been_read= res.read_extra_from_file(namemd5) else: raise Exception , " only hdf5 is supported " etime = time.time() print " Reloading Took ",etime - stime, "seconds" # end of try from hdf5 for phonons if not Extra_has_been_read and filename_extra is not None: # start parsing extra print "----- reading Extra BornCharges and Polariz from ", filename_extra stime=time.time() if tipo == "Castep": print "----- reading Extra BornCharges and Polariz from ", filename_extra sl=string.split(s,"\n") s=None etime = time.time() print " splitting Took ",etime - stime, "seconds" linecount=0 while( "Polarisabilities" not in sl[linecount]): linecount+=1 linecount+=2 # to jump over line :Optical (f->infinity) Static (f=0) # and following Polariz=[] for ipol in range(3): linecount+=1 Polariz.append(map(string.atof, string.split(sl[linecount])[:3] )) Polariz=numpy.array(Polariz) # Polarizability is a symmetric tensor. No worry about transposition # The Born effective charges are laid out with the columns representing # the X,Y,Z electric field directions and the rows the X,Y,Z displacement directions. while( "Born Effective Charges" not in sl[linecount]): linecount+=1 linecount+=1 Borns=[] for idisp in range(3* res.NofIons): linecount+=1 if idisp%3 ==0: Borns.append(map(string.atof, string.split(sl[linecount])[2:] )) else: Borns.append(map(string.atof, string.split(sl[linecount]) )) elif tipo in ["Vasp","phonopy"] : yamlData = load(s, Loader=Loader) print " reading Took ",etime - stime, "seconds" dielectric =numpy.array(yamlData["Dielectric constant"]) dielectric[0,0] -=1.0 dielectric[1,1] -=1.0 dielectric[2,2] -=1.0 Polariz = dielectric * abs(res.GetCellVolume()) / 4.0 / math.pi Borns = yamlData["Born effective charges"] res.BornCharges= numpy.array(Borns ) res.Polariz = numpy.array(Polariz) print "----- Saving the readen Extra to file ", namemd5 res.dump_extra_on_file(namemd5) return res