----- header of sync_hi.pro extracted on: Fri May 31 15:31:07 2013 ----- Documentation for /scisoft/xop2.3/src_idl/sources/sync_hi.pro ----- NAME: SYNC_HI PURPOSE: Calculates the function Hi(x) used for Synchrotron radiation Hi(x) = x^i * BeselK(x/2,2/3) (for total polarization) CATEGORY: Mathematics. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = sync_hi(x [,i] ) INPUTS: x: the argument of the function. All calculations are done in doble precision. i: the exponent. If this optional argument is not entered, it is set to 2. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: POLARIZATION: 0 Total 1 Parallel (l2=1, l3=0, in Sokolov&Ternov notation) 2 Perpendicular (l2=0, l3=1) OUTPUTS: returns the value of the sync_hi function PROCEDURE: Uses the relation ship Hi(x) = x^i * sync_f(0,x) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: M. Sanchez del Rio, srio@esrf.fr, 2002-05-23