INSTALLATION ============ We are proceding in three main steps * installation of a virtual environments * installation of Orange * installation of the shadok add-on for Orange * installation of the XRStools library * video tutorials Setting up the virtual env -------------------------- preliminary cleaning and setting of some environment variable :: unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH unset LDFLAGS unset CPPFLAGS unset PYTHONPATH You need also to have installed the packages: python3, python3-dev,python3-pyqt4 If you are behind a firewall you will need this to load external packages :: export http_proxy=http://XXX.YYY.ZZZ:1234 export https_proxy=https://XXX.YYY.ZZZ:1234 (At ESRF ask to the TID for the exact location of the proxy) Moreover, in order to be able to install packages from server which are from the same side of the firewall :: export no_proxy="localhost," CREAZIONE DEL VIRTUAL ENV ......................... Orange3 needs python3, so we are going to create a virtualenv using python3. This will also contain all the packages that we are going to install. This packages will be used only when our virtualEnv will be activated. Create a new virtualEnv :: virtualenv --python=python3 ~/software/virtualenvOrangeShadok Activate the virtualEnv :: source ~/software/virtualenvOrangeShadok/bin/activate now the virtual env is activated, your PATH now allows to use a special python3 which will load prioritarily the packages of the virtual env. There remains a trick for some Qt library which otherwise would be cumbersome to install :: ln -s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sip* ~/software/virtualenvOrangeShadok/lib/python3.4/site-packages/ ln -s /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/PyQt4 ~/software/virtualenvOrangeShadok/lib/python3.4/site-packages/ We are going to install some packages from sources, therefore now we need to upgrade the installation tools :: pip install setuptools --upgrade upgrade also pip with the lastest version (needs the proxy working correctly if you are behind a fw) :: pip install pip --upgrade On ubuntu install manually numpy because it will be necessary for the following installations :: pip install numpy INSTALLATION OF ORANGE ---------------------- Create a directory for the sources and download them :: makedir ~/software/ download the customised Orange sources :: cd ~/software git clone cd orange3 Now we are going to install the orange package, as this will trigger the automatic download of dependencies. give the installation command :: pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -r requirements-gui.txt and now you can install Orange :: pip install . Now test if the orange-canvas pops-up :: orange-canvas -l 4 The -l 4 switch turns on the verbosity to level 4 ( a lot of messages are displayed) INSTALLATION OF THE SHADOK ADD-ON --------------------------------- Download the sources :: cd ~/software git clone Now we first need to install the dependencies. Install the dependencies :: cd ~/software/orange_shadok pip install -r requirements.txt Now you can install the package :: pip install -e . INSTALLATION OF THE XRStools ---------------------------- Download sources from gitlab :: cd ~/software git clone Install the tools . Mind that XRStools installs with python, not pip:: cd XRStools git checkout alessandro # or another branch, this tutorial is done with this branc pip install -r requirements.txt python install ## mind the python, not pip is used here (more practical for C compiling) RUNNING THE DEMO ---------------- go to ~/software/orange_shadok/test :: orange-canvas -l 4 And then load the workflow demo.ows