
  • If you install from a Debian package you can skip the following points, install it , and then go directly to the code invocation section

  • Using Git, sources can be retrived with the following command

    git clone
  • If you compile on a Debian system, for a local installation you can use

    export TD=${PWD}/dummy/
    python install --prefix ${TD}

    then to run the code you must do beforehand

    export PYTHONPATH=${PWD}/dummy/lib/python2.7/site-packages
    export PATH=${PWD}/dummy/bin/:$PATH

    then go to the section Code Invocation to see how to run the code. You can disable compilation of CUDA modules by choosing the option in

  • If you generate a Debian package and install it, then it will be in the standard directories and you dont have to set PATH and PYTHONPATH

  • If you have a non standard cuda installation ( if you are not on a Debian system ) you have to provide the cuda home

    export CUDAHOME=/usr/local/cuda-4.0.17

    for example

  • Examples :

    There is an archive containing datas for tests by anonymous ftp at

    by the way you’ll find there also the documentation.