Source code for XRS_swissknife

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import scipy
import json
### __doc__="""

generality_doc = 1
Documentation of XRS_swissknife

The script is called in this way ::

  XRS_swissknife yourinput.yaml

The input file is in *yaml* format. In *yaml* format each line introduces an item
and the indentation expresses the hierarchy.
An example is ::

  Fancy_Reduction :
        parameterTom : 3.14
        parameterJerry : False
        choicesBob     : [1,2,3]

In this example we create an item called *Fancy_Reduction* which contains three subitems.

The *XRS_swissknife* expects that for each operation that you want to apply, you provide an item
named as the operation, and the associated subitems that provide that values for the parameters.

*XRS_swissknife* will do what you want provided you respect the proper indentation. A thing which helps
is using emacs and activating the *python mode*, because python uses the same indentation principle
to structure the code. 

Each processing item has the additional, optional, key **active**.
This key can be set to **0** or **1** to desactivate or not (default is **1**, active) the processing.
Here a desactivation example ::

  Fancy_Reduction :
        active : 0
        parameterTom : 3.14
        parameterJerry : False
        choicesBob     : [1,2,3]

The following documentation has been created automatically, for each functionality, based on the documentation string
written in the code for the fonctionality itself.  You can also write mathematical expressions :  :math:`\\int{ x dx} = \\frac { x^2 }{ 2 }`
and even include graphics.

import collections

    from mayavi import mlab
    print( " WAS not able to load mayavi, some feature might be missing ")

import string

import numpy as np
import math

import yaml
from yaml import load, dump

import numbers
import re
import yaml
import yaml.resolver
import PyMca5.PyMcaIO.specfilewrapper as SpecIO
import fabio
from six import u

from silx.gui  import qt as Qt
## from  PyQt4 import Qt, QtCore
from XRStools.roiNmaSelectionGui   import roiNmaSelectionWidget
from XRStools import roiSelectionWidget

import h5py
import sys

Resolver = yaml.resolver.Resolver
                    |\.(?:nan|NaN|NAN))$"""), re.X),

    from mpi4py import MPI
    myrank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
    nprocs = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()
    procnm = MPI.Get_processor_name()
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
    print( "MPI LOADED , nprocs = ", nprocs)
    class FakeComm:
        def Barrier(self):
        def allreduce(self,number, operation):
            assert ( isinstance(number, numbers.Number)    )
            return number
        def Get_size(self):
            return 1

    nprocs = 1
    comm = FakeComm()
    print( "no MPI LOADED , nprocs = ", nprocs)

def stripROI(t):
    if "ROI" in t:
        return t[3:]
        return t

def filterRoiList(l, strip=False, prefix="ROI"):
    if strip:
        result =  [ str(int(stripROI(t))) for t in l if ( t not in [ "motorDict", "response"] and t[:len(prefix)]==prefix )]
        result =  [ t for t in l  if ( t not in [ "motorDict", "response"] and  t[:len(prefix)]==prefix ) ]

    result  =      sorted(  result     , key = lambda x:  int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, str(x) ))) )
    ### result.sort()
    return result

def filterScanList(l, prefix="Scan"):
    result =  [ t for t in l  if ( t not in [ "motorDict", "response"] and t[:len(prefix)]==prefix ) ]

    result = sorted(  result     , key = lambda x:  int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, str(x) ))) )
    # result.sort()
    return result

def checkNoParallel( routineName):
    if nprocs>1:
        msg = " ERROR : %s feature not yet parallel : relaunch it with 1 process only "
        print( msg)
        raise Exception( msg)

# try:
#     from yaml import CLoader as Loader, CDumper as Dumper
# except ImportError:
#     from yaml import Loader, Dumper            

nprocs = comm.Get_size()

if nprocs>1:
    # circumvent issus with mpi4py not stopping mpirun
    def excepthook(type, value, traceback):
        res = sys.__excepthook__(type, value, traceback)
        return res

import os
from XRStools import xrs_rois
from XRStools import roifinder_and_gui
from XRStools import xrs_scans
from XRStools import xrs_read
from XRStools import rixs_read
from XRStools import theory
from XRStools import extraction

from XRStools import xrs_prediction
from XRStools import xrs_imaging

from XRStools import xrs_imaging
from XRStools import superr

##  THIS redefinition of yaml is used to keep the entry ordering
## when accessing yamlData keys
import yaml
from yaml.representer import Representer
from yaml.constructor import Constructor, MappingNode, ConstructorError

from XRStools import fit_spectra
from XRStools import reponse_percussionelle

def check_allowed_keys(  mydata, allowed_keys  ) :
    for k in mydata.keys():
        if not k in allowed_keys:
            raise ValueError( (" key "+str(k) +" not in allowed keys :"+ str(allowed_keys))  )
def dump_anydict_as_map( anydict):
    yaml.add_representer( anydict, _represent_dictorder)
def _represent_dictorder( self, data):
    return self.represent_mapping(',2002:map', data.items() )

class Loader_map_as_anydict( object):
    'inherit + Loader'
    anydict = None      #override
    @classmethod        #and call this
    def load_map_as_anydict( klas):
        yaml.add_constructor( ',2002:map', klas.construct_yaml_map)

    'copied from constructor.BaseConstructor, replacing {} with self.anydict()'
    def construct_mapping(self, node, deep=False):
        if not isinstance(node, MappingNode):
            raise ConstructorError(None, None,
                    "expected a mapping node, but found %s" %,
        mapping = self.anydict()
        for key_node, value_node in node.value:
            key = self.construct_object(key_node, deep=deep)
            except TypeError as exc:
                raise ConstructorError("while constructing a mapping", node.start_mark,
                        "found unacceptable key (%s)" % exc, key_node.start_mark)
            value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)
            mapping[key] = value
        return mapping

    def construct_yaml_map( self, node):
        data = self.anydict()
        yield data
        value = self.construct_mapping(node)

class myOrderedDict (collections.OrderedDict):
    def __setitem__(self,a,b):
        if type(a)==type("") and a in self:
            ## print super(myOrderedDict, self)
            super(myOrderedDict, self).__setitem__(a,b )

def cleaned(key):
    while key[-28:]=="_TAG_this_key_is_given_twice":
    return key

dictOrder = myOrderedDict

class Loader( Loader_map_as_anydict, yaml.Loader):
    anydict = dictOrder
dump_anydict_as_map( dictOrder)

## END of yaml redefinition

def check_libre( h5 , groupname   ) :


    if type(h5)==type(""):
        h5f = h5py.File(h5, "r"  )
        if groupname in h5f:
            msg=(("ERROR: %s key already present in the hdf5 file %s. Erase it before if you dont need it.\n" % (groupname, h5))*10 )
            print( msg)
            raise Exception( msg)
            if groupname in h5:
                msg = (("ERROR: %s key already present in the hdf5 file. Erase it before if you dont need it.\n"%groupname)*10 )
                print( msg)
                raise Exception( msg)


def yamlFileToDic(fn):
    global  inputtext
    filename = fn
    inputfile = open(filename,"r")
    yamlData = load(inputfile, Loader=Loader)
    return yamlData

def main():
    global  inputtext
    filename = sys.argv[1]

    inputfile = open(filename,"r")
    yamlData = load(inputfile, Loader=Loader)
    inputtext = open(filename,"r").read()

    for key in list(yamlData.keys()):
        mydata = yamlData[key]
        if isinstance(mydata,dict) and    "active"  in mydata :
            if mydata["active"]==0:

        if key != "help":
            swissknife_operations[cleaned(key)](  mydata )

            if cleaned(key)  not in parallelised_operations:
                checkNoParallel( cleaned(key)  )
            swissknife_operations[cleaned(key)]( yamlData  )
    # workbench_file = yamlData["workbench_file"]

[docs]def help(yamlData): """ **help** Displays doc on the operations. In the input file :: help : will trigger printing of all the available operation names :: help : create_rois load_scans will print the help on *create_rois* and the help about *load_scans*. By the way, it is the same that you can read here because the *sphinx* doc-generation tool reads the same docstrings contained in the code. """ print( " HELP " *15) if yamlData ["help"] is None: print( """ Printing all the function names To get help on a specific function: help : "functionName" """) for key,func in swissknife_operations.items(): print( " FUNCTION : " , key) else: func = swissknife_operations[ yamlData ["help"]] print( "---------------------------------------") print( func.__doc__)
def split_hdf5_address(dataadress): pos = dataadress.rfind(":") if ( pos==-1): raise Exception( """ roiaddress must be given in the form roiaddress : "myfile.hdf5:/path/to/hdf5/group" but : was not found """) filename, groupname = dataadress[:pos], dataadress[pos+1:] if( len(groupname) and groupname[0:1] !="/" ): groupname = "/"+groupname return filename, groupname # def load_scans(mydata): # """ # **load_scans** # This command harvest the selected signals. # the instructions on the scans to be taken must be in the form( as submembers ofload_scans ) :: # load_scans : # roiaddress : "hdf5filename:nameofroigroup" # the same given in create_rois # expdata : "absolutepathtoaspecfile" # this points to a spec file # elastic_scans : [623] # fine_scans : [626,630,634,638,642] # n_loop : 4 # long_scan : 624 # signaladdress : "nameofsignalgroup" # Target group for writing Relative to ROI (and in the same file)!!!! # ############################################################# # # OPTIONALS # # # order : [0,1,2,3,4,5] # list of integers (0-5) which describes the order of modules in which the # # ROIs were defined (default is VD, VU, VB, HR, HL, HB; i.e. [0,1,2,3,4,5]) # rvd : -41 # mean tth angle of HL module (default is 0.0) # rvu : 85 # mean tth angle of HR module (default is 0.0) # rvb : 121.8 # mean tth angle of HB module (default is 0.0) # rhl : 41.0 # mean tth angle of VD module (default is 0.0) # rhr : 41.0 # mean tth angle of VU module (default is 0.0) # rhb : 121.8 # mean tth angle of VB module (default is 0.0) # # # """ # roiaddress=None # roiaddress = mydata["roiaddress"] # filename, groupname = split_hdf5_address (roiaddress) # file= h5py.File(filename,"r") # rois = {} # shape=xrs_rois.load_rois_fromh5(file[groupname],rois) # file.close() # roiob = xrs_rois.roi_object() # roiob.load_rois_fromMasksDict(rois , newshape = shape, kind="zoom") # reader = xrs_read.read_id20(mydata["expdata"] , monitorcolumn='kapraman') # reader.set_roiObj(roiob) # elastic_scans = mydata["elastic_scans"][:] # fine_scans = mydata["fine_scans"][:] # n_loop = mydata["n_loop"] # long_scan = mydata["long_scan"] # reader.loadelasticdirect(elastic_scans) # reader.loadloopdirect(fine_scans,n_loop) # print( " LUNGO " ) # reader.loadlongdirect(long_scan) # reader.getspectrum() # reader.geteloss() # reader.gettths( # rvd = gvord(mydata,"rvd",0.0) , # rvu = gvord(mydata,"rvu",0.0) , # rvb = gvord(mydata,"rvb",0.0) , # rhl = gvord(mydata,"rhl",0.0) , # rhr = gvord(mydata,"rhr",0.0) , # rhb = gvord(mydata,"rhb",0.0) , # order = gvord(mydata,"order", [0,1,2,3,4,5]) # ) # groupname = groupname+"/"+ mydata["signaladdress"] # check_libre( filename , groupname ) # reader.save_state_hdf5( filename, groupname , comment = inputtext ) # def volume_from_2Dimages(mydata): # """ # imagesaddress : "test_imaging.hdf5:/ROI_A/images" # where the data have been saved # scan_interval : [372,375] # OPTIONAL : can be shorter then the scans effectively present in the file # roi_n : 0 # OPTIONAL. if not given, the first non empty found roi. Starts from 0 # imagesaddress : "myfile.hdf5:/path/to/hdf5/data" # OPTIONAL. the target destination for volume. if not given mayavi is launched on the fly. # """ # reader = xrs_imaging.oneD_imaging( "bidon" , "bidon", "bidon" , "bidon") # imagesaddress = mydata["imagesaddress"] # filename, groupname = split_hdf5_address(imagesaddress) # reader.load_state_hdf5( filename, groupname) # scan_names = list( reader.twoDimages.keys() ) # scan_ids = map(int, [name[4:] for name in scan_names ] ) # order = np.argsort(scan_ids) # if not ('scan_interval') in mydata : # scan_names = [ scan_names[id] for id in order ] # else: # scan_interval = mydata['scan_interval'] # print( order) # print( scan_names) # print( scan_interval) # scan_names = [ scan_names[id] for id in order if scan_ids[id]>=scan_interval[0] and scan_ids[id]<scan_interval[1] ] # first_name = scan_names[0] # roi_n=0 # if not ('roi_n' in mydata ): # while(1): # shape = reader.twoDimages[first_name][roi_n].matrix.shape # if shape != (0,) : # break # roi_n+=1 # else: # roi_n = mydata["roi_n"] # shape = reader.twoDimages[first_name][roi_n].matrix.shape # Volume = np.zeros(( shape[0], shape[1] , len(scan_names) )) # for i,scanname in enumerate(scan_names): # Volume[:,:,i] = reader.twoDimages[scanname][roi_n].matrix # if ('volumeaddress') in mydata : # filename, groupname = split_hdf5_address( mydata['volumeaddress'] ) # h5=h5py.File(filename,'a') # check_libre( h5 , groupname ) # h5[groupname] = Volume # h5.close() # h5=None # else: # view_Volume_myavi_(Volume) # def view_Volume_myavi(mydata): # """ # volume_address : "myfile.hdf5:/path/to/hdf5/group" # the target destination for volume. # """ # filename, groupname = split_hdf5_address( mydata['volume_address'] ) # h5=h5py.File(filename,'r') # Volume = h5[groupname] [:] # h5.close() # h5=None # isolevel = mydata['isolevel'] # opacity = mydata['opacity'] # view_Volume_myavi_(Volume, isolevel, opacity) # def view_Volume_myavi_(V, isolevel, opacity) : # print( " IN view ") # src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(V) # mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(src, contours=[V.min()+isolevel*V.ptp(), ], opacity=opacity) # # src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(V) # mlab.pipeline.volume(src,vmin=1000.0, vmax=2000.0) # def calculate_recenterings(mydata): """ **calculate_recenterings** calculates offsets to go from baricenter A to baricenter B, for all the rois in calculate_recenterings: bariA : "demo_rois.h5:/ROI_AS_SELECTED/images_broad/scans/scan342" bariB : "demo_rois.h5:/ROI_AS_SELECTED/energy_scan/scans/scan237" target: "recenterings.h5:/recenterings4rois" # """ allowed_keys =["bariA","bariB","target", ] check_allowed_keys(mydata, allowed_keys) bariA = mydata["bariA"] bariA_filename, bariA_groupname = split_hdf5_address( bariA ) bariB = mydata["bariB"] bariB_filename, bariB_groupname = split_hdf5_address( bariB ) target = mydata["target"] target_filename, target_groupname = split_hdf5_address( target ) print( bariA_filename, bariA_groupname) print( " OPENIN FILE ", bariA_filename , " FOR RECENTERING ") h5A_f = h5py.File(bariA_filename,"r") h5A = h5A_f [bariA_groupname] if bariB_filename == bariA_filename : h5B_f = h5A_f else: h5B_f=h5py.File(bariB_filename,"r") h5B = h5B_f[bariB_groupname] offs = {} chiavi = filterRoiList(h5A.keys(), prefix="") for c in chiavi: bA = h5A[c]["barix"][()] + h5A[c]["cornerpos"][:][1] bB = h5B[c]["barix"][()] + h5B[c]["cornerpos"][:][1] bAy = h5A[c]["bariy"][()] + h5A[c]["cornerpos"][:][0] bBy = h5B[c]["bariy"][()] + h5B[c]["cornerpos"][:][0] offs[c] = [[bBy, bAy ],[bB,bA]] if h5B_f is not h5A_f: h5B_f.close() h5A_f.close() if os.path.exists(target_filename): # check_libre( target_filename , target_groupname ) h5f = h5py.File(target_filename,"a") if target_groupname in h5f: del h5f[target_groupname] else: h5f = h5py.File(target_filename,"w") h5f.require_group( target_groupname ) h5 = h5f[target_groupname] for c in chiavi : h5[c] = np.array( offs[c] ) h5f.flush() h5f.close() h5f = None # def sum_scans2maps(mydata): # roiaddress=None # roiaddress = mydata["mask_file"] # filename, groupname = split_hdf5_address( roiaddress) # file= h5py.File(filename,"r") # rois = {} # shape=xrs_rois.load_rois_fromh5(file[groupname],rois) # file.close() # specfile_name = mydata["spec_file"] # Scan_Variable = mydata["Scan_Variable"] # Motor_Variable = mydata["Motor_Variable"] # specfile = SpecIO.Specfile( specfile_name ) # dirname = os.path.dirname( specfile_name ) # basename = os.path.basename( specfile_name ) # scans_infos = [] # signals = [] # s1 = int(mydata["first_scan"]) # s2 = int(mydata["last_scan"]) # roi_names = list(rois.keys()) # roi_list = [ rois[k] for k in roi_names ] # for i in range(s1,s2+1): # # print " SCAN lettura " , i # scan = # scan_data = # scan_themotor = scan.motorpos( Motor_Variable ) # scan_othermotors = [ scan.motorpos( name ) for name in scan.allmotors() if name != Motor_Variable ] # othermotorsname = [name for name in scan.allmotors() if name != Motor_Variable] # labels = scan.alllabels() # scan_variable = scan_data[ labels.index( Scan_Variable ) , :] # scan_ccdnos = scan_data[ labels.index( "ccdno" ) , :].astype("i") # signal = [] # for no in scan_ccdnos: # print( " opening image ", os.path.join( dirname , "edf", basename+"_"+str(no)+".edf")) # data = os.path.join( dirname , "edf", basename+"_"+str(no)+".edf" ) ).data # tok = [ (data[corner[0]:corner[0]+mask.shape[0], corner[1]:corner[1]+mask.shape[1]]*mask).sum() for corner, mask in roi_list ] # signal.append(tok) # # print " OK " # # print signal # # print " Appendo " , signal # signals.append(np.array(signal)) # # print "OK " # scans_infos.append( [scan_themotor, scan_othermotors, scan_variable ] ) # # print " DONE scan " , i # done = np.zeros( len(scans_infos) ,"i") # DONE={} # synthes = {} # for kscan in range(len(scans_infos) ): # # print " kscan " , kscan # DONE[kscan]=0 # if done[kscan]: # continue # else: # res = np.array(signals[kscan]) # done[kscan]=1 # kinfos = scans_infos[kscan] # kM, kOM, kV = kinfos # for oscan in range(len(scans_infos)) : # # print " oscan " , oscan # if done[oscan]: # continue # else: # oinfos = scans_infos[oscan] # oM, oOM, oV = oinfos # if kM==oM: # if True or (np.abs(np.array(kOM)-np.array(oOM)).sum()==0.0): # print( " SONO UGUALI " ) # if len(oV)== len(kV) : # # if np.abs(kV-oV).sum()==0.0: # print( " AGGIUNGO " ) # res = res+np.array(signals[oscan]) # done[oscan]=1 # print( " AGGIUNGO " , kM, len(kV), len(kOM)) # synthes[kscan] = [ kM, kV, kOM, res ] # done[kscan] = 1 # # print " QUI " # target = mydata["scans_file"] # target_filename, target_groupname = split_hdf5_address( target) # if os.path.exists(target_filename): # h5f = h5py.File(target_filename,"a") # else: # h5f = h5py.File(target_filename,"w") # h5 = h5f.require_group(target_groupname) # target_subdir = "collection_"+str(s1)+"_"+str(s2) # if target_subdir in h5: # del h5[ target_subdir] # h5 = h5.require_group(target_subdir) # for kscan in list(synthes.keys() ): # if DONE[kscan] : # continue # kM, kV, kOM, kdata = synthes[kscan] # # print " kdata.shape" , kdata.shape # myscans = [kdata] # myM = [kM ] # myV = [kV ] # DONE[kscan] = 1 # for oscan in list(synthes.keys() ): # if DONE[oscan]: # continue # else: # oM, oV, oOM, odata = synthes[oscan] # # print " COMPARO " # # diff = np.array(kOM)-np.array(oOM) # # for nn ,dd in zip(othermotorsname, diff ): # # if dd >0.0: # # print nn, dd # if True or (np.abs(np.array(kOM)-np.array(oOM)).sum()==0.0): # print( " OM equal " , len(kV) , len(oV)) # if( len(kV) == len(oV)): # # print np.abs(kV-oV) # # if np.abs(kV-oV).sum()==0.0: # assert( kM!=oM ) # DONE[oscan]=1 # # print " odata.shape " , odata.shape # myscans.append(odata) # # print " myscans.shape " , np.array(myscans).shape # myM.append(oM) # myV.append(oV) # DONE[kscan]=1 # myscans = np.array(myscans) # if len(myM)>1: # order = np.argsort(myM) # myM = np.array(myM)[order] # myscans = np.array(myscans)[order] # myV = np.array(myV) # else: # myM = np.array(myM) # myV = np.array(myV) # ts = "scan_"+str(int(s1)+kscan) # h5t = h5.require_group(ts) # h5t["Variable"] = myV # h5t["Motor"] = myM # s="f, axarr = pylab.plt.subplots(%d, sharex=True)\n"%len(roi_names) # ly = myM[0] # hy = myM[-1] # if ( np.abs(myV[-1,:]-myV[0,:]).sum()==0.0 ): # xlabel = "An. Energy" # lx = myV[0,0] # hx = myV[0,-1] # else: # xlabel = "Energy Loss" # diff = myM[0]- myV[0,:] # lx = diff[0] # hx = diff[-1] # for i,rn in enumerate(roi_names): # tok = myscans[:,:,i] # h5t["signal_"+rn] = tok # s=s+"axarr[%d].imshow( %s ,extent=( %e ,%e ,%e ,%e) ) \n"%(i, "self.signal_"+rn, lx,hx,ly,hy) # s=s+"axarr[%d].set_title('%s')\n"%(i,rn) # if i==0: # s=s+"axarr[%d].set_xlabel('%s')\n"%(i,xlabel) # s=s+"\n" # h5t["python_plot"]=s # h5f.flush() # h5f.close() # """ # sum_scans2maps : # spec_file : /mntdirect/_data_visitor/hc2892/id20/run7_hc2892/rixs # first_scan : 127 # last_scan : 136 # Scan_Variable : Anal Energy # Motor_Variable : energy # scans_file : /scisoft/users/mirone/WORKS/matlabID20/rawdata/scansfile.h5:SCAN # """ def loadscan_2Dimages(mydata): """ **loadscan_2Dimages** This command harvest the selected signals. the instructions on the scans to be taken must be in the form( as submembers ofload_scans ) :: loadscan_2Dimages : roiaddress : "hdf5filename:nameofroigroup" # the same given in create_rois expdata : "absolutepathtoaspecfile" # this points to a spec file scan_interval : [372,423] # from 372 to 422 included signaladdress : "nameofsignalgroup" # Target group for writing Relative to nameofroigroup/ (and in the same file)!!!! # unless it is in the format filename:groupname energycolumn : 'sty' # OPTIONAL, if not give defaults to sty monitorcolumn : 'kapraman' # OPTIONAL , default is kapraman. If the key is not found in spec file, then no normalisation will be done # You can also write kapraman/1000 in this case the monito will be divided by 1000 # (or the other number that you write) edfName : 'edfprefix' # OPTIONAL, if not given autonmatically determined sumto1D : 1 # OPTIONAL, default 0 isolateSpot : 0 # is different from zero selects on each image ( when sumto1d=0 ) ROI the spot region and sets to zero outside a radius = isolateSpot # the following defaults to None recenterings : "recenterings.h5:/recenterings4rois" # """ allowed_keys = ["roiaddress", 'monitorcolumn', 'recenterings', 'recenterings_confirmed', 'energycolumn', 'edfName', 'isolateSpot', "expdata","scan_interval","scan_list","signaladdress","save_also_roi", 'sumto1D',] check_allowed_keys(mydata, allowed_keys) roiaddress=None roiaddress = mydata["roiaddress"] filename, groupname = split_hdf5_address( roiaddress) file= h5py.File(filename,"r") rois = {} shape=xrs_rois.load_rois_fromh5(file[groupname],rois) file.close() roiob = xrs_rois.roi_object() roiob.load_rois_fromMasksDict(rois , newshape = shape, kind="zoom") monitor_divider = 1.0 if ('monitorcolumn') in mydata : monitorcolumn = mydata['monitorcolumn'] else: monitorcolumn = 'kapraman' pos = monitorcolumn.find("/") if pos != -1: monitor_divider = float(monitorcolumn[pos+1:]) monitorcolumn = monitorcolumn[:pos] print( "monitorcolumn : " , monitorcolumn) print( "monitor_divider : " , monitor_divider) is_by_refinement =False if ('recenterings') in mydata : recenterings = mydata['recenterings'] recenterings_filename, recenterings_groupname = split_hdf5_address( recenterings ) h5f = h5py.File(recenterings_filename,"r") h5 = h5f[recenterings_groupname] recenterings= {} chiavi = filterRoiList(h5.keys(), prefix="") for c in chiavi: recenterings[int(c)]= h5[c][:] if recenterings[int(c)].shape == (2,2): if nprocs>1: raise Exception("When using recentering with refinement parallelism cannote be used") is_by_refinement = True h5f.close() if is_by_refinement: recenterings_confirmed = mydata['recenterings_confirmed'] recenterings_confirmed_filename, recenterings_confirmed_groupname = split_hdf5_address( recenterings_confirmed ) else: recenterings = None if ('energycolumn') in mydata : energycolumn = mydata['energycolumn'] else: energycolumn = 'sty' if ('edfName') in mydata : edfName = mydata['edfName'] else: edfName = None if ('sumto1D') in mydata : sumto1D = mydata['sumto1D'] else: sumto1D = 0 if ('isolateSpot') in mydata : isolateSpot = mydata['isolateSpot'] else: isolateSpot = 0 reader = xrs_imaging.oneD_imaging( mydata["expdata"] ,monitorcolumn = monitorcolumn , monitor_divider=monitor_divider, energycolumn = energycolumn , edfName = edfName, sumto1D = sumto1D, recenterings=recenterings) reader.set_roiObj(roiob) todo_list = [] if "scan_interval" in mydata: scan_interval = mydata["scan_interval"] ninterval = len(scan_interval)//2 for i in range(ninterval): todo_list = todo_list + list(range( int(scan_interval[2*i]), int(scan_interval[2*i+1])) ) # *scan_interval[2*i :2*i+2]) else: scan_list = mydata["scan_list"] for i in scan_list: todo_list = todo_list + [int(i)] mytodo = np.array_split(todo_list, nprocs) [myrank] print( " Process ", myrank, " is going to read the following scans ", mytodo) maxvalue=0.0 if(len(mytodo)): maxvalue = reader.loadscan_2Dimages( list(mytodo) ,scantype=energycolumn, isolateSpot = isolateSpot) if nprocs>1: maxvalue = comm.allreduce(maxvalue, op=MPI.MAX) if is_by_refinement : if nprocs>1: raise Exception("When using recentering with refinement parallelism cannote be used") if os.path.exists(recenterings_confirmed_filename): check_libre( recenterings_confirmed_filename , recenterings_confirmed_groupname ) h5f = h5py.File(recenterings_confirmed_filename,"a") else: h5f = h5py.File(recenterings_confirmed_filename,"w") h5 = h5f.require_group(recenterings_confirmed_groupname) for c in chiavi: if c in h5: del h5[c] h5[c] = reader.recenterings[int(c)][()] h5f.flush() h5f.close() h5f = None signaladdress = mydata["signaladdress"] if ":" not in signaladdress: groupname = groupname+"/"+ mydata["signaladdress"]+"/" check_libre( filename , groupname ) if "save_also_roi" in mydata: if mydata["save_also_roi"]: save_also_roi = "for_resynth" else: save_also_roi = False else: filename , groupname = split_hdf5_address(signaladdress ) save_also_roi = True for iproc in range(nprocs): comm.Barrier() if iproc==myrank: reader.save_state_hdf5( filename, groupname, comment = inputtext, myrank = myrank, save_also_roi = save_also_roi )# factor = 16000.0/maxvalue) comm.Barrier() if myrank==0: if save_also_roi == "for_resynth": myfile = h5py.File(filename,'r+') myfile[os.path.join( groupname,"image")] = h5py.SoftLink( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( groupname[:-1]) , "rois_definition/image" ) ) myfile[os.path.join( groupname,"rois_dict")] = h5py.SoftLink( os.path.join( os.path.dirname( groupname[:-1]) , "rois_definition/rois_dict" ) ) myfile.close() def loadscan_2Dimages_galaxies(mydata): """ **loadscan_2Dimages_galaxies** This command harvest the selected signals. the instructions on the scans to be taken must be in the form( as submembers of load_scans ) :: loadscan_2Dimages_galaxies : roiaddress : "hdf5filename:nameofroigroup" # the same given in create_rois expdata : "kapton_%05d_01.nxs:/root_spyc_config1d_RIXS_00001/scan_data/data_07" monitor_address : "kapton_%05d_01_monitor.nxs:/monitor" # oppure None scan_interval : [1,2] # from 1 to 1 included ( kapton_00001_01.nxs) Ydim : 16 Zdim : 16 Edim : 19 signalfile : "filename" # Target file for the signals # """ allowed_keys = [ "roiaddress",'Ydim','Zdim','Edim',"signalfile","monitor_address","expdata", "scan_interval" ] check_allowed_keys(mydata, allowed_keys) roiaddress=None roiaddress = mydata["roiaddress"] filename, groupname = split_hdf5_address( roiaddress) file= h5py.File(filename,"r") rois = {} shape, image=xrs_rois.load_rois_fromh5(file[groupname],rois, retrieveImage = True) file.close() roiob = xrs_rois.roi_object() roiob.load_rois_fromMasksDict(rois , newshape = shape, kind="zoom") roiob.input_image = image monitor_divider = 1.0 scan_interval = mydata["scan_interval"] todo_list = [] ninterval = len(scan_interval)//2 for i in range(ninterval): todo_list = todo_list + list(range( int(scan_interval[2*i]), int(scan_interval[2*i+1])) ) # *scan_interval[2*i :2*i+2]) Ydim = mydata['Ydim'] Zdim = mydata['Zdim'] Edim = mydata['Edim'] hf = h5py.File(mydata["signalfile"],"w") for iE in range(Edim): egroup = "E%d/"%iE hf.require_group(egroup) hf[ egroup+ "image" ] = roiob.input_image for roikey, (origin, box) in roiob.red_rois.items(): roigroup=roikey+"/" hf.require_group( egroup+roigroup ) hf[ egroup+roigroup +"origin" ] = origin hf[ egroup+roigroup +"mask" ] = box for iZ in range( Zdim ): scangroup = "Scan%d/"% iZ hf.require_group(egroup+scangroup) for roikey, (origin, box) in roiob.red_rois.items(): roigroup=roikey[3:]+"/" # with "ROI" removed, nly numerical part hf.require_group(egroup+scangroup+roigroup) hf.require_dataset(egroup+scangroup+roigroup+"matrix", [Ydim, box.shape[0], box.shape[1]] , "f",exact="True") hf[egroup+scangroup+roigroup+"cornerpos"] = origin if mydata["monitor_address"] not in [None,"None"] : averaged_monitor = 0 for iscan in todo_list: monitor_filename, monitor_dataname = split_hdf5_address( mydata["monitor_address"] % iscan ) monitor = np.array(h5py.File(monitor_filename,"r")[monitor_dataname][:]) averaged_monitor += monitor averaged_monitor = averaged_monitor / len(todo_list) for iscan in todo_list: iZ = (iscan-scan_interval[0]) % Zdim iY = (iscan-scan_interval[0]) // Zdim filename, dataname = split_hdf5_address( mydata["expdata"] % iscan ) data = np.array(h5py.File(filename,"r")[dataname][:]) if mydata["monitor_address"] not in [None,"None"] : monitor_filename, monitor_dataname = split_hdf5_address( mydata["monitor_address"] % iscan ) monitor = np.array(h5py.File(monitor_filename,"r")[monitor_dataname][:]) monitor[:] = monitor / averaged_monitor data[:] = data / monitor[:, None, None] for roikey, (origin, box) in roiob.red_rois.items(): ##roigroup=roikey+"/" roigroup=roikey[3:]+"/" # with "ROI" removed, nly numerical part sliced = data[:, origin[0]:origin[0]+box.shape[0], origin[1]:origin[1]+box.shape[1]] * box for iE in range(Edim): egroup = "E%d/"%iE scangroup = "Scan%d/"% iZ hf[ egroup+scangroup+roigroup+"matrix" ][ iY ] = sliced[iE] hf.close() def loadscan_2Dimages_galaxies_foilscan(mydata): """ **loadscan_2Dimages_galaxies_foilscan** This command harvest the selected signals. the instructions on the scans to be taken must be in the form( as submembers ofload_scans ) :: loadscan_2Dimages_galaxies_foilscan : roiaddress : "hdf5filename:nameofroigroup" # the same given in create_rois expdata : "kapton_00001_01.nxs:/root_spyc_config1d_RIXS_00001/scan_data/data_07" signalfile : "filename" # Target file for the signals isolateSpot : 0 # if different from zero selects on each image ( when sumto1d=0 ) ROI the spot region and sets to zero outside a radius = isolateSpot scan_list : None # if given the expdata input will be used as a template to load the scans in the scan_list # """ allowed_keys = ["roiaddress",'isolateSpot',"signalfile","expdata", "scan_list" ] check_allowed_keys(mydata, allowed_keys) roiaddress=None roiaddress = mydata["roiaddress"] filename, groupname = split_hdf5_address( roiaddress) file= h5py.File(filename,"r") rois = {} shape, image=xrs_rois.load_rois_fromh5(file[groupname],rois,retrieveImage = True) file.close() roiob = xrs_rois.roi_object() roiob.load_rois_fromMasksDict(rois , newshape = shape, kind="zoom") roiob.input_image = image monitor_divider = 1.0 if ('isolateSpot') in mydata : isolateSpot = mydata['isolateSpot'] else: isolateSpot = 0 hf = h5py.File(mydata["signalfile"],"w") hf[ "image" ] = roiob.input_image rois_dict_group = hf.require_group("rois_dict" ) for roikey, (origin, box) in roiob.red_rois.items(): roigroup=roikey+"/" hf.require_group( roigroup ) hf[ roigroup +"origin" ] = origin hf[ roigroup +"mask" ] = box if roikey in rois_dict_group: del rois_dict_group[roikey] rois_dict_group[roikey] = h5py.SoftLink( "/"+ roigroup ) if mydata["expdata"] not in [None, "None"]: if "scan_list" not in mydata or mydata["scan_list"] in [None, "None"]: filename, dataname = split_hdf5_address( mydata["expdata"] ) data = np.array(h5py.File(filename,"r")[dataname][:]) else: data = 0 for scan_number in mydata["scan_list"]: filename, dataname = split_hdf5_address( mydata["expdata"]%scan_number ) data = data + np.array(h5py.File(filename,"r")[dataname][:]) else: # per scan puramente energetici data = None isolateSpot = 0 for roikey, (origin, box) in roiob.red_rois.items(): roigroup=roikey[3:]+"/" # with "ROI" removed, nly numerical part if data is not None: sliced = data[:, origin[0]:origin[0]+box.shape[0], origin[1]:origin[1]+box.shape[1]] * box else: sliced = np.ones([1, box.shape[0], box.shape[1]],"f") sliced[:] = box if isolateSpot: imageLines = np.sum(sliced,axis=1) imageLines =imageLines- scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter( imageLines ,[0,isolateSpot],mode='constant',cval=0) poss = np.argmax(imageLines,axis=1) for i in range(len(poss)): sliced[i,:, : max(0,poss[i]-isolateSpot) ]=0 sliced[i,:, poss[i]+isolateSpot : ]=0 scangroup = "Scan%d/"% 0 hf[ scangroup+roigroup+"matrix" ] = sliced hf[ scangroup+roigroup+"cornerpos" ] = origin hf.close() def extract_spectra(mydata): """ **extract_spectra** parameters :: extract_spectra : reference_address : "demo_rois.h5:/ROI_AS_SELECTED/energy_scanb/scans/Scan237/" sample_address : "demo_rois.h5:/ROI_AS_SELECTED/images2/scans/" roiaddress : "demo_rois.h5:/ROI_AS_SELECTED/" reference_scan : 237 scan_interval : [342,343] DE : 5 zmargin : 4 niterLip : 100 niter : 500 beta : 0.0 target : "extracted_spectra.h5:/spectra_scan_342" final_plot : "PLOT" # or "NOPLOT" """ allowed_keys = [ "target","sample_address","scan_interval","roiaddress","DE","discard_threshold","threshold_fraction","zmargin", "flatTriggerer","slope","fitted_response","niter","niterLip","beta","weight_by_response","reference_scan","reference_address" ] check_allowed_keys(mydata, allowed_keys) target_filename , target_groupname = split_hdf5_address( mydata["target"]) sample_address = mydata["sample_address"] sample_file, sample_groupname = split_hdf5_address(sample_address) roiaddress = mydata["roiaddress"] rois_file, rois_groupname = split_hdf5_address(roiaddress) scan_interval = mydata["scan_interval"] scans = [] extratags = [] for i in range( len(scan_interval)//2 ): tok = list(range( int(scan_interval[2*i]), scan_interval[2*i+1] )) scans = scans + tok if( isinstance( scan_interval[2*i] , int ) ) : extratags = extratags + [0]*len(tok) else: extratags = extratags + tok if "DE" in mydata: DE = mydata["DE"] else: DE = 0 if "discard_threshold" in mydata: discard_threshold = mydata["discard_threshold"] else: discard_threshold =0 if "threshold_fraction" in mydata: threshold_fraction = mydata["threshold_fraction"] else: threshold_fraction =0 if "zmargin" in mydata: zmargin = mydata["zmargin"] else: zmargin = 0 h5frois = h5py.File(rois_file,"r" ) h5rois = h5frois[rois_groupname]["rois_definition/rois_dict"] rois_keys_orig = filterRoiList(h5rois.keys(), strip=True) references = {} niter = 0 niterLip = 0 beta = 0 slopeInfos = {} if "flatTriggerer" in mydata: rois_keys = rois_keys_orig for k,c in enumerate( rois_keys_orig ): slopeInfos[c] = { "slope":0.0 , "zrate":1.0e38, "estep":1.0 , "mask": h5rois["ROI%02d"%int(c)]["mask"][:] } references[c] = None elif "slope" in mydata: rois_keys = rois_keys_orig for k,c in enumerate( rois_keys_orig ): slopeInfos[c] = { "slope":mydata["slope"][k] , "zrate":mydata["dh4estep"][k] , "estep":mydata["estep"], "mask": h5rois["ROI%02d"%int(c)]["mask"][:] } references[c] = None else: for k,c in enumerate( rois_keys_orig ): slopeInfos[c] = None if "fitted_response" in mydata: deconvolve = False chiave = "fitted_response" optical_response_name = "data" else: deconvolve = True chiave = "reference_address" optical_response_name = "optical_response" if "niter" in mydata: niter = mydata["niter"] niterLip = mydata["niterLip"] beta = mydata["beta"] if "weight_by_response" in mydata: weight_by_response = mydata["weight_by_response"] else: weight_by_response = 1 reference_address = mydata[chiave] reference_file, reference_groupname = split_hdf5_address(reference_address) if deconvolve: nrefscan = mydata["reference_scan"] reference_groupname = reference_groupname +"/scans/Scan%03d"%nrefscan references = {} h5f = h5py.File(reference_file,"r" ) if reference_groupname not in h5f: raise ValueError("Key %s not present in file %s"%(reference_groupname, reference_file) ) h5 = h5f[reference_groupname] rois_keys = filterRoiList(h5.keys(),prefix="") rois_keys = list(set.intersection( set(rois_keys), set(rois_keys_orig) ) ) print(" After filtering the list of rois to be used is ", rois_keys ) incidentE = None if "motorDict/energy" in h5: incidentE = h5["motorDict/energy"][()] for k in rois_keys: if deconvolve: mm = h5[k]["matrix"][:] mm[np.isnan(mm)] = 0.0 else: mm = None zscale = h5[k]["xscale"][()]*1000.0 mask = h5rois["ROI%02d"%int(k)]["mask"][:] cummask = np.cumsum(mask,axis=0) mask[cummask<=zmargin]=0 mask[(cummask.max(axis=0) -cummask)<zmargin]=0 oggetto_line = None if "line" in h5[k]: nref = h5[k]["nref"][()] rebinned = h5[k][ optical_response_name ][()] s0,s1 = rebinned.shape rebinned = np.reshape(rebinned, [ s0//nref, nref, s1//nref, nref ] )//nref rebinned = (rebinned.sum(axis=3)).sum(axis=1) dico_line = {"line" : h5[k]["line"][()] * np.array([1.0/nref,1.0]), "Xintercept" : h5[k]["Xintercept"][()], "Yintercept" : h5[k]["Yintercept"][()], "Xslope" : h5[k]["Xslope"][()], "Yslope" : h5[k]["Yslope"][()], "nref" : h5[k]["nref"][()], "optical_response" : rebinned, "weight_by_response" : weight_by_response } oggetto_line= type('MyObjectPourLeLignes', (object,), dico_line) if deconvolve: dico = {"mm":(mm).astype("f")*(mask).astype("f"),"zscale":zscale, "mask":mask,"line_infos":oggetto_line, "incidentE" : incidentE } else: dico = {"mm":None,"zscale":zscale, "mask":mask,"line_infos":oggetto_line, "incidentE" : incidentE } references[k] = type('MyObjectPourDecrireLesReferences', (object,), dico) h5f.close() sample_s = {} ene_s = {} h5f = h5py.File(sample_file,"r" ) h5_sample_group = h5f[sample_groupname] #### rois_keys = list(h5.keys()) for scan_num, extra in zip(scans, extratags) : sample = {} scan_name = "scans/Scan%03d"%scan_num h5 = h5_sample_group[scan_name] scan_energy_0 = h5["motorDict/energy"][()] denominator = h5[ rois_keys[0] ]["monitor"][()]/(float(h5[ rois_keys[0] ]["monitor_divider"][()])) for k in rois_keys: mm = h5[k]["matrix"][:] zscale = h5[k]["xscale"][:]*1000 mask = h5rois["ROI%02d"%int(k)]["mask"][:] cummask = np.cumsum(mask,axis=0) mask[cummask<=zmargin]=0 mask[(cummask.max(axis=0) -cummask)<zmargin]=0 sample[k] = MyObject = type('MyObject', (object,), {"mm":mm*mask,"zscale":zscale,"denominator": denominator}) sample_s[scan_num] = sample ene_s[ (scan_energy_0, extra) ] = ene_s.get((scan_energy_0,extra) ,[]) +[ scan_num ] myres={} enbyscan = {} for (ENE0, extra) , myscans in ene_s.items(): ascan = myscans[0] enbyscan[ascan] = ENE0 mysample_s = { mykey: sample_s[mykey] for mykey in myscans } myres[ascan ] = fit_spectra.fit_spectra_main( references , mysample_s , DE , beta, niter, niterLip , slopeInfos, discard_threshold = discard_threshold , threshold_fraction = threshold_fraction ) filenametxt = target_filename.replace(".h5","") +"_"+ target_groupname.replace("/","_") +".txt" mat4txt = [] mat4txtheader="" h5f=h5py.File(target_filename,'a') h5f.require_group(target_groupname) h5 = h5f [target_groupname] listakeys = list(myres[ascan].keys()) listakeys = sorted( listakeys , key = lambda x: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, str(x) ))) ) # listakeys.sort() for k in listakeys: # if str(k) in h5: piuttosto aggiungo incrementalmente nuovi spettri # del h5[str(k)] h5k = h5.require_group(str(k)) plot_string = "fig,ax=pylab.plt.subplots()\n" plotfit_string = "fig,ax=pylab.plt.subplots()\n" plotconv_string = "fig,ax=pylab.plt.subplots()\n" README="" for ene0_key in myres.keys(): # if len(mat4txt)==0: # mat4txt = [ myres[ene0_key][k]["energies"]] # mat4txtheader="# energies " # mat4txtheader += "roi"+k+"_sp " + "roi"+k+"_err " # mat4txt.append(myres[ene0_key][k]["spectraByLine"]) # mat4txt.append(myres[ene0_key][k]["errors"]) envar = "energies_"+str(ene0_key) spvar = "spectraByLine_"+str(ene0_key) ervar = "errors_"+str(ene0_key) E0var = "E0_"+str(ene0_key) README += ("""energies_{key} : the energies fo scan {key} spectraByLine_{key} : the spectra for scan {key} error_{key} : the errors fo scan {key} E0_{key} : the monocromator energy for scan {key} """).format(key=str(ene0_key)) for lab in [envar,spvar,ervar,E0var , "python_plot_spectra_byline" , "README", "python_plot_spectra_byfit" , "python_plot_convergency", "spectraByFit_"+str(ene0_key),"fit_errList_"+str(ene0_key),"sintesi_"+str(ene0_key) ]: if lab in h5k: del h5k[lab] h5k[envar] = myres[ene0_key][k]["energies"] h5k[spvar] = myres[ene0_key][k]["spectraByLine"] h5k[ervar] = myres[ene0_key][k]["errors"] h5k[E0var] = enbyscan[ene0_key]*1000 plot_string +=("ax.plot(self.%s - self.%s , self.spectraByLine_%s,label=\"spectra %f\")\n" "ax.plot(self.%s - self.%s , 3*self.%s, label = \"3*sigma %f\")\n" "ax.legend(loc=\"best\")\n") %( envar, E0var , ene0_key, enbyscan[ene0_key], envar, E0var , ervar , enbyscan[ene0_key]) if niter: h5k["spectraByFit_"+str(ene0_key)] = myres[ene0_key][k]["spectraByFit"][()] h5k["fit_errList_"+str(ene0_key)] = myres[ene0_key][k]["fit_errList"] h5k["sintesi_"+str(ene0_key)] = myres[ene0_key][k]["sintesi"][()] plotfit_string+="ax.plot(self.energies_%s -self.E0_%s,self.spectraByFit_%s, label=\"spectra %f\")\n"%(ene0_key,ene0_key,ene0_key,enbyscan[ene0_key]) plotconv_string+="ax.plot(self.fit_errList%s)\n"%(ene0_key) plot_string += "\n" plotfit_string += "\n" plotconv_string += "\n" h5k["python_plot_spectra_byline"] = plot_string README+="python_plot_spectra_byline : double click on this to run the code to plot the data \n" h5k["README"]=README if niter: h5k["python_plot_spectra_byfit" ] = plotfit_string h5k["python_plot_convergency" ] = plotconv_string h5f.flush() h5f.close() h5frois.close() # mat4txt=np.array(mat4txt).T # np.savetxt(filenametxt, mat4txt, header= mat4txtheader) # if "final_plot" in mydata: # if mydata["final_plot"]=="PLOT": # import pylab # mat4txt=np.array(mat4txt).T # nc, npts = mat4txt.shape # npls = (nc-1)/2 # RATIO=1 # nlato = int(math.sqrt(npls/1.0/RATIO)) # if nlato*nlato*RATIO<npls : # nlato+=1 # pylab.plt.figure() # for i in range( npls ) : # x = mat4txt[0] # y = mat4txt[1+2*i] # ye = mat4txt[1+2*i+1] # ax = pylab.plt.subplot(nlato, nlato, i + 1) # ax.plot(x,y,label="spectra") # ax.plot(x,3*ye, label = "3*sigma") # ax.legend(loc="best") # #det value or default def gvord(yamldata, key, default=None): if (key) in yamldata : return yamldata[key] else: return default def h5_assign_force(h5group, name, item): if name in h5group: del h5group[name] h5group[name] = item def hdf5path_exists(filename, groupname): dn = os.path.dirname(filename) if dn=="": dn="./" os.stat( dn ) if not os.path.exists(filename): return False if not h5py.is_hdf5(filename): return False os.system("touch %s" % filename) h5 = h5py.File(filename,"r" ) res = groupname in h5 h5.close() return res
[docs]def create_rois(mydata): """ **create_rois** This launches the roi selector. If yamlData contains instructions on the scan to be taken , the roi selector will pop up with the image ready to be used. Otherwise you have to browse some file around. At the end you have the possibility to write the rois on a hdf5 file. In the extreme case when you give no arguments ( parameters) beside the name of the method, the input file looks like this :: create_rois : you must select an image from the menu or, from the Local menu, select the experimental scans from which an image is summed up. The selection will be operated on this image. The experimental scans can be given in input using the following structure :: create_rois : expdata : "absolutepathtoaspecfile" # this points to a spec file scans : [623,624] # a list containing one or more scans # for the elastic part. # They will be summed to an image # and rois will then be extracted from this image. roiaddress : "myfile.hdf5:/path/to/hdf5/group" # the target destination for rois The selection will be written if you confirm before exiting ( File menu). If roiaddress is not given, before quitting, and after the validation of the selection, you have the possibility to write the rois into a hdf5 file. You do this by choosing a filename for the hdf5 file, and a name for the roi selection. An entry, with this name, will be created into the hdf5 file ( all subsequent treatements, done by other methods than this, which uses this roi selection ( called by its name ) will be reported into subentries of such entry) The followings are optionals arguments. First the filter_path :: filter_path : filename.h5:/groupname It is formed by hdf5 file AND path where the filter is stored. It must be a matrix dataset with 1 for good pixels , 0 for bad ones. This parameter is used to create a filter mask by hand :: masktype : filter then the target will be written with a mask of zero and one. The mask will have the same size as the image and will be zero for points to be discarded. """ allowed_keys = [ "expdata","scans","roiaddress","filter_path","masktype",] check_allowed_keys(mydata, allowed_keys) image4roi = None layout = None if mydata is not None and ("expdata" in mydata) : repertorio = mydata["expdata"] scans = mydata["scans"] experiment = xrs_read.read_id20( repertorio ,monitorcolumn='kapraman') edfmat = experiment.read_just_first_scanimage(scans[0]) if edfmat.shape == (512,768) : layout="2X3-12" elif edfmat.shape in [(255,259*5),(255,259*5+1),(255+1,259*5+1) ] : experiment = rixs_read.read_id20(repertorio ,energyColumn='Anal Energy',monitorColumn='kap4dio', edf_shape=edfmat.shape) layout="1X5-1" else: raise Exception(" Image format not recognised yet. It is : %s (unknow till now)"% str(edfmat.shape)) image4roi = experiment.SumDirect( scans ) roiaddress=None if mydata is not None and ("roiaddress" in mydata) : roiaddress = mydata["roiaddress"] roiaddress = split_hdf5_address(roiaddress) filterMask=None if mydata is not None and ("filter_path" in mydata ) : filter_path = mydata["filter_path"] if filter_path not in [None,"None"] and len(filter_path): filename, dataname = split_hdf5_address(filter_path) h5f = h5py.File( filename,"r" ) filterMask = h5f[dataname][:] masktype = "ROI" if mydata is not None and ("masktype" in mydata) : masktype = mydata["masktype"] app=Qt.QApplication([]) w4r = roiSelectionWidget.mainwindow(layout=layout) if image4roi is not None: if filterMask is not None: image4roi = image4roi * filterMask w4r.showImage( image4roi , xrs_rois.get_geo_informations( image4roi.shape +(layout,) )) if roiaddress is not None: if hdf5path_exists(roiaddress[0], roiaddress[1]): try: w4r.load_maskDict_from_givenhdf5andgroup(roiaddress[0], roiaddress[1] ) except: print( "Problem trying to reload old mask " , file=sys.stderr ) app.exec_() if not w4r.isOK: sys.stderr.write('ROI CREATION SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN STOPPED BY USER') sys.exit(1) if w4r.isOK: if roiaddress is None: roiaddress = Qt.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName() if isinstance(roiaddress, tuple): roiaddress = roiaddress[0] if roiaddress is not None : roiaddress=str(roiaddress) if len(roiaddress)==0: roiaddress=None if roiaddress is not None : roiaddress = split_hdf5_address(roiaddress) if roiaddress is not None: w4r.saveMaskDictOnH5( roiaddress, masktype , filterMask )
def create_rois_galaxies(mydata): """ **create_rois_galaxies** This launches the roi selector. At the end you have the possibility to write the rois on a hdf5 file. The experimental scans can be given in input using the following structure :: create_rois_galaxies : expdata : "myfile.hdf5:/path/to/hdf5/group/dataset" # this pointsto, inside a hdf5 file, a stack of images z,y,x roiaddress : "myfile.hdf5:/path/to/hdf5/group" # the target destination for rois The selection will be written if you confirm before exiting ( File menu). If roiaddress is not given, before quitting, and after the validation of the selection, you have the possibility to write the rois into a hdf5 file. You do this by choosing a filename for the hdf5 file, and a name for the roi selection. An entry, with this name, will be created into the hdf5 file ( all subsequent treatements, done by other methods than this, which uses this roi selection ( called by its name ) will be reported into subentries of such entry) The followings is optionals arguments :: filter_path : filename.h5:/groupname/dataset It is formed by hdf5 file AND path where the filter is stored. It must be a matrix dataset with 1 for good pixels , 0 for bad ones. The way to create a good mask file may vary greatly depending on the situation. Here an example ( for low signal high noise) :: import h5py import numpy as np fh5 = h5py.File( "kapton_00001_01.nxs" ,"r") mystack = fh5["root_spyc_config1d_RIXS_00001/scan_data/data_07"][:] myimage = mystack.sum(axis=0) mymask = np.less(myimage, 50).astype("f") h5py.File( "mymask.h5" ,"w")["mymask"] = mymask """ allowed_keys = [ "expdata","scans","roiaddress","filter_path","masktype", ] check_allowed_keys(mydata, allowed_keys) image4roi = None layout = None repertorio = mydata["expdata"] if "scans" not in mydata: filename, dataname = split_hdf5_address(repertorio) image4roi = (np.array(h5py.File(filename,"r")[dataname])).sum(axis=0) else: scans = mydata["scans"] image4roi = 0.0 for sc in scans: filename, dataname = split_hdf5_address(repertorio%sc) image4roi += (np.array(h5py.File(filename,"r")[dataname])).sum(axis=0) if image4roi.shape == (512,768) : layout="2X3-12" elif image4roi.shape in [(255,259*5),(255,259*5+1),(255+1,259*5+1) ] : layout="1X5-1" elif image4roi.shape in [(256,256) ] : layout="1X1-4" else: raise Exception(" Image format not recognised yet. It is : %s (unknow till now)"% str(edfmat.shape)) roiaddress = mydata["roiaddress"] roiaddress = split_hdf5_address(roiaddress) filterMask=None if mydata is not None and ("filter_path" in mydata ) : filter_path = mydata["filter_path"] if filter_path is not None and len(filter_path): filename, dataname = split_hdf5_address(filter_path) h5f = h5py.File( filename,"r" ) filterMask = h5f[dataname][:] masktype = "ROI" if mydata is not None and ("masktype" in mydata) : masktype = mydata["masktype"] app=Qt.QApplication([]) w4r = roiSelectionWidget.mainwindow(layout=layout) if image4roi is not None: if filterMask is not None: image4roi = image4roi * filterMask w4r.showImage( image4roi , xrs_rois.get_geo_informations( image4roi.shape +(layout,) )) if roiaddress is not None: if hdf5path_exists(roiaddress[0], roiaddress[1]): try: w4r.load_maskDict_from_givenhdf5andgroup(roiaddress[0], roiaddress[1] ) except: print( "Problem trying to reload old mask " , file=sys.stderr ) app.exec_() if not w4r.isOK: sys.stderr.write('ROI CREATION SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN STOPPED BY USER') sys.exit(1) if w4r.isOK: if roiaddress is None: roiaddress = Qt.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName() roiaddress=str(roiaddress) if len(roiaddress)==0: roiaddress=None if roiaddress is not None : roiaddress = split_hdf5_address(roiaddress) if roiaddress is not None: w4r.saveMaskDictOnH5( roiaddress, masktype , filterMask ) # def create_spectral_rois(mydata): # """ # **create_spectral_rois** # This launches the spectral roi selector. # If yamlData contains instructions on the scan to be taken , the roi # selector will pop up with the images ready to be used and the ROIs preselection. # Otherwise you have to select files and scans ("Load Data" menu). # At the end you have the possibility to write the new rois on a hdf5 file. # In the extreme case when you give no argument ( parameters) beside the name of the method # create_spectral_rois : # expdata : /data/id20/inhouse/data/run5_17/run7_ihr/hydra' # this points to a directory containing a spec file or to the specfile itself # # You can simply pass the directory. By default the file hydra will be selected # scans : [613,617,621,625] # a list containing one or more scans # # They will be summed up to form an image to display # # and analysed in the depth direction for the spectral part to refine # # the rois by NNMA decomposition # spatial_roiaddress : "myfile.hdf5:/path/to/hdf5/group" # a previous ROIs spatial selection # spectral_roiaddress : "spectral_myfile.hdf5:/path/to/hdf5/group" # the target destination for the new refined rois # If not parameters are given in the input file they can be selected through the "Load Files" menu. # """ # sf, fn , ns_s = None, None, None # spectral_roiaddress = None # if mydata is not None and ("expdata" in mydata) : # sf = mydata["expdata"] # ns_s = mydata["scans"] # fn = mydata["spatial_roiaddress"] # app=Qt.QApplication([]) # spectral_w4r = roiNmaSelectionWidget.mainwindow() # if sf is not None: # spectral_w4r.load_rois(sf, fn , ns_s ) # # ####### TO RELOAD A PREVIOUS NNMA SELECTION inside the widget ######################## # if mydata is not None and ("spectral_roiaddress" in mydata) : # spectral_roiaddress = mydata["spectral_roiaddress"] # if os.path.exists(spectral_roiaddress) and os.path.isfile(spectral_roiaddress): # spectral_w4r.loadMaskDictFromH5( mydata["spectral_roiaddress"] ) # ################################################################### # app .exec_() # if spectral_w4r.isOK : # if spectral_roiaddress is None: # spectral_roiaddress = Qt.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName() # if isinstance(spectral_roiaddress, tuple): # spectral_roiaddress = spectral_roiaddress[0] # spectral_roiaddress=str( spectral_roiaddress) # if len( spectral_roiaddress)==0: # spectral_roiaddress=None # if spectral_roiaddress is not None : # spectral_w4r.saveMaskDictOnH5(spectral_roiaddress ) # else: # sys.stderr.write('NO OUTPUT FILE WAS SPECIFIED FOR WRITING SPECTRAL ROI CREATION') # sys.exit(1) # else: # sys.stderr.write('SPECTRAL ROI CREATION SEEMS TO HAVE BEEN STOPPED BY USER') # sys.exit(1) # def Fourc_extraction( yamlData ): # """ **Fourc_extraction** # Launches the data extraction from the FOURC spectrometer. # example :: # Fourc_extracion : # active : 1 # data : # path (str): Absolute path to directory holding the data. # SPECfname (str): Name of the SPEC-file ('rixs' is the default). # EDFprefix (str): Prefix for the EDF-files ('/edf/' is the default). # EDFname (str): Filename of the EDF-files ('rixs_' is the default). # EDFpostfix (str): Postfix for the EDF-files ('.edf' is the default). # en1_column (str): Counter mnemonic for the energy motor ('anal energy' is the default). # en2_column (str): Counter mnemonic for the energy motor ('anal energy' is the default). # moni_column (str): Mnemonic for the monitor counter ('izero' is the default). # EinCoor (list): Coordinates, where to find the incident energy value in the # SPEC-file (default is [10,1]) # rois : # scan_number (int): Scan number (as in SPEC file) of scan to be used for ROI definition. # zoom_roi (boolean): Keyword if ROIs should be defined by zooming (default is True). # poly_roi (boolean): Keyword if ROIs should be defined by selecting polygons (default is False). # auto_roi (boolean): Keyword if ROIs should be defined automatically (default is False). # load_address (str): Absolute filename for loading ROIs (HDF5 format). # save_address (str): Absolute filename for saving ROIs (HDF5 format). # elastic : # scan_number (int): Scan number (as in SPEC file). # line_comp (boolean): Keyword, if line-by-line compensation should be used (default is True). # roi_number (int): Number of ROI for which to find the compensation factor (default is 0). # scans : # scan_numbers (int or list): Integer or list of scan numbers that should be integrated. # scan_type (str): Type of scans to be loaded (default is 'inelastic'). # comp_factor (float): Optional compensation factor to be used (default is None). # rot_angles (list): Optional rotation angles (in degrees) for tilted ROIs (default is None). # saving : # path (str): Absolute path to directory where the data should be saved as ASCII files. # f_name (str): Base file name for the files to be created. # post_fix (str): Post-fix for the files to be created (default is '.dat'). # scan_numbers (int or list): Integer or list of integers of scans to be written into the files. # header (str): Optional string defining a header-line for the files (default is ''). # """ # mydata = yamlData #["Fourc_extraction"] # if mydata is not None and ("active" in mydata ): # if mydata["active"]==0: # return # if mydata is not None: # # manage file locations and naming conventions # try: # data = mydata["data"] # except: # data = {} # path = gvord(data,"path",None) # SPECfname = gvord(data,"SPECfname", "rixs") # EDFprefix = gvord(data,"EDFprefix", "/edf/") # EDFname = gvord(data,"EDFname", "rixs_") # EDFpostfix = gvord(data,"EDFpostfix", ".edf") # moni_column = gvord(data,"moni_column", "izero") # EinCoor = gvord(data,"EinCoor", [10,1]) # Fourc_obj = xrs_read.Fourc(path, SPECfname, EDFprefix, EDFname, EDFpostfix, moni_column, EinCoor ) # # manage ROIs # try: # rois = mydata["rois"] # except: # rois = {} # # manage ROIs # try: # rois = mydata["rois"] # except: # rois = {} # scan_number = gvord( rois, "scan_number", None) # roi_type = gvord( rois, "roi_type", 'zoom') # load_address = gvord( rois, "load_address", None) # save_address = gvord( rois, "save_address", None) # refinement_key = gvord( rois, "refinement_key", None) # refinement_scan = gvord( rois, "refinement_scan", None) # if load_address: # roifinder_obj = roifinder_and_gui.roi_finder() # roifinder_obj.roi_obj.loadH5(load_address) # else: # roifinder_obj = roifinder_and_gui.roi_finder() # image4rois = Fourc_obj.SumDirect( scan_number ) # if roi_type == 'zoom': # roifinder_obj.get_zoom_rois( image4rois ) # elif roi_type == 'poly': # roifinder_obj.get_poly_rois( image4rois ) # elif roi_type == 'auto': # roifinder_obj.get_auto_rois( image4rois ) # elif roi_type == 'line': # roifinder_obj.get_linear_rois( image4rois ) # else: # print( 'ROI type ' + roi_type + ' not supported. Will end here.' ) # return # Fourc_obj.set_roiObj( roifinder_obj.roi_obj ) # if refinement_key and refinement_scan: # print( '>>>>>>> refining ROIs.' ) # # make refinement_key iterable: # ref_keys = [] # if not isinstance(refinement_key,list): # ref_keys.append( refinement_key ) # else: # ref_keys = refinement_key # # go through keys and do refinements # for ref_key in ref_keys: # if ref_key == 'NNMF': # roifinder_obj.refine_rois_MF( Fourc_obj, refinement_scan ) # elif ref_key == 'pw': # roifinder_obj.refine_rois_PW( Fourc_obj, refinement_scan ) # elif ref_key == 'cw': # roifinder_obj.refine_rois_CW( Fourc_obj, refinement_scan ) # else: # print ('Unknown refinement keyword, will end here.') # return # Fourc_obj.set_roiObj( roifinder_obj.roi_obj ) # if save_address: # roifinder_obj.roi_obj.writeH5(save_address) # # manage elastic line scan # try: # elastic = mydata["elastic"] # print( '>>>>>>> Integrating elastic line scan.' ) # scan_number = gvord( elastic, "scan_number", None ) # roi_number = gvord( elastic, "roi_number", 0 ) # method = gvord( elastic, "method", 'sum' ) # Fourc_obj.get_compensation_factor( scan_number, method=method, roi_number=roi_number ) # except: # elastic = {} # # manage scans to be read # try: # scans = mydata["scans"] # except: # scans = {} # print( '>>>>>>> Reading scans.' ) # scan_numbers = gvord(scans, "scan_numbers",None) # scan_type = gvord(scans, "scan_type", 'inelastic') # comp_factor = gvord(scans, "comp_factor", None) # rot_angles = gvord(scans, "rot_angles", None) # if comp_factor: # Fourc_obj.load_scan(scan_numbers, direct=True, comp_factor=comp_factor, scan_type=scan_type, rot_angles=rot_angles) # else: # Fourc_obj.load_scan(scan_numbers, direct=True, scan_type=scan_type, rot_angles=rot_angles) # # should there be a spectrum constructed? # try: # spectrum = mydata["spectrum"] # xes = gvord( spectrum, "xes", False ) # if xes: # Fourc_obj.get_XES_spectrum() # if rixs: # print (' NOT implemented yet!' ) # except: # spectrum = {} # # manage saving of scans # try: # print( '>>>>>>> Saving scans.' ) # saving = mydata["saving"] # path = gvord(saving, "path",None) # f_name = gvord(saving, "f_name", None) # post_fix = gvord(saving, "post_fix", ".dat") # scan_numbers = gvord(saving, "scan_numbers", None) # print( '>>>>>>>', scan_numbers, type(scan_numbers)) # header = gvord(saving, "header", "") # Fourc_obj.dump_scans_ascii( scan_numbers, path, f_name, post_fix, header ) # except: # saving = {} # print( '>>>>>>> All finished.' ) # def Hydra_extraction( yamlData ): # """ **Hydra_extraction** # Launches the data extraction from the FOURC spectrometer. # example :: # Hydra_extracion : # active : 1 # data : # path (str): Absolute path to directory holding the data. # SPECfname (str): Name of the SPEC-file ('rixs' is the default). # EDFprefix (str): Prefix for the EDF-files ('/edf/' is the default). # EDFname (str): Filename of the EDF-files ('rixs_' is the default). # EDFpostfix (str): Postfix for the EDF-files ('.edf' is the default). # en_column (str): Counter mnemonic for the energy motor ('energy' is the default). # moni_column (str): Mnemonic for the monitor counter ('izero' is the default). # rois : # scan_number (int): Scan number (as in SPEC file) of scan to be used for ROI definition. # zoom_roi (boolean): Keyword if ROIs should be defined by zooming (default is True). # poly_roi (boolean): Keyword if ROIs should be defined by selecting polygons (default is False). # auto_roi (boolean): Keyword if ROIs should be defined automatically (default is False). # load_address (str): Absolute filename for loading ROIs (HDF5 format). # save_address (str): Absolute filename for saving ROIs (HDF5 format). # elastic : # scan_number (int): Scan number (as in SPEC file). # line_comp (boolean): Keyword, if line-by-line compensation should be used (default is True). # roi_number (int): Number of ROI for which to find the compensation factor (default is 0). # scans : # scan_numbers (int or list): Integer or list of scan numbers that should be integrated. # scan_type (str): Type of scans to be loaded (default is 'inelastic'). # comp_factor (float): Optional compensation factor to be used (default is None). # saving : # path (str): Absolute path to directory where the data should be saved as ASCII files. # f_name (str): Base file name for the files to be created. # post_fix (str): Post-fix for the files to be created (default is '.dat'). # scan_numbers (int or list): Integer or list of integers of scans to be written into the files. # header (str): Optional string defining a header-line for the files (default is ''). # """ # mydata = yamlData#["Hydra_extraction"] # if mydata is not None and ("active" in mydata) : # if mydata["active"]==0: # return # if mydata is not None: # # manage file locations and naming conventions # try: # data = mydata["data"] # except: # data = {} # path = gvord(data,"path",None) # SPECfname = gvord(data,"SPECfname", "hydra") # EDFprefix = gvord(data,"EDFprefix", "/edf/") # EDFname = gvord(data,"EDFname", "hydra_") # EDFpostfix = gvord(data,"EDFpostfix", ".edf") # en_column = gvord(data,"en_column", "energy") # moni_column = gvord(data,"moni_column", "izero") # Hydra_obj = xrs_read.Hydra(path, SPECfname, EDFprefix, EDFname, EDFpostfix, en_column, moni_column ) # # manage ROIs # try: # rois = mydata["rois"] # except: # rois = {} # scan_number = gvord(rois,"scan_number",None) # roi_type = gvord(rois,"roi_type",'zoom') # load_address = gvord(rois,"load_address",None) # save_address = gvord(rois,"save_address",None) # refinement_key = gvord(rois,"refinement_key",None) # refinement_scan= gvord(rois,"refinement_scan",None) # if load_address: # roifinder_obj = roifinder_and_gui.roi_finder() # roifinder_obj.roi_obj.loadH5(load_address) # else: # roifinder_obj = roifinder_and_gui.roi_finder() # image4rois = Hydra_obj.SumDirect(scan_number) # if roi_type == 'zoom': # roifinder_obj.get_zoom_rois(image4rois) # elif roi_type == 'poly': # roifinder_obj.get_polygon_rois(image4rois) # elif roi_type == 'auto': # roifinder_obj.get_auto_rois(image4rois) # elif roi_type == 'line': # roifinder_obj.get_linear_rois(image4rois) # else: # print( 'ROI type ' + roi_type + ' not supported. Will end here.' ) # return # Hydra_obj.set_roiObj(roifinder_obj.roi_obj) # if refinement_key is not None and refinement_scan is not None: # print( '>>>>>>> refining ROIs.' ) # # make refinement_key iterable: # ref_keys = [] # if not isinstance(refinement_key,list): # ref_keys.append(refinement_key) # else: # ref_keys = refinement_key # # go through keys and do refinements # for ref_key in ref_keys: # if ref_key == 'NNMF': # roifinder_obj.refine_rois_MF( Hydra_obj, refinement_scan ) # elif ref_key == 'pw': # roifinder_obj.refine_rois_PW( Hydra_obj, refinement_scan ) # elif ref_key == 'cw': # roifinder_obj.refine_rois_CW( Hydra_obj, refinement_scan ) # else: # print ('Unknown refinement keyword, will end here.') # return # Hydra_obj.set_roiObj(roifinder_obj.roi_obj) # if save_address: # roifinder_obj.roi_obj.writeH5(save_address) # # manage scans to be read # try: # scans = mydata["scans"] # except: # scans = {} # scan_meth = gvord(scans, "method", 0) # print ('>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ', type(scan_meth)) # if scan_meth == 0: # scan_method = 'sum' # elif scan_meth == 1: # scan_method = 'pixel' # elif scan_method == 2: # scan_mehtod = 'row' # direct = gvord(scans, "direct", True) # scaling = gvord(scans, "scaling", None) # scan_numbers = gvord(scans, "scan_numbers", None) # scan_types = gvord(scans, "scan_types", 'generic') # comp_factor = gvord(scans, "comp_factor", None) # include_elastic = gvord(scans, "include_elastic", True) # for scan_num, scan_type in zip(scan_numbers, scan_types): # print( '>>>>>>>>>>HHHHHH>>>>>>> ', scan_type, type(scan_type)) # Hydra_obj.load_scan(scan_num, scan_type=scan_type, direct=direct, scaling=scaling, method=scan_method ) # Hydra_obj.get_spectrum_new( method=scan_method, include_elastic=include_elastic, abs_counts=False, interpolation=False ) # # manage saving of scans # try: # saving = mydata["output"] # except: # saving = {} # if saving: # print( '>>>>>>> saving results.' ) # save_format = gvord(saving, "format", 'ascii') # file_name = gvord(saving, "file_name", 'default.dat') # group_name = gvord(saving, "group_name", 'spectrum') # comment = gvord(saving, "comment", '') # if save_format == 'ascii': # Hydra_obj.dump_spectrum_ascii( file_name ) # elif save_format == 'hdf5': # Hydra_obj.dump_spectrum_hdf5( file_name, group_name, comment=comment ) # else: # print( 'Format not supported. Will end here.' ) # return # print( '>>>>>>> All finished.' ) def superR_getVolume_fullfit(mydata): """ Here an example of the input file dedicated section :: superR_getVolume_fullfit : sample_address : "demo_imaging.hdf5:ROI_B_FIT8/images/scans/" delta_address : "demo_imaging.hdf5:ROI_B_FIT8/scanXX/scans/Scan273/" scalprods_address : "scalprods.hdf5:scal_prods/" target_filename : "volume.hdf5" niter : 20 beta : 1.0e-8 eps : 0.000002 ################################### # optional nbin : 5 # defaults to 1 # it will bin 5 xpixels in one roi_keys : [60, 64, 35, 69, 34, 24, 5, 6, 71, 70, 39, 58, 56, 33] # roi_keys default to all the keys present in delta_address optional_solution : /mntdirect/_scisoft/users/mirone/WORKS/Christoph/XRSTools/volumes_gasket.h5:/ref408_bis_423_548/Volume0p03 ## a solution with dimensions [ZDIM,YDIM,XDIM] ## If given, will be used to balance analyzer factors The volume will be written in file target_filename( which must not exist already), in the datagroup Volume. The parameter debin dafaults to [1,1] It is used to increase a dimension Z,Y or both , to make it match with X The parameters for the Fista optimisation cicle are : - niter : the number of fista cycles - beta : the factor of the Total Variation penalisation term - eps : a parameter for the convergence of the Chambolle-Pock TV denoising phase """ allowed_keys = ["delta_address",'nbin','optional_solution','roi_keys',"sample_address",'scan_interval',"scalprods_address","target_address","niter","beta","eps",'debin',] check_allowed_keys(mydata, allowed_keys) delta_address = mydata["delta_address"] delta_filename, delta_groupname = split_hdf5_address(delta_address) h5f = h5py.File(delta_filename,"r") h5 = h5f[delta_groupname] if not ('nbin' in mydata) : width = 1 else: width = mydata['nbin'] if not ('optional_solution' in mydata ): solution = None else: solution_address = str(mydata["optional_solution"]) if solution_address=="None" or solution_address is None or solution_address.strip()=="": solution = None else: solution_filename, solution_groupname = split_hdf5_address(solution_address) solution = h5py.File(solution_filename,"r") solution = solution[solution_groupname][:] roi_keys = filterRoiList(h5.keys(),prefix="") roi_keys = [str(t) for t in roi_keys] if ('roi_keys' in mydata) : u_roi_keys = mydata['roi_keys'] u_roi_keys = [str(t) for t in roi_keys] roi_keys = [ t for t in u_roi_keys if t in roi_keys] roi_keys = [str(t) for t in roi_keys] ## ########################## ## DELTA >>>>>>>>>>>>>> sonde = {} ## The response is added to sonde (probe) XDIM = None for t in roi_keys: m = np.array(h5[t+"/matrix"][:],"d") if width != 1 : # REBINNING nbin = width assert(nbin>1) m=m[:(m.shape[0]//nbin)*nbin].reshape(-1, nbin, m.shape[1],m.shape[2]).sum(axis=1)/nbin sonde [t] = m ## PROBE STUFF GOES HERE if XDIM is None: XDIM = m.shape[0] else: assert (XDIM==m.shape[0]), "The probes ( references) dont have the same X lenght ( scan lenght). One is %s, anoter other %s "%(XDIM, m.shape[0] ) ## DELTA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ## ############################# h5f.close() ## ########################## ## >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SAMPLE ## sample_address = mydata["sample_address"] sample_filename, sample_groupname = split_hdf5_address(sample_address) h5f = h5py.File(sample_filename,"r") h5 = h5f[sample_groupname] if not ('scan_interval' in mydata) : zscan_keys = sorted( filterScanList(h5.keys()) , key = lambda x: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, str(x) ))) ) else: zscan_keys =[ "Scan%03d"%i for i in range(*list(mydata['scan_interval']))] ZDIM = len(zscan_keys) ## in case of parallelism the workload is splitted between processes ## myrange = np.array_split( np.arange( ZDIM ), nprocs )[myrank] myrange = np.arange( ZDIM ) myZDIM = len(myrange) YDIM = None rois_to_be_removed=[] for ro in roi_keys: if ro in h5[zscan_keys[0]]: m = h5[zscan_keys[0]][ro]["matrix"][:] if YDIM is not None: assert (YDIM == m.shape[0]), "The probes ( references) dont have the same X lenght ( scan lenght). One is %s, anoter other %s "%(XDIM, m.shape[0] ) ## we take the Y lenght from the first roi of the first scan : ## this lenght is supposed to be the same are supposed to be the same for all scans else: YDIM = m.shape[0] else: rois_to_be_removed.append(ro) del sonde[ro] del integrated_images[ro] for ro in rois_to_be_removed: roi_keys.remove(ro) if YDIM is None: return fattori = {} ## This is used for balancing. Will stay to 1.0 for all rois if solution is not given in input for i,rk in enumerate(roi_keys): fattori[rk] = 1.0 ## IF solution is given then balancing factors are calculated if solution is not None: for rk in roi_keys: scal_dd=np.array([0.0],"d") scal_ds = np.array([0.0],"d") scal_ss = np.array([0.0],"d") probes = sonde [rk] SS = np.tensordot( probes, probes, axes = [ [1,2], [1,2] ] ) for iz in range(myZDIM): zkey = zscan_keys[myrange[iz] ] m = np.array(h5[ zkey ][ rk ]["matrix"][:],"d") msum = m.sum(axis=0) probes = sonde [rk] assert( probes.shape[1:] == m.shape[1:]) assert( XDIM == probes.shape[0] ) assert( YDIM == m.shape[0] ) plane_contrib = np.tensordot( m, probes, axes = [ [1,2], [1,2] ] ) scal_dd += (m*m).sum() keypos = zscan_keys.index( zkey) scal_ds[:] = scal_ds + np.tensordot( plane_contrib , solution[keypos], axes = [ [0,1], [0,1] ] ) scal_ss[:] = scal_ss + np.tensordot( np.tensordot(SS,solution[keypos],axes=[[1],[1]]) , solution[keypos],axes=[[0,1],[1,0]]) fattori[rk] = scal_ds/scal_ss ### Renormalising the overall strenght of all the factors sum = 0.0 for rk in roi_keys: sum = sum + fattori[rk]*fattori[rk] for rk in roi_keys: fattori[rk] = fattori[rk]/np.sqrt( sum/len(roi_keys) ) scalprods_address = mydata["scalprods_address"] scalprods_filename, scalprods_groupname = split_hdf5_address(scalprods_address) target_address = mydata["target_address"] target_filename, target_groupname = split_hdf5_address(target_address) niter = mydata["niter"] beta = mydata["beta"] eps = mydata["eps"] if not ('debin' in mydata) : debin = [1,1] else: debin = mydata['debin'] ## moltiplica per fattori sonde for rk in roi_keys: sonde[rk][:] = sonde[rk] * fattori[rk] h5f = h5py.File(scalprods_filename, "r") h5_sampledata = h5f [scalprods_groupname] ## modo di impiego # per ogni rk in roi_keys # sonde[rk] e' una serie di risposte Nech * Ny * Nx # per ogni zk in zscan_keys # m = np.array(h5[ zkey ][ rk ]["matrix"][:],"d") # ydim = m.shape[0] # probes.shape[1:] == m.shape[1:] ( le immagini) # # Zdim = len( zscan_keys ) # Ydim = m.shape[0] # Xdim = probes.shape[0] Volume = superr.superr_fullfit( ZDIM, YDIM, XDIM, roi_keys, sonde, zscan_keys, h5_sampledata, niter=niter, beta=beta) if os.path.exists(target_filename): h5 = h5py.File(target_filename,"a") else: h5 = h5py.File(target_filename,"w") if target_groupname in h5: del h5[target_groupname] h5[target_groupname] = Volume h5.close() def superR_getVolume_Esynt(mydata): """ Here an example of the input file dedicated section :: superR_getVolume_Esynt : scalprods_address : "scalprods.hdf5:/groupname" target_filename : "volume.hdf5:/volumes" dict_interp : interpolation.json output_prefix : /mydir/pippo_ scalprods_address points to the scalDS, scalDD, scalSS scalar products calculated by superR_scal_deltaXimages. The volume will be written in file target_filename( which must not exist already), in the datagroup Volume. It is used to increase a dimension Z,Y or both , to make it match with X """ allowed_keys = ["scalprods_address","output_prefix","dict_interp", ] check_allowed_keys(mydata, allowed_keys) scalprods_address = mydata["scalprods_address"] scalprods_filename, scalprods_groupname = split_hdf5_address(scalprods_address) output_prefix = mydata["output_prefix"] interpolation_dict = json.load( open(mydata["dict_interp"],"r") ) h5f = h5py.File(scalprods_filename, "r") h5 = h5f [scalprods_groupname] vkeys = list(h5.keys()) vkeys = sorted( vkeys , key = lambda x: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, str(x) ))) ) ### vkeys.sort() DS=[] DD=[] SS=None roi_keys = None for k in vkeys: DS.append(h5[k]["scal_prods"]["scalDS"][()]) DD.append(h5[k]["scal_prods"]["scalDD"][()]) if SS is None: SS = h5[k]["scal_prods"]["scalSS"][()] if roi_keys is None: roi_keys = h5[k]["scal_prods"]["roi_keys"][()] else: tmp = h5[k]["scal_prods"]["roi_keys"][()] assert abs((tmp-roi_keys)).sum()==0 DS = np.array(DS,"f") DD = np.array(DD,"f") SS = np.array(SS,"f") h5f.close() NV, NROI, DIMZ,DIMY,DIMX = DS.shape print(" NV, NROI, DIMZ,DIMY,DIMX " , NV, NROI, DIMZ,DIMY,DIMX ) print( " DS SHAPE ", DS.shape) print( " DD SHAPE ", DD.shape) print( " SS SHAPE ", SS.shape) indexes_custom_energies = [k for k in interpolation_dict.keys() if k.isdigit() ] indexes_custom_energies = sorted( indexes_custom_energies , key = int) NE = len(indexes_custom_energies) coefficients = np.zeros([NE, NV, NROI ], "f") roi_map={} for i,k in enumerate(roi_keys ): roi_map[str(k)]=i id = interpolation_dict for iE in range(NE): ide = id[str(iE)]["coefficients"] for iv,vk in enumerate(vkeys): idev=ide[vk] used_rois = list(idev.keys()) for rk,c in idev.items(): if(rk in roi_map): coefficients[iE, iv, roi_map[rk]] = c yamlname = output_prefix+"inputforcpp.yaml" DSname = output_prefix+"DS.h5" DDname = output_prefix+"DD.h5" SSname = output_prefix+"SS.h5" COEFname = output_prefix+"coefficients.h5" DSname_relative = os.path.basename(DSname) DDname_relative = os.path.basename(DDname) SSname_relative = os.path.basename(SSname) coeffname_relative = os.path.basename(COEFname) f=open(yamlname,"w") # f.write("NE : %d\n"%NE) # f.write("NV : %d\n"%NV) # f.write("NROI : %d\n"%NROI) # f.write("DIMZ : %d\n"%DIMZ) # f.write("DIMY : %d\n"%DIMY) # f.write("DIMX : %d\n"%DIMX) f.write("DSname : %s\n"%DSname_relative) f.write("DDname : %s\n"%DDname_relative) f.write("SSname : %s\n"%SSname_relative) f.write("COEFFSname : %s\n"%coeffname_relative) f.close() # coefficients.tofile(COEFname) # DS.tofile(DSname) # DD.tofile(DDname) # SS.tofile(SSname) h5py.File(DSname ,"w")["data"] = DS.astype("f") h5py.File(DDname ,"w")["data"] = DD.astype("f") h5py.File(SSname ,"w")["data"] = SS.astype("f") h5py.File(COEFname,"w")["data"] = coefficients.astype("f") def superR_getVolume(mydata): """ Here an example of the input file dedicated section :: superR_getVolume : scalprods_address : "scalprods.hdf5:scal_prods/" target_filename : "volume.hdf5" debin: : [2,1] niter : 20 beta : 1.0e-8 eps : 0.000002 scalprods_address points to the scalDS, scalDD, scalSS scalar products calculated by superR_scal_deltaXimages. The volume will be written in file target_filename( which must not exist already), in the datagroup Volume. The parameter debin dafaults to [1,1] It is used to increase a dimension Z,Y or both , to make it match with X The parameters for the Fista optimisation cicle are : - niter : the number of fista cycles - beta : the factor of the Total Variation penalisation term - eps : a parameter for the convergence of the Chambolle-Pock TV denoising phase """ allowed_keys = ["scalprods_address","target_address","niter","beta","eps",'debin',] check_allowed_keys(mydata, allowed_keys) scalprods_address = mydata["scalprods_address"] scalprods_filename, scalprods_groupname = split_hdf5_address(scalprods_address) target_address = mydata["target_address"] target_filename, target_groupname = split_hdf5_address(target_address) niter = mydata["niter"] beta = mydata["beta"] eps = mydata["eps"] if not ('debin' in mydata) : debin = [1,1] else: debin = mydata['debin'] h5f = h5py.File(scalprods_filename, "r") h5 = h5f [scalprods_groupname] scalDS = h5["scalDS"][:] scalDD = h5["scalDD"][:] scalSS = h5["scalSS"][:] h5f.close() DIMZ,DIMY,DIMX = scalDS.shape if debin != [1,1]: nuovoDS = np.zeros([DIMZ, debin[0], DIMY, debin[1], DIMX ], "d") scalDS.shape = DIMZ,1,DIMY,1,DIMX nuovoDS[:] = scalDS scalDS = nuovoDS scalDS.shape = DIMZ*debin[0], DIMY*debin[1], DIMX Volume = superr.superr( scalDD, scalDS, scalSS, niter=niter, beta=beta) if os.path.exists(target_filename): h5 = h5py.File(target_filename,"a") else: h5 = h5py.File(target_filename,"w") if target_groupname in h5: del h5[target_groupname] h5[target_groupname] = Volume h5.close()
[docs]def superR_scal_deltaXimages(mydata): """ This step supposes that you have: - already extracted 2D images with the **loadscan_2Dimages** command. The **loadscan_2Dimages** has then already accomplished the following requirements which are listed below for informative purposes : - these images must reside at *sample_address* - Under *sample_address* there must be a a set of datagroups with name *ScanZ* where Z is an integer. The number of these datagroups will be called ZDIM - Inside each *ScanZ* there must be a a set of datagroup with name N where N is the ROI number. - inside each roi datagroup there is the dataset *matrix*. This is a three_dimensional array : - first dimension is YDIM : the number of steps in the Y direction - the other two dimensions are the dimensions of the ROI - Obtained the optical PSF of all desired analyzers, and the maxipix response function. This can be done with the **iPSF** commands which will have provided the responses for a dirac Delta placed at different positions along X direction. The **iPSF** has then already taken care of placing in the *delta_address* data_group the following(listed for informational purposes): - a list of datagroup with name N, N being the number of the ROI. - Inside each datagroup a dataset called *matrix* exists - the matrix has 3 Dimensions - The first dimension is the number for steps done with the thin foil in the X direction to get super-resolution. This will be called XDIM - The other two dimensions are the dimensions of the ROI. They must be equal to those appearing in the the sample datas describe informatively above. Here an example of the input file dedicated section :: superR_scal_deltaXimages : sample_address : "demo_imaging.hdf5:ROI_B_FIT8/images/scans/" delta_address : "demo_imaging.hdf5:ROI_B_FIT8/scanXX/scans/Scan273/" target_address : "scalprods.hdf5:scal_prods/" ################################### # optional nbin : 5 # defaults to 1 # it will bin 5 xpixels in one roi_keys : [60, 64, 35, 69, 34, 24, 5, 6, 71, 70, 39, 58, 56, 33] # roi_keys default to all the keys present in delta_address orig_delta_address : "demo_imaging.hdf5:ROI_B/foil_scanXX/scans/Scan273/" # defaults to None. If given the integrated image and the average line will be written # to check the superposability between the foil scans and the sample scans ### ## optional optional_solution : /mntdirect/_scisoft/users/mirone/WORKS/Christoph/XRSTools/volumes_gasket.h5:/ref408_bis_423_548/Volume0p03 ## a solution with dimensions [ZDIM,YDIM,XDIM] ## If given, will be used to balance analyzer factors If nbin is given the dimensios of the superresolution axis, will be reduced or increased, by binning together the foil PSFs. What the program will produce, under *target_address* datagroup, is - scalDS which is an array [ZDIM,YDIM,XDIM] , type "d" . - scalDD which is the total sum of the squared datas. - scalSS which is an array [XDIM,XDIM] , type "d" . From these three quantities the volume can be reconstructed with iterative procedure in subsequent steps. Here what they are : - scalSS is a 2D matrix, one of its elements is the scalar product of the response function for a given position of the foil, along X, with the response function for another position of the foil. The sum over ROIS is implicitely done. - scalDS is a 3D array. One of its element is the scalar product of the sample image for a given Z,Y position of the sample, with the reponse function for a given X position of the foil. The sum over the ROIs is implicitely done. """ allowed_keys = [ "delta_address",'orig_delta_address','nbin','optional_solution' ,'roi_keys',"sample_address",'scan_interval',"load_factors_from","save_factors_on","target_address", ] check_allowed_keys(mydata, allowed_keys) delta_address = mydata["delta_address"] delta_filename, delta_groupname = split_hdf5_address(delta_address) if ('orig_delta_address' in mydata) : orig_delta_address = mydata["orig_delta_address"] orig_delta_filename, orig_delta_groupname = split_hdf5_address(orig_delta_address) else: orig_delta_filename, orig_delta_groupname = None, None h5f = h5py.File(delta_filename,"r") h5 = h5f[delta_groupname] if not ('nbin' in mydata) : width = 1 else: width = mydata['nbin'] if not ('optional_solution' in mydata ): solution = None else: solution_address = str(mydata["optional_solution"]) if solution_address=="None" or solution_address is None or solution_address.strip()=="": solution = None else: solution_filename, solution_groupname = split_hdf5_address(solution_address) try: solution = h5py.File(solution_filename,"r") solution = solution[solution_groupname][:] except: raise ValueError("You asked for the utilisation of the optional solution to fix factors but could not read file %s groupname %s "%(solution_filename, solution_groupname) ) roi_keys = filterRoiList(h5.keys(),prefix="") roi_keys = [str(t) for t in roi_keys] if ('roi_keys' in mydata) : u_roi_keys = mydata['roi_keys'] u_roi_keys = [int(t) for t in u_roi_keys] roi_keys = [ t for t in roi_keys if int(t) in u_roi_keys] roi_keys = [str(t) for t in roi_keys] ## ########################## ## DELTA >>>>>>>>>>>>>> sonde = {} ## The response is added to sonde (probe) XDIM = None ## integrated_images :: ### much of the code is just for checking the trajectory and compare between the sample measurement ### and the foil measurement. ### integrated_images will be used only if is given in input. ### If you are interested only in the building of the scalar products then just skip everything related to integrated_image integrated_images={} ## to monitor if the foil move along a line which superimposes unto the sample integrated image for t in roi_keys: m = np.array(h5[t+"/matrix"][:],"d") integrated_images [t]=[ m.sum(axis=0) ,0, 0, None, None] # the second entry is left free for the sample integrated image, the third for the orig # the 4th the cornerpos, to be initialised by sample data, the fifth cornerpos by origdelta images ( if origdelta is read) if width != 1 : # REBINNING nbin = width assert(nbin>1) m=m[:(m.shape[0]//nbin)*nbin].reshape(-1, nbin, m.shape[1],m.shape[2]).sum(axis=1)/nbin sonde [t] = m ## PROBE STUFF GOES HERE if XDIM is None: XDIM = m.shape[0] else: assert(XDIM==m.shape[0]), "The probes ( references) dont have the same X lenght ( scan lenght). One is %s, anoter other %s "%(XDIM, m.shape[0] ) ## DELTA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ## ############################# h5f.close() ## ############################################### ## >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ORIG : checking related thing. ## The idea is that, originally, the delta files was a large scan resintetised ## from a small reference scan. So in this section, that you can skip, ## on is taking information about the original scan. If delta and original delta are the same it's OK ## In most cases , if you want to do check, the original delta file is the same file as the delta file ## and the interesting part will be comparing the integrated line of the reference and the sample if orig_delta_filename is not None: h5f = h5py.File(orig_delta_filename,"r") h5 = h5f[orig_delta_groupname] for t in roi_keys: m = np.array(h5[t+"/matrix"][:],"d") integrated_images [t][2] += m.sum(axis=0) cornerpos = np.array(h5[t+"/cornerpos"][:]) integrated_images [t][4] = cornerpos h5f.close() ## ORIG <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ## ############################# ## ########################## ## >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SAMPLE ## sample_address = mydata["sample_address"] sample_filename, sample_groupname = split_hdf5_address(sample_address) h5f = h5py.File(sample_filename,"r") h5 = h5f[sample_groupname] if not ('scan_interval' in mydata) : zscan_keys = sorted( filterScanList(h5.keys()) , key = lambda x: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, str(x) ))) ) else: zscan_keys =[ "Scan%03d"%i for i in range(*list(mydata['scan_interval']))] ZDIM = len(zscan_keys) ## in case of parallelism the workload is splitted between processes myrange = np.array_split( np.arange( ZDIM ), nprocs )[myrank] myZDIM = len(myrange) YDIM = None rois_to_be_removed=[] for ro in roi_keys: if ro in h5[zscan_keys[0]]: m = h5[zscan_keys[0]][ro]["matrix"][:] if YDIM is not None: assert(YDIM == m.shape[0]) , " " else: YDIM = m.shape[0] else: rois_to_be_removed.append(ro) del sonde[ro] del integrated_images[ro] for ro in rois_to_be_removed: roi_keys.remove(ro) if YDIM is None: return fattori = {} ## This is used for balancing. Will stay to 1.0 for all rois if solution is not given in input for i,rk in enumerate(roi_keys): fattori[rk] = 1.0 ## IF solution is given then balancing factors are calculated if solution is not None: for rk in roi_keys: ## This are scalars, so why am I using a np.array? ## I am doing that in prevision of mpi AllReduce with mpi4py scal_dd=np.array([0.0],"d") scal_ds = np.array([0.0],"d") scal_ss = np.array([0.0],"d") probes = sonde [rk] SS = np.tensordot( probes, probes, axes = [ [1,2], [1,2] ] ) for iz in range(myZDIM): zkey = zscan_keys[myrange[iz] ] m = np.array(h5[ zkey ][ rk ]["matrix"][:],"d") msum = m.sum(axis=0) probes = sonde [rk] assert( probes.shape[1:] == m.shape[1:]) assert( XDIM == probes.shape[0] ) assert( YDIM == m.shape[0] ) plane_contrib = np.tensordot( m, probes, axes = [ [1,2], [1,2] ] ) scal_dd += (m*m).sum() keypos = zscan_keys.index( zkey) scal_ds[:] = scal_ds + np.tensordot( plane_contrib , solution[keypos], axes = [ [0,1], [0,1] ] ) scal_ss[:] = scal_ss + np.tensordot( np.tensordot(SS,solution[keypos],axes=[[1],[1]]) , solution[keypos],axes=[[0,1],[1,0]]) if nprocs>1: comm.Allreduce([np.array(scal_ss), MPI.DOUBLE], [scal_ss, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM) comm.Allreduce([np.array(scal_dd), MPI.DOUBLE], [scal_dd, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM) comm.Allreduce([np.array(scal_ds), MPI.DOUBLE], [scal_ds, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM) comm.Barrier() fattori[rk] = scal_ds/scal_ss ### Renormalising the overall strenght of all the factors sum = 0.0 for rk in roi_keys: sum = sum + fattori[rk]*fattori[rk] for rk in roi_keys: fattori[rk] = float(fattori[rk]/np.sqrt( sum/len(roi_keys) )) if "load_factors_from" in mydata: fattori = json.load( open(mydata["load_factors_from"],"r") ) if "save_factors_on" in mydata: json.dump( fattori, open(mydata["save_factors_on"],"w") ) ## These arrays below will contain, after summation and for each process, ## the contribution of the process's workload ## They will be mpi Reduced to get the final result scalDS = np.zeros( [myZDIM,YDIM,XDIM] ,"d" ) scalDD = 0.0 scalSS = np.zeros( [XDIM,XDIM] ,"d" ) for i,rk in enumerate(roi_keys): if i%nprocs == myrank: probes = sonde [rk] ## Consider that, below, factor is a factor which is applied to the probe to better adapt it to the sample strenght ## variations from roi to roi. scalSS[:] = scalSS[:] + np.tensordot( probes, probes, axes = [ [1,2], [1,2] ] ) *fattori[rk]*fattori[rk] doppio_filtro_done=0 for iz in range(myZDIM): ## each scan is at fixed Z and contains many ys. So we proceed along z zkey = zscan_keys[myrange[iz] ] print( " process %d analyzing scan : "%myrank , zkey) my_roi_keys = filterRoiList(h5[ zkey ].keys(),prefix="") my_roi_keys = [str(t) for t in my_roi_keys] ## The following piece of code makes sure that our roi_keys list ## contains rois which can be found in the datas if not doppio_filtro_done: new_roi_keys=[] for ok in roi_keys: if ok not in my_roi_keys: del integrated_images[ok] else: new_roi_keys.append(ok) doppio_filtro_done=1 roi_keys = new_roi_keys for rk in roi_keys: m = np.array(h5[ zkey ][ rk ]["matrix"][:],"d") msum = m.sum(axis=0) if iz: if msum.shape != integrated_images[rk][1].shape: msg = " ERROR : the yscan elements have different shapes.\n selects homogeneous scans." print( msg) raise Exception( msg) integrated_images[rk][1] = integrated_images[rk][1]+msum cornerpos = np.array(h5 [ zkey ][ rk ]["cornerpos"][:]) integrated_images [rk][3] = cornerpos probes = sonde [rk] assert( probes.shape[1:] == m.shape[1:]) assert( XDIM == probes.shape[0] ) assert( YDIM == m.shape[0] ) ## At the end all boils down to these three lines of code. Note that they sum-up ## contributions from all the rois alltogether plane_contrib = np.tensordot( m, probes, axes = [ [1,2], [1,2] ] ) scalDS[iz] = scalDS[iz]+ plane_contrib*fattori[rk] scalDD += (m*m).sum() ## sum-Reducing the final result if nprocs>1: comm.Reduce([np.array(scalSS), MPI.DOUBLE], [scalSS, MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM, root=0) comm.Barrier() h5f.close() ## ## ###################### ## stuffs for checking (integrated_images) if nprocs>1: for n in list(integrated_images.keys()): if myrank: comm.Reduce([integrated_images[n][0], MPI.DOUBLE], None, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) comm.Reduce([integrated_images[n][1], MPI.DOUBLE], None, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) else: comm.Reduce( [integrated_images[n][1], MPI.DOUBLE] , [integrated_images[n][0], MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM, root=0) comm.Reduce( [np.array(integrated_images[n][1]), MPI.DOUBLE], [integrated_images[n][1], MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM, root=0) ## All the remaining part is just writing target_address = mydata["target_address"] target_filename, target_groupname = split_hdf5_address(target_address) for iproc in range(nprocs): comm.barrier() if iproc != myrank: continue h5f = h5py.File(target_filename,"a") if myrank==0: if h5f.__contains__( target_groupname ): del h5f[target_groupname] h5f.close() h5f = h5py.File(target_filename,"a") h5f.require_group(target_groupname ) h5 = h5f[target_groupname] h5["scalSS"] = scalSS h5.create_dataset("scalDS", ( ZDIM , YDIM , XDIM ), dtype='d') h5.create_dataset("scalDD", ( 1, ), dtype='d') h5["scalDS"][:]=0 h5["scalDD"][:]=0 for n in list(integrated_images.keys()): B=integrated_images[n][1] A=integrated_images[n][0] # B=B.sum(axis=0) pesiA = A.sum(axis=0) pesiB = B.sum(axis=0) medieA = (np.arange(A.shape[0])[:,None]*A).sum(axis=0)/pesiA medieB = (np.arange(B.shape[0])[:,None]*B).sum(axis=0)/pesiB h5.require_group(n) h5n=h5[n] h5n["delta_poss"] = medieA h5n["sample_poss"] = medieB h5n["delta_integrated" ] = integrated_images[n][0] h5n["sample_integrated" ] = integrated_images[n][1] h5n["sample_integrated_weight" ] = pesiB if orig_delta_filename is not None: corner_C = np.array(integrated_images[n][4]) corner_B = np.array(integrated_images[n][3]) diff = corner_C-corner_B C = integrated_images[n][2] pesiC = C.sum(axis=0) medieC = (np.arange(C.shape[0])[:,None]*C).sum(axis=0)/pesiC coords = np.arange(len( medieC )) + diff[1] h5n["orig_delta_poss" ] = np.array( medieC+diff[0] ) h5n["orig_delta_poss_coord" ] = np.array( coords ) inset = integrated_images[n][2] tmp = np.zeros_like( integrated_images[n][1] ) target = tmp [ diff[0]:diff[0]+ inset.shape[0], diff[1]:diff[1]+ inset.shape[1]] target[:] = inset[ :target.shape[0], :target.shape[1] ] h5n["orig_delta_integrated" ] = tmp h5f.require_group(target_groupname ) h5 = h5f[target_groupname] h5["scalDD"][:] += scalDD h5["scalDS"][myrange[0]:myrange[-1]+1] += scalDS h5.require_group("Mean_Poss") h5=h5["Mean_Poss"] h5f.flush() h5f.close() return fattori
def superR_scal_deltaXimages_Esynt(mydata): """ This step supposes that you have: - already extracted 2D images with the **loadscan_2Dimages** command. The **loadscan_2Dimages** has then already accomplished the following requirements which are listed below for informative purposes : - these images must reside at *sample_address* - Under *sample_address* there must be a a set of datagroups with name *ScanZ* where Z is an integer. The number of these datagroups will be called ZDIM - Inside each *ScanZ* there must be a a set of datagroup with name N where N is the ROI number. - inside each roi datagroup there is the dataset *matrix*. This is a three_dimensional array : - first dimension is YDIM : the number of steps in the Y direction - the other two dimensions are the dimensions of the ROI - Obtained the optical PSF of all desired analyzers, and the maxipix response function. This can be done with the **iPSF** commands which will have provided the responses for a dirac Delta placed at different positions along X direction. The **iPSF** has then already taken care of placing in the *delta_address* data_group the following(listed for informational purposes): - a list of datagroup with name N, N being the number of the ROI. - Inside each datagroup a dataset called *matrix* exists - the matrix has 3 Dimensions - The first dimension is the number for steps done with the thin foil in the X direction to get super-resolution. This will be called XDIM - The other two dimensions are the dimensions of the ROI. They must be equal to those appearing in the the sample datas describe informatively above. Here an example of the input file dedicated section :: superR_scal_deltaXimages : sample_address : "demo_imaging.hdf5:ROI_B_FIT8/images/scans/" delta_address : "demo_imaging.hdf5:ROI_B_FIT8/scanXX/scans/Scan273/" target_address : "scalprods.hdf5:scal_prods/" ################################### # optional nbin : 5 # defaults to 1 # it will bin 5 xpixels in one roi_keys : [60, 64, 35, 69, 34, 24, 5, 6, 71, 70, 39, 58, 56, 33] # roi_keys default to all the keys present in delta_address orig_delta_address : "demo_imaging.hdf5:ROI_B/foil_scanXX/scans/Scan273/" # defaults to None. If given the integrated image and the average line will be written # to check the superposability between the foil scans and the sample scans ### ## optional optional_solution : /mntdirect/_scisoft/users/mirone/WORKS/Christoph/XRSTools/volumes_gasket.h5:/ref408_bis_423_548/Volume0p03 ## a solution with dimensions [ZDIM,YDIM,XDIM] ## If given, will be used to balance analyzer factors If nbin is given the dimensios of the superresolution axis, will be reduced or increased, by binning together the foil PSFs. What the program will produce, under *target_address* datagroup, is - scalDS which is an array [ZDIM,YDIM,XDIM] , type "d" . - scalDD which is the total sum of the squared datas. - scalSS which is an array [XDIM,XDIM] , type "d" . From these three quantities the volume can be reconstructed with iterative procedure in subsequent steps. Here what they are : - scalSS is a 2D matrix, one of its elements is the scalar product of the response function for a given position of the foil, along X, with the response function for another position of the foil. The sum over ROIS is implicitely done. - scalDS is a 3D array. One of its element is the scalar product of the sample image for a given Z,Y position of the sample, with the reponse function for a given X position of the foil. The sum over the ROIs is implicitely done. """ allowed_keys = [ "delta_address",'orig_delta_address','nbin','roi_keys',"sample_address",'scan_interval',"load_factors_from","target_address",] check_allowed_keys(mydata, allowed_keys) delta_address = mydata["delta_address"] delta_filename, delta_groupname = split_hdf5_address(delta_address) if ('orig_delta_address' in mydata) : orig_delta_address = mydata["orig_delta_address"] orig_delta_filename, orig_delta_groupname = split_hdf5_address(orig_delta_address) else: orig_delta_filename, orig_delta_groupname = None, None h5f = h5py.File(delta_filename,"r") h5 = h5f[delta_groupname] if not ('nbin' in mydata) : width = 1 else: width = mydata['nbin'] solution = None roi_keys = filterRoiList(h5.keys(),prefix="") roi_keys = [str(t) for t in roi_keys] if ('roi_keys' in mydata) : u_roi_keys = mydata['roi_keys'] u_roi_keys = [str(t) for t in u_roi_keys] roi_keys = [ t for t in u_roi_keys if t in roi_keys] roi_keys = [str(t) for t in roi_keys] ## ########################## ## DELTA >>>>>>>>>>>>>> sonde = {} ## The response is added to sonde (probe) XDIM = None ## integrated_images :: ### much of the code is just for checking the trajectory and compare between the sample measurement ### and the foil measurement. ### integrated_images will be used only if is given in input. ### If you are interested only in the building of the scalar products then just skip everything related to integrated_image integrated_images={} ## to monitor if the foil move along a line which superimposes unto the sample integrated image for t in roi_keys: m = np.array(h5[t+"/matrix"][:],"d") integrated_images [t]=[ m.sum(axis=0) ,0, 0, None, None] # the second entry is left free for the sample integrated image, the third for the orig # the 4th the cornerpos, to be initialised by sample data, the fifth cornerpos by origdelta images ( if origdelta is read) if width != 1 : # REBINNING nbin = width assert(nbin>1) m=m[:(m.shape[0]//nbin)*nbin].reshape(-1, nbin, m.shape[1],m.shape[2]).sum(axis=1)/nbin sonde [t] = m ## PROBE STUFF GOES HERE if XDIM is None: XDIM = m.shape[0] else: assert(XDIM==m.shape[0]) ## DELTA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ## ############################# h5f.close() ## ############################################### ## >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ORIG : checking related thing. ## The idea is that, originally, the delta files was a large scan resintetised ## from a small reference scan. So in this section, that you can skip, ## on is taking information about the original scan. If delta and original delta are the same it's OK ## In most cases , if you want to do check, the original delta file is the same file as the delta file ## and the interesting part will be comparing the integrated line of the reference and the sample if orig_delta_filename is not None: h5f = h5py.File(orig_delta_filename,"r") h5 = h5f[orig_delta_groupname] for t in roi_keys: m = np.array(h5[t+"/matrix"][:],"d") integrated_images [t][2] += m.sum(axis=0) cornerpos = np.array(h5[t+"/cornerpos"][:]) integrated_images [t][4] = cornerpos h5f.close() ## ORIG <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ## ############################# ## ########################## ## >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SAMPLE ## sample_address = mydata["sample_address"] sample_filename, sample_groupname = split_hdf5_address(sample_address) h5f = h5py.File(sample_filename,"r") h5 = h5f[sample_groupname] if not ('scan_interval' in mydata) : zscan_keys = sorted( filterScanList(h5.keys()) , key = lambda x: int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, str(x) ))) ) else: zscan_keys =[ "Scan%03d"%i for i in range(*list(mydata['scan_interval']))] ZDIM = len(zscan_keys) ## in case of parallelism the workload is splitted between processes myrange = np.array_split( np.arange( ZDIM ), nprocs )[myrank] myZDIM = len(myrange) YDIM = None rois_to_be_removed=[] for ro in roi_keys: if ro in h5[zscan_keys[0]]: m = h5[zscan_keys[0]][ro]["matrix"][:] if YDIM is not None: assert(YDIM == m.shape[0]) ## we take the Y lenght from the first roi of the first scan : ## this lenght is supposed to be the same are supposed to be the same for all scans else: YDIM = m.shape[0] else: rois_to_be_removed.append(ro) del sonde[ro] del integrated_images[ro] for ro in rois_to_be_removed: roi_keys.remove(ro) if YDIM is None: return doppio_filtro_done=0 for iz in range(myZDIM): ## each scan is at fixed Z and contains many ys. So we proceed along z zkey = zscan_keys[myrange[iz] ] my_roi_keys = filterRoiList(h5[ zkey ].keys(),prefix="") my_roi_keys = [str(t) for t in my_roi_keys] ## The following piece of code makes sure that our roi_keys list ## contains rois which can be found in the datas if not doppio_filtro_done: new_roi_keys=[] for ok in roi_keys: if ok not in my_roi_keys: del integrated_images[ok] else: new_roi_keys.append(ok) doppio_filtro_done=1 roi_keys = new_roi_keys roi_keys=sorted(roi_keys, key = int) fattori = {} ## This is used for balancing. Will stay to 1.0 for all rois if solution is not given in input for i,rk in enumerate(roi_keys): fattori[rk] = 1.0 if "load_factors_from" in mydata and mydata["load_factors_from"] not in [None, "None"]: loaded_fattori = json.load( open(mydata["load_factors_from"],"r") ) for i,rk in enumerate(roi_keys): if rk in loaded_fattori: fattori[rk] *= loaded_fattori[rk] else: fattori[rk] = 0 ## These arrays below will contain, after summation and for each process, ## the contribution of the process's workload ## They will be mpi Reduced to get the final result Nrois = len( roi_keys ) scalDS = np.zeros( [Nrois,myZDIM,YDIM,XDIM] ,"d" ) scalDD = np.zeros( [Nrois] ,"d" ) scalSS = np.zeros( [Nrois, XDIM,XDIM] ,"d" ) for i,rk in enumerate(roi_keys): if i%nprocs == myrank: probes = sonde [rk] ## Consider that, below, factor is a factor which is applied to the probe to better adapt it to the sample strenght ## variations from roi to roi. scalSS[i, :] = scalSS[i, :] + np.tensordot( probes, probes, axes = [ [1,2], [1,2] ] ) *fattori[rk]*fattori[rk] for iz in range(myZDIM): ## each scan is at fixed Z and contains many ys. So we proceed along z zkey = zscan_keys[myrange[iz] ] print( " process %d analyzing scan : "%myrank , zkey) my_roi_keys = filterRoiList(h5[ zkey ].keys(),prefix="") my_roi_keys = [str(t) for t in my_roi_keys] for iroi, rk in enumerate(roi_keys): m = np.array(h5[ zkey ][ rk ]["matrix"][:],"d") msum = m.sum(axis=0) if iz: if msum.shape != integrated_images[rk][1].shape: msg = " ERROR : the yscan elements have different shapes.\n selects homogeneous scans." print( msg) raise Exception( msg) integrated_images[rk][1] = integrated_images[rk][1]+msum cornerpos = np.array(h5 [ zkey ][ rk ]["cornerpos"][:]) integrated_images [rk][3] = cornerpos probes = sonde [rk] assert( probes.shape[1:] == m.shape[1:]) assert( XDIM == probes.shape[0] ) assert( YDIM == m.shape[0] ) ## At the end all boils down to these three lines of code. Note that they sum-up ## contributions from all the rois alltogether plane_contrib = np.tensordot( m, probes, axes = [ [1,2], [1,2] ] ) scalDS[iroi,iz] = scalDS[iroi, iz]+ plane_contrib*fattori[rk] scalDD[iroi] += (m*m).sum() h5f.close() ## ## ###################### ## stuffs for checking (integrated_images) if nprocs>1: for n in list(integrated_images.keys()): if myrank: comm.Reduce([integrated_images[n][0], MPI.DOUBLE], None, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) comm.Reduce([integrated_images[n][1], MPI.DOUBLE], None, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) else: comm.Reduce( [integrated_images[n][1], MPI.DOUBLE] , [integrated_images[n][0], MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM, root=0) comm.Reduce( [np.array(integrated_images[n][1]), MPI.DOUBLE], [integrated_images[n][1], MPI.DOUBLE], op=MPI.SUM, root=0) ## All the remaining part is just writing target_address = mydata["target_address"] target_filename, target_groupname = split_hdf5_address(target_address) for iproc in range(nprocs): comm.barrier() if iproc != myrank: continue h5f = h5py.File(target_filename,"a") if myrank==0: if h5f.__contains__( target_groupname ): del h5f[target_groupname] h5f.close() h5f = h5py.File(target_filename,"a") h5f.require_group(target_groupname ) h5 = h5f[target_groupname] h5.create_dataset("scalDS", ( Nrois, ZDIM , YDIM , XDIM ), dtype='d') h5.create_dataset("scalDD", ( Nrois, ), dtype='d') h5.create_dataset("scalSS", ( Nrois, XDIM,XDIM), dtype='d') h5["scalDS"][:]=0 h5["scalDD"][:]=0 h5["scalSS"][:]=0 for n in list(integrated_images.keys()): B=integrated_images[n][1] A=integrated_images[n][0] # B=B.sum(axis=0) pesiA = A.sum(axis=0) pesiB = B.sum(axis=0) ## print(" pesi ", pesiA, pesiB) medieA = (np.arange(A.shape[0])[:,None]*A).sum(axis=0)/pesiA medieB = (np.arange(B.shape[0])[:,None]*B).sum(axis=0)/pesiB h5.require_group(n) h5n=h5[n] h5n["delta_poss"] = medieA h5n["sample_poss"] = medieB h5n["delta_integrated" ] = integrated_images[n][0] h5n["sample_integrated" ] = integrated_images[n][1] h5n["sample_integrated_weight" ] = pesiB if orig_delta_filename is not None: corner_C = np.array(integrated_images[n][4]) corner_B = np.array(integrated_images[n][3]) diff = corner_C-corner_B C = integrated_images[n][2] pesiC = C.sum(axis=0) medieC = (np.arange(C.shape[0])[:,None]*C).sum(axis=0)/pesiC coords = np.arange(len( medieC )) + diff[1] h5n["orig_delta_poss" ] = np.array( medieC+diff[0] ) h5n["orig_delta_poss_coord" ] = np.array( coords ) inset = integrated_images[n][2] tmp = np.zeros_like( integrated_images[n][1] ) target = tmp [ diff[0]:diff[0]+ inset.shape[0], diff[1]:diff[1]+ inset.shape[1]] target[:] = inset[ :target.shape[0], :target.shape[1] ] h5n["orig_delta_integrated" ] = tmp h5f.require_group(target_groupname ) h5 = h5f[target_groupname] if myrank == 0 : h5["roi_keys"] = np.array(list( map(int,roi_keys))) h5["scalSS"][:] += scalSS h5["scalDD"][:] += scalDD h5["scalDS"][:, myrange[0]:myrange[-1]+1] += scalDS h5.require_group("Mean_Poss") h5=h5["Mean_Poss"] h5f.flush() h5f.close() # def XRSprediction( yamlData ): # """ **prediction** # This launches the XRS prediction routines. # If yamlData contains information about: the sample, the incident beam, # the analyzer, the detector, the polarization, and the HF compton profiles, # this will create the desired predicted XRS data. # At the end you have the possibility to write the predicted profiles into a container hdf5 file. # In the extreme case when you give no argument ( parameters) :: # xrs_prediction : # The following canonical example will be run. # example :: # XRSprediction : # active : 1 # sample : # chem_formulas : ['C'] # list of strings of chemical sum formulas # concentrations : [1.0] # list of concentrations, should contain values between 0.0 and 1.0 # densities : [2.266] # list of densities of the constituents [g/cm^3] # angle_tth : 35.0 # scattering angle [deg] # sample_thickness : 0.1 # sample thickness/diameter in [cm] # angle_in : None # incident beam angle in [deg] relative to sample surface normal # angle_out : None # beam exit angle in [deg] relatice to sample surface normal # # (negative for transmission geometry) # shape : 'sphere' # keyword, can be 'slab' or 'sphere' # molar_masses : [12.0] # list of molar masses of all constituents # incident_beam : # i0_intensity : 1e13 # # number of incident photons [1/sec] # beam_height : 10.0 # in micron # beam_width : 20.0 # in micron # analyzer : # material : 'Si' # analyzer material (e.g. 'Si', 'Ge') # hkl : [6,6,0] # [hkl] indices of reflection used # mask_d : 60.0 # analyzer mask diameter in [mm] # bend_r : 1.0 # bending radius of the crystal [mm] # energy_resolution : 0.5 # energy resolution [eV] # diced : False # boolean (True or False) if a diced crystal is used or not (defalt is False) # thickness : 500.0 # thickness of the analyzer crystal # database_dir : installation_dir # compton_profiles : # eloss_range : np.arange(0.0,1000.0,0.1) # E0 : 9.7 # detector : # energy : 9.7 # analyzer energy [keV] # thickness : 500.0 # thickness of the active material [microns] # material : 'Si' # detector active material # thomson : # scattering_plane : 'vertical' # keyword to indicate scattering plane relative to lab frame ('vertical' or 'horizontal') # polarization : 0.99 # degree of polarization (close to 1.0 for undulator radiation) # saveaddress : # file_name : "myfile.hdf5" # path and filename # group_name : 'sample1' # hdf5 group name # """ # mydata = yamlData#["XRSprediction"] # if mydata is not None and ("active" in mydata ): # if mydata["active"]==0: # return # if mydata is not None: # try: # sample = mydata["sample"] # except: # sample = {} # chem_formulas = gvord(sample,"chem_formulas",["C"]) # concentrations = gvord(sample,"concentrations", [1.0]) # densities = gvord(sample,"densities", [2.266]) # angle_tth = gvord(sample,"angle_tth", 35.0) # sample_thickness = gvord(sample,"sample_thickness", 0.1) # angle_in = gvord(sample,"angle_in", None) # angle_out = gvord(sample,"angle_out", None) # shape = gvord(sample,"shape", 'sphere') # molar_masses = gvord(sample,"molar_masses", [12.0]) # sample_obj = xrs_prediction.sample(chem_formulas, concentrations, densities, angle_tth, sample_thickness, angle_in, angle_out, shape, molar_masses) # try: # incident_beam = mydata["incident_beam"] # except: # incident_beam = {} # i0_intensity = gvord(incident_beam,"i0_intensity", 1e13) # beam_height = gvord(incident_beam,"beam_height", 10.0) # beam_width = gvord(incident_beam,"beam_width", 20.0) # beam_obj = xrs_prediction.beam(i0_intensity, beam_height, beam_width, 0.0) # try: # analyzer = mydata["analyzer"] # except: # analyzer = {} # material = gvord(analyzer,"material", 'Si') # hkl = gvord(analyzer,"hkl", [6,6,0]) # mask_d = gvord(analyzer,"mask_d", 60.0) # bend_r = gvord(analyzer,"bend_r", 1.0) # energy_resolution = gvord(analyzer,"energy_resolution", 0.5) # diced = gvord(analyzer,"diced", False) # thickness = gvord(analyzer,"thickness", 500.0) # datadir_default = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( __file__ ) , "data" ) # database_dir = gvord(analyzer,"database_dir", datadir_default) # analyzer_obj = xrs_prediction.analyzer(material, hkl, mask_d, bend_r, energy_resolution, diced, thickness, database_dir) # try: # detector = mydata["detector"] # except: # detector = {} # energy = gvord(detector,"energy", 9.7) # thickness = gvord(detector,"thickness", 500.0) # material = gvord(detector,"material", 'Si') # detector_obj = xrs_prediction.detector(energy, thickness, material, [256,768]) # try: # compton_profile = mydata["compton_profile"] # except: # compton_profile = {} # eloss_range = gvord(compton_profile,"eloss_range", np.arange(0.0,1500.0,0.1)) # E0 = gvord(compton_profile,"E0", 9.7) # compton_profile_obj = xrs_prediction.compton_profiles(sample_obj, eloss_range, E0) # try: # thomson = mydata["thomson"] # except: # thomson = {} # scattering_plane = gvord(thomson,"scattering_plane", 'vertical') # polarization = gvord(thomson,"polarization", 0.99) # print('scatt plane>>> ', scattering_plane) # print('polarization>>> ', polarization) # thomson_obj = xrs_prediction.thomson(compton_profile_obj.get_energy_in_keV(), compton_profile_obj.get_E0(), compton_profile_obj.get_tth(), scattering_plane=scattering_plane, polarization=polarization ) # abs_cross_section_obj = xrs_prediction.absolute_cross_section(beam_obj, sample_obj, analyzer_obj, detector_obj, thomson_obj, compton_profile_obj) # from silx import sx # abs_cross_section_obj.plot_abs_cross_section() # try: # save_address = mydata['saveaddress'] # except: # save_address = {} # file_name = gvord(save_address, "file_name", "myfile.hdf5") # group_name = gvord(save_address, "group_name", 'sample1') # # safe file # abs_cross_section_obj.save_hdf5( file_name, group_name ) # def XRS_matrix_elements( yamlData ): # """ **XRS_matrix_elements** # This calculates transition matrix elements and plots them vs. q. # The following canonical example will be run. # example :: # XRS_matrix_elements : # active : 1 # atom : # Z : 47 # atomic number. # initial_n : 1 # initial state main quantum number. # initial_l : 0 # initial state orbital quantum number. # final_n : 2 # final state wave function. # final_l : 1 # final state orbital quantum number. # k : [1,3,5] # calculate dipole, octupole, and triacontadipole transition matrix elements. # plotting : 1 # saving : # ascii : # fname : # """ # mydata = yamlData # if mydata is not None and ("active" in mydata) : # if mydata["active"]==0: # return # if mydata is not None: # try: # data = mydata["atom"] # except: # data = {} # Z = gvord(data, "atom",47) # n_i = gvord(data, "initial_n", 3 ) # l_i = gvord(data, "initial_l", 0 ) # n_f = gvord(data, "final_n", 3 ) # l_f = gvord(data, "final_f", 1 ) # k = gvord(data, "k", [1,3,5] ) # R1 = xrs_prediction.radial_wave_function() # R1.load_from_sympy( Z, n_i, l_i ) # R2 = xrs_prediction.radial_wave_function() # R2.load_from_sympy( Z, n_f, l_f ) # Mel = xrs_prediction.matrix_element(R1, R2) # Mel.compute(k) # if mydata is not None: # if mydata["plotting"] == 1: # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.plot(Mel.q/0.5291, Mel.Mel**2) # plt.xlabel('q [A$^{-1}$]') # plt.ylabel('squared matrix elements') # plt.legend(['k = '+str(ii) for ii in k]) # # if mydata is not None: # try: # data = mydata["saving"] # except: # data = {} # ascii = gvord(data, "ascii", False) # fname = gvord(data, "fname", None) # if ascii: # Mel.write_ascii() # else: # Mel.write_H5() def read_reader(dataadress): filename, groupname = split_hdf5_address(dataadress) reader = xrs_read.read_id20(None) reader.load_state_hdf5( filename, groupname) return reader, filename, groupname
[docs]def superR_recreate_rois(mydata): """ This command extend the rois and creates an extrapolated foil scan The parameters are as following :: superR_recreate_rois : ### we have calculated the responses in responsefilename ### and we want to enlarge the scan by a margin of 3 times ### the original scan on the right and on the left ### ( so for a total of a 7 expansion factor ) responsefilename : "responses.h5:/fit" nex : 3 ## the old scan covered by the old rois old_scan_address : "../nonregressions/demo_imaging.hdf5:ROI_B/foil_scanXX/scans/Scan273/" ## where new rois and bnew scan are written target_filename : "newrois.h5:ROI_B_FIT8/" ## filter_rois=1 activates a filtering mechanism which discards ROIS according to a ## simple statistical criteria which is har coded in file ## routine get_spots_list filter_rois : 1 # not necessary of old_scan_address contains also the ROI original_roi_path : None resynth_z_square : None """ allowed_keys = ["old_scan_address","original_roi_path","responsefilename","nex","target_filename","filter_rois","recenterings_refined","filter_path","resynth_z_square"] check_allowed_keys(mydata, allowed_keys) foil_scan_address = mydata["old_scan_address"] foil_filename ,foil_groupname = split_hdf5_address(foil_scan_address) tmp_groupname = foil_groupname newscanstarget = "" for i in range(2): pos = tmp_groupname.rfind("/") newscanstarget = tmp_groupname[pos:]+ newscanstarget tmp_groupname=tmp_groupname[:pos] if "original_roi_path" not in mydata or mydata["original_roi_path"] in ["None", None]: roisgroupname = tmp_groupname roi_filename = foil_filename else: roi_filename ,roisgroupname = split_hdf5_address(mydata["original_roi_path"]) responsefilename= mydata["responsefilename"] responsefilename, responsepath = split_hdf5_address( responsefilename) nex = mydata["nex"] target_filename , roisgroupname_target= split_hdf5_address( mydata["target_filename"]) newscanstarget = newscanstarget[1:] # if os.path.exists(target_filename): # sys.stdout.write("Error : file %s exists already. Remove it yourself\n"%target_filename) # sys.stderr.write("Error : file %s exists already. Remove it yourself\n"%target_filename) # sys.exit(1) if ("filter_rois" in mydata) : filter_rois = mydata["filter_rois"] else: filter_rois = 1 if ("resynth_z_square" in mydata and mydata["resynth_z_square"] != "None" ) : resynth_z_square = mydata["resynth_z_square"] else: resynth_z_square = None if "recenterings_refined" in mydata : recenterings_refined = mydata["recenterings_refined"] recenterings_filename, recenterings_groupname = split_hdf5_address( recenterings_refined ) h5f = h5py.File(recenterings_filename,"r") h5 = h5f[recenterings_groupname] recenterings= {} chiavi = filterRoiList(h5.keys(), prefix="") for c in chiavi: recenterings[int(c)]= h5[c][:] assert(recenterings[int(c)].shape == (2,)) h5f.close() else: recenterings= None filterMask=None if mydata is not None and ("filter_path" in mydata ) : filter_path = mydata["filter_path"] if filter_path is not None and len(filter_path): filename, dataname = split_hdf5_address(filter_path) h5f = h5py.File( filename,"r" ) filterMask = h5f[dataname][:] reponse_percussionelle.DOROIS(filename = foil_filename , groupname = foil_groupname, roi_filename = roi_filename, roisgroupname = roisgroupname, target_filename=target_filename, roisgroupname_target = roisgroupname_target , newscanstarget = newscanstarget, responsefilename = responsefilename, resynth_z_square = resynth_z_square, responsepath = responsepath, nex = nex, filter_rois=filter_rois, recenterings= recenterings , filterMask = filterMask)
[docs]def superR_fit_responses(mydata): """ superR_fit_responses : foil_scan_address : "demo_foilroi.h5:/ROI_FOIL/foil_scan/scans/Scan273" nref : 5 # the number of subdivision per pixel dimension used to # represent the optical response function at higher resolution niter_optical : 100 # the number of iterations used in the optimisation of the optical # response beta_optical : 0.1 # The L1 norm factor in the regularisation # term for the optical functions pixel_dim : 6 # The pixel response function is represented with a # pixel_dim**2 array niter_pixel : 100 # The number of iterations in the pixel response optimisation # phase. A negative number stands for ISTA, positive for FISTA beta_pixel : 1000.0 # L1 factor for the pixel response regularisation ## The used trajectories are always written whith the calculated response ## They can be reloaded and used as initialization(and freezed with do_refine_trajectory : 0 ) ## Uncomment the following line if you want to reload a set of trajectories ## without this options trajectories are initialised from the spots drifts ## # reload_trajectories_file : "response.h5" ## may filter rois ( see in ) if set to one filter_rois : 0 ###### ## The method first find an estimation of the foil scan trajectory on each roi ## then, based on this, obtain a fit of the optical response function ## assuming a flat pixel response. Finally the pixel response is optimised ## ## There is a final phase where a global optimisation ## is done in niter_global steps. ## ## Each step is composed of optical response fit, followed by a pixel response fit. ## If do_refine_trajectory is different from zero, the trajectory is reoptimised at each step ## niter_global : 20 ## if do_refine_trajectory=1 the start and end point of the trajectory are free ## if =2 then the start and end point are forced to a trajectory which is obtained ## from a reference scan : the foil scan may be short, then one can use the scan of ## an object to get another one : key *trajectory_reference_scan_address* ## do_refine_trajectory : 2 ## optional: only if do_refine_trajectory = 2 trajectory_reference_scansequence_address : "demo_newrois.h5:/ROI_FOIL/images/scans/" trajectory_threshold : 0.1 ## if the pixel response function is forced to be symmetrical simmetrizza : 1 ## where the found responses are written target_file : "demo_responses_bis.h5" """ allowed_keys = ["foil_scan_address","ref_scan_number","response_scan_address","nref","niter_optical","beta_optical","beta_pixel","niter_pixel","niter_global","pixel_dim","simmetrizza","do_refine_trajectory","target_file","trajectory_reference_scansequence_address","trajectory_threshold","reload_trajectories_file","filter_rois","fit_lines",] check_allowed_keys(mydata, allowed_keys) if "foil_scan_address" in mydata: foil_scan_address = mydata["foil_scan_address"] else: ref_scan_number = mydata["ref_scan_number"] foil_scan_address = mydata["response_scan_address"]+"/scans/Scan"+ ("%03d"% ref_scan_number) foil_filename ,foil_groupname = split_hdf5_address(foil_scan_address) nref = mydata["nref"] niter_optical = mydata["niter_optical"] beta_optical = mydata["beta_optical"] beta_pixel = mydata["beta_pixel"] niter_pixel = mydata["niter_pixel"] niter_global = mydata["niter_global"] pixel_dim = mydata["pixel_dim"] simmetrizza = mydata["simmetrizza"] do_refine_trajectory = mydata["do_refine_trajectory"] target_file = mydata["target_file"] target_file, target_groupname = split_hdf5_address( target_file ) # if os.path.exists(target_file): # sys.stdout.write("Error : file %s exists already. Remove it yourself\n"%target_file) # sys.stderr.write("Error : file %s exists already. Remove it yourself\n"%target_file) # sys.exit(1) if do_refine_trajectory==2 : ## optional: only if do_refine_trajectory = 2 trajectory_reference_scansequence_address = mydata["trajectory_reference_scansequence_address"] trajectory_reference_scansequence_filename , trajectory_reference_scansequence_groupname = split_hdf5_address(trajectory_reference_scansequence_address) trajectory_threshold = mydata["trajectory_threshold"] else: trajectory_reference_scansequence_filename , trajectory_reference_scansequence_groupname = None, None trajectory_threshold =0 if ("reload_trajectories_file" in mydata) : trajectory_file = mydata["reload_trajectories_file"] else: trajectory_file = None if ("filter_rois" in mydata ) : filter_rois = mydata["filter_rois"] else: filter_rois = 0 if ("fit_lines" in mydata) : fit_lines = mydata["fit_lines"] else: fit_lines = 0 reponse_percussionelle.DOFIT(filename=foil_filename, groupname=foil_groupname, nref=nref, niter_optical=niter_optical, beta_optical=beta_optical , beta_pixel=beta_pixel, niter_pixel = niter_pixel, niter_global = niter_global, pixel_dim=pixel_dim, simmetrizza=simmetrizza, do_refine_trajectory=do_refine_trajectory, target_file=target_file, target_groupname = target_groupname, trajectory_reference_scansequence_filename = trajectory_reference_scansequence_filename , trajectory_reference_scansequence_groupname = trajectory_reference_scansequence_groupname , trajectory_threshold = trajectory_threshold, trajectory_file = trajectory_file, filter_rois=filter_rois, fit_lines = fit_lines)
swissknife_operations={ "help" : help, "create_rois" : create_rois, "create_rois_galaxies" : create_rois_galaxies, "loadscan_2Dimages_galaxies" : loadscan_2Dimages_galaxies, "loadscan_2Dimages_galaxies_foilscan" : loadscan_2Dimages_galaxies_foilscan, # "create_spectral_rois" : create_spectral_rois, # "load_scans" : load_scans, # "HFspectrum" : HFspectrum, "loadscan_2Dimages" : loadscan_2Dimages, # "volume_from_2Dimages" : volume_from_2Dimages, # "view_Volume_myavi" : view_Volume_myavi, "superR_scal_deltaXimages" : superR_scal_deltaXimages, "superR_scal_deltaXimages_Esynt" : superR_scal_deltaXimages_Esynt, "superR_fit_responses" : superR_fit_responses, "superR_recreate_rois" : superR_recreate_rois, "superR_getVolume" : superR_getVolume, "superR_getVolume_Esynt" : superR_getVolume_Esynt, "calculate_recenterings" : calculate_recenterings, "extract_spectra" : extract_spectra, # "sum_scans2maps" : sum_scans2maps, # "XRSprediction" : XRSprediction, # "Fourc_extraction" : Fourc_extraction, # "Hydra_extraction" : Hydra_extraction, # "XRS_matrix_elements" : XRS_matrix_elements } parallelised_operations = [ "loadscan_2Dimages" , "superR_scal_deltaXimages" , "superR_fit_responses" , "superR_recreate_rois" ] if __name__=="__main__": main()