----- header of sync_ang.pro extracted on: Fri May 31 15:31:07 2013 ----- Documentation for /scisoft/xop2.3/src_idl/sources/sync_ang.pro ----- NAME: SYNC_ANG PURPOSE: Calculates the synchrotron radiation angular distribution CATEGORY: Mathematics. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = sync_ang(flag, angle ) INPUTS: flag: 0 Flux fully integrated in photon energy 1 Flux at a given photon energy angle: the angle array [in mrad] KEYWORD PARAMETERS: POLARIZATION: 0 Total 1 Parallel (l2=1, l3=0, in Sokolov&Ternov notation) 2 Perpendicular (l2=0, l3=1) IF FLAG=0 THE FOLLOWING KEYWORDS MUST BE ENTERED E_GeV= The electron energy [in GeV] (default=1.0) I_A= the electron beam intensity [in A] (default=1.0D-3) HDiv_mrad= the horizontal divergence [in mrad] (default=1) R_M= the bending magnet radius [in m] (default=1.0) IF FLAG=1 THE FOLLOWING KEYWORDS MUST BE ENTERED All keyworsd for FLAG=0 plus: Energy = the energy value [in eV] (default=1) EC_eV= The critical energy [eV] (default=1) OUTPUTS: returns the array with the flux [photons/sec/0.1%bw] PROCEDURE: References: G K Green, "Spectra and optics of synchrotron radiation" BNL 50522 report (1976) A A Sokolov and I M Ternov, Synchrotron Radiation, Akademik-Verlag, Berlin, 1968 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: M. Sanchez del Rio, srio@esrf.fr, 2002-06-03