----- header of icontour.pro extracted on: Fri May 31 15:31:08 2013 ----- Documentation for /sware/com/idl-7.0/idl70/lib/itools/icontour.pro ----- NAME: iContour PURPOSE: Implements the icontour wrapper interface for the tools sytem. CALLING SEQUENCE: IContour INPUTS: Z[,X,Y] [,...] (see IDLgrContour) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: IDENTIFIER [out] - The identifier of the created tool. RGB_TABLE Set this keyword to the number of the predefined IDL color table (0 to 40), or to either a 3 by 256 or 256 by 3 array containing color values to use for contour level colors. RGB_INDICES Set this keyword to a vector of indices into the color table to select colors to use for vertex colors. If the number of colors selected is less than the number of vertices, the colors are repeated cyclically. All other keywords are passed to the tool during creation. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Alan, RSI, January 2003 Modified: CT, Oct 2006: Added helper function, TEST keyword, allow RGB_TABLE to be a Loadct table number.