Source code for wfc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# \"""
# \Copyright
# \
# \Rewrite by Alessandro Mirone from the original code by 
# \(c) Francesca Mastropietro ESRF-CEA/INAC
# \Wave Front Characterization
# \Francesca Mastropietro/Ana Diaz/Virginie Chamard
# \Simulation of wavefront after FZP and propagation to the detector for the coherent illuminated Fresnl Zone Plate
# \
# \"""
import numpy
import math
import cPickle
from numpy import fft
import h5py
import sys

###### PARAMETERS ######

Energy keV, wavelength m, wavevector m**-1, FZP diameter m, outermost zone m, focal distance m
plane xy ==> FZP plane; z: direction of propagation

import math
# N = 2^a*3^b*5^c*7^d*11^e*13^f, where e + f = 0 or 1, and the rest
#  of the exponents are arbitrary
def roundfft(N):
    MA,MB,MC,MD,ME,MF = 0,0,0,0,0,0
    FA,FB,FC,FD,FE,FFF = 2,3,5,7,11,13
    for A in range(  int(math.log(N)/math.log(FA)+2) ):
        for B in range(  int(math.log(N)/math.log(FB)+2) ):
            for C in range(  int(math.log(N)/math.log(FC)+2) ):
                for D in range(  int(math.log(N)/math.log(FD)+2) ):
                    for E in range( 2  ):
                        for F in range(  2 -E ):
                            if FF>=N and DIFF> abs(N-FF):
                                MA,MB,MC,MD,ME,MF = A,B,C,D,E,F
                            if FF > N: break
                            FF = FF*FFF
                        if EE > N: break
                        EE = EE*FE
                    if DD > N: break
                    DD = DD*FD
                if CC > N: break
                CC = CC*FC
            if BB > N: break
            BB = BB*FB
        if AA > N: break
        AA = AA*FA
    return RES

[docs]class Parameters : """ The input variables are read from the input file. The input file is written with python syntax. The input file has to set the following variables, examples in yellow * E :: E=8.0 # units are KeV * diam :: diam=200*10**(-6) # units are meters * delta_min : the size of the smallest FZP feature :: delta_min=70*10**(-9) **All distance units are meters** * OSA : pinhole diameter :: OSA=50*10**(-6) * CS : diameter of central stop :: CS=65*10**(-6) * phase : a non essential phase :: phase = 0.0 * off_set : slit offset horizontally. A typical choice is (CS/2+slit_h/2). off_set= 50.0*10**(-6) * slit_h : horizonal slit aperture :: slit_h=20e-6 * slit_v : vertical slit aperture :: slit_v=20e-6 * slit_far : slit-FZP distance :: slit_far= 0.2 * z_fd : focus-detector distance z_fd= 4.0 * N : the number of sampling point for each dimension. Must be mor or less adapted to the fzp finest feature :: N=10000 * FILE_FOR_FOCAL_DEPTH_PROFILING , on this file the program will output a 3D profile of the focal region. if set to None it will not be calculated :: FILE_FOR_FOCAL_DEPTH_PROFILING = "focal_region" * range_x_focal_dep and range_z_focal_dep, Nz_focal_dep : in case the above file name is not None, they give the sizes of the 3D box where the focal intensity is calculated, and the number of slices taken along the longitudinal axis :: range_x_focal_dep=6.2e-6 range_z_focal_dep=.5*10**(-2) Nz_focal_dep = 200 * FILE_FOR_DETECTOR : the field at the detector will be written on this file :: FILE_FOR_DETECTOR ="detector_image" * detector_pixel_size : the variable name speaks on its own. This determines also the width of the calculated wavefront :: detector_pixel_size=5.0e-6 """ if(sys.argv[0][-12:]!="sphinx-build"): exec(open(sys.argv[1],"r").read()) print "----- READAPTING N for fft " print "..... OLD:",N, N=roundfft(N) print "...... NEW:",N allowed_pars = ['CS', 'E', 'FILE_FOR_DETECTOR', 'FILE_FOR_FOCAL_DEPTH_PROFILING', 'N', 'Nz_focal_dep', 'OSA', 'delta_min', 'diam', 'off_set', 'phase', 'range_x_focal_dep', 'range_z_focal_dep', 'slit_far', 'slit_h', 'slit_v', 'z_fd', 'detector_pixel_size' ] if ( (set(locals().keys())-set(allowed_pars+["allowed_pars","__module__"]) )!=set([]) ): print " PROBLEM: extra parameters have been set by input :", set(dir())-set(allowed_pars+["allowed_pars","__module__"]) raise Exception,"" dic={} exec(open(sys.argv[1],"r").read() ,globals(),dic) print " ########################################################################################## " print " ### Now printing parameters. ################# " print " " for key in allowed_pars: if key in dic.keys(): print key," = " , locals()[key] else: print key," = " , "NOT SET !!!!" ," ***********" print " \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n" @staticmethod
[docs] def get_derived_pars(): """ **Derived Parameters** Besides the parameters set by input, there are other very important Parameters which are deduced from the input ones * lambd=12.398/E * k=2*math.pi/lambd * focus=(diam*delta_min/lambd * OSA_position = focus*5.0/6.0 * step=diam/N * range_x_focus2dect = (12.398/E)*10**(-10)*z_fd/(detector_pixel_size """ class pippo: pass self=Parameters() res=pippo() res.lambd=12.398/self.E*10**(-10) res.k=2*math.pi/res.lambd res.focus=(self.diam*self.delta_min/res.lambd) res.OSA_position = res.focus*5.0/6.0 print " focus " , res.focus res.step=self.diam/self.N res.range_x_focus2dect = (12.398/self.E)*10**(-10)*self.z_fd/(self.detector_pixel_size) return res ############################################################# # construction of the Fresnel lens # ----------------------------------
def build_FZ(Parameters, derived_pars , xs ): radius2= (xs*xs)[:,None] +(xs*xs)[None,:] path_function = radius2 /(2.0*derived_pars.focus) path_function = numpy.mod(path_function, derived_pars.lambd) FZP_2D = numpy.less( derived_pars.lambd/2.0, path_function ) maxradius2 = (Parameters.diam/2.0)**2 FZP_2D = FZP_2D*( numpy.less(radius2,maxradius2 ) ) + numpy.less(maxradius2,radius2 ) CS_2D = radius2 > (Parameters.CS /2.0 )**2 OSA_2D = radius2 < (Parameters.OSA/2.0 )**2 return { "FZP_2D": FZP_2D ,"CS_2D": CS_2D ,"OSA_2D": OSA_2D } ## ---------------------------------------------------------------- ####################################################################### def scrivi_linea(X ,M, nome , nlinea, dire) : if dire==0: Y = M[:,nlinea] elif dire==1: Y = M[nlinea,:] else: raise Exception f=open(nome,"w") for x,y in zip (X,Y): f.write("%e %e \n"%(x,y)) f=None def main(): derived_pars=Parameters.get_derived_pars() print " RESOLUTION : " , derived_pars.step xs=numpy.linspace(-Parameters.diam/2.0,Parameters.diam/2.0,Parameters.N, endpoint=False).astype(numpy.float32) tmp = build_FZ(Parameters, derived_pars , xs ) FZP_2D = tmp["FZP_2D"] CS_2D = tmp["CS_2D" ] OSA_2D = tmp["OSA_2D"] tmp=None if(0) : scrivi_linea(xs, FZP_2D, "linea_fz", Parameters.N//2,1) trasmittance_FZP_CS = numpy.exp(-1j*FZP_2D*Parameters.phase) * CS_2D # N_V_1 = int(Parameters.N/2-1-Parameters.slit_v/2.0/derived_pars.step) N_V_2 = int(Parameters.N/2-1+Parameters.slit_v/2.0/derived_pars.step) N_H_1 = Parameters.N/2-1+(Parameters.off_set-Parameters.slit_h/2.0)/derived_pars.step N_H_2 = Parameters.N/2-1+(Parameters.off_set+Parameters.slit_h/2.0)/derived_pars.step FIELD =numpy.zeros((Parameters.N,Parameters.N),dtype=numpy.complex64) # field_in_slit FIELD[ N_V_1:N_V_2 , N_H_1:N_H_2 ] = 1.0 print " #### Propagation from slit position to FZP ####" qx=( fft.fftfreq( Parameters.N ) * (2*math.pi*Parameters.N/Parameters.diam) ) .astype(numpy.float32) q_2D = (qx*qx)[:,None]+(qx*qx)[None,:] FIELD=fft.fftn(FIELD) proj=(numpy.exp((-1.0j)*Parameters.slit_far*q_2D/(2*derived_pars.k))) .astype(numpy.complex64) #Fresnel propagator (Bunk&Diaz) FIELD=fft.ifftn(proj*FIELD) print "Propagated Complex Field from Slit : DONE !!!" FIELD=FIELD*trasmittance_FZP_CS print "Initial Complex Field for Partial illumination : DONE !!!" print " ### Propagation of complex field (+CS+SLIT) to OSA ###" FIELD=fft.fftn(FIELD) proj=(numpy.exp((-1j)*derived_pars.OSA_position*q_2D/(2*derived_pars.k))) .astype(numpy.complex64) #Fresnel propagator (Bunk&Diaz) FIELD=fft.ifftn(proj*FIELD)*OSA_2D"/data/id01/inhouse/fra_quiney/FZP_70nmOZW/field_osa_in_2D_res20nm.npy",field_OSA_in) print "Complex Field @ OSA : DONE !!!" FIELD=fft.fftn(FIELD) proj=(numpy.exp((-1j)* (derived_pars.focus-derived_pars.OSA_position) *q_2D/(2*derived_pars.k))) .astype(numpy.complex64) #Fresnel propagator (Bunk&Diaz) FIELD=fft.ifftn(proj*FIELD) if Parameters.FILE_FOR_FOCAL_DEPTH_PROFILING is not None: print "#### looking at the longitudinal planes xz; yz ####" x1=numpy.argmin(abs(xs+Parameters.range_x_focal_dep/2)) x2=numpy.argmin(abs(xs-Parameters.range_x_focal_dep/2)) Nsel= x2-x1 Ncorrection = roundfft(Nsel)-Nsel x2=x2+(Ncorrection-Ncorrection/2) x1=x1-(Ncorrection/2) Nsel=Nsel+Ncorrection xsel=xs[x1:x2] FIELD_focus=FIELD[x1:x2,x1:x2] qx=( fft.fftfreq( Nsel ) * (2*math.pi/((xsel[1]-xsel[0]))) ).astype(numpy.float32) q_2D = (qx*qx)[:,None]+(qx*qx)[None,:] z=numpy.linspace(-Parameters.range_z_focal_dep/2,Parameters.range_z_focal_dep/2, Parameters.Nz_focal_dep) FFT_FIELD_focus= fft.fftn(FIELD_focus) map_complex=numpy.zeros((Parameters.Nz_focal_dep,Nsel,Nsel),dtype=numpy.complex64) for i in xrange(0,len(z)-1): map_complex[i,:,:]= fft.ifftn(numpy.exp( -1j*z[i]*q_2D/(2*derived_pars.k)) * FFT_FIELD_focus) print " writing results for focal depth profiling to " , Parameters.FILE_FOR_FOCAL_DEPTH_PROFILING+".h5" h5=h5py.File( Parameters.FILE_FOR_FOCAL_DEPTH_PROFILING+".h5",'w') h5["map_squareamplitude"]= map_complex.real*map_complex.real + map_complex.imag*map_complex.imag h5["map_phase"] = numpy.arctan2(map_complex.imag,map_complex.real) h5["map_real"] =map_complex.real h5["map_imag"] =map_complex.imag h5["z"]= z h5["x"]= xsel h5["y"]= xsel h5.flush() h5.close() h5=None #################################################################################### x1=numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(xs+derived_pars.range_x_focus2dect/2 )) x2=numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(xs-derived_pars.range_x_focus2dect/2 ))+1 print "-------------------------- FOCUS 2 DECT --------------------- " print " range_x_focus2dect = " , derived_pars.range_x_focus2dect print " x1,x2 ", x1,x2 xsel=xs[x1:x2] print " effective range_x_focus2dect (xsel[x2-1]-xsel[x1]) " , xs[x2-1]-xs[x1] Nsel = len(xsel) print " ##### calculating pixel size at the detector #####" q_det=( fft.fftfreq( Nsel ) * (2*math.pi/((xs[1]-xs[0])))) .astype(numpy.float32) angle_det=numpy.arcsin(derived_pars.lambd*q_det/2.0/math.pi).astype(numpy.float32) x_det=Parameters.z_fd*numpy.tan(angle_det) pxl=abs(x_det.max()-x_det.min())/(len(xsel)-1) FIELD_select=FIELD[x1:x2,x1:x2] print " #### propagator according to Fresnel free space approximation #### " prop=(xsel*xsel)[:,None]+xsel*xsel print " #### calculating compplex field at the detector #### " B_fd=numpy.exp((+1j)*math.pi*prop/derived_pars.lambd/Parameters.z_fd).astype(numpy.complex64) FIELD_select=fft.fftshift(fft.fftn( fft.ifftshift(B_fd*FIELD_select) )) ## this just changes an overall phase Q_d=(-1j)*FFT_fd*exp(1j*2*pi*z_fd/lambd) #FZP_2D=numpy.load("/data/id01/inhouse/fra_quiney/FZP_70nmOZW/FZP_2D_res20nm.npy") # phase0=0 ### Parameter phase slit ### if Parameters.FILE_FOR_DETECTOR is not None : print " writing results to " , Parameters.FILE_FOR_DETECTOR+".h5" h5=h5py.File( Parameters.FILE_FOR_DETECTOR+".h5",'w') h5["map_real"] =FIELD_select.real h5["map_phase"] = numpy.arctan2(FIELD_select.imag,FIELD_select.real) h5["map_imag"] =FIELD_select.imag h5["map_squareamplitude"]= FIELD_select.real*FIELD_select.real + FIELD_select.imag*FIELD_select.imag h5.flush() h5.close() h5=None if(sys.argv[0][-12:]!="sphinx-build"): main()