----- header of iplot.pro extracted on: Fri May 31 15:31:08 2013 ----- Documentation for /sware/com/idl-7.0/idl70/lib/itools/iplot.pro ----- NAME: IPLOT PURPOSE: Fire up the plot iTool. CALLING SEQUENCE: IPLOT, [[x],y] (for 2D plot) OR IPLOT, x,y,z (for 3D plot) INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: SCATTER Set this keyword to generate a scatter plot. This is equivalent to setting LINESTYLE=6 (no line) and SYM_INDEX=3 (Period symbol). [XYZ]ERROR Set this keyword to either a vector or a 2xN array of error values to be displayed as error bars for the [XYZ] dimension of the plot. The length of this array must be equal in length to the number of vertices of the plot or it will be ignored. If the value is a vector, the value will be applied as both a negative and positive error and the error bar will be symmetric about the plot vertex. If the value is a 2xN array the [0,*] values define the negative error and the [1,*] values define the positive error, allowing asymmetric error bars.; RGB_TABLE Set this keyword to the number of the predefined IDL color table (0 to 40), or to either a 3 by 256 or 256 by 3 byte array containing color values to use for vertex colors. If the values supplied are not of type byte, they are scaled to the byte range using BYTSCL. Use the VERT_COLORS keyword to specify indices that select colors from the values specified with RGB_TABLE. VERT_COLORS Set this keyword to a vector of indices into the color table to select colors to use for vertex colors or a 3xN or 4xN array of colors values to use directly. If the number of indices or colors is less than the number of vertices, the colors are repeated cyclically. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: CT, RSI, March 2002 Modified: AY, RSI, February 2003: Update to allow 3D data Modified: CT, Oct 2006: Added helper function, TEST keyword, allow RGB_TABLE to be a Loadct table number.