Description of the input parameters for xbfield =============================================== PERIOD: magnet period in cm. N: number of periods NPTS: Number of points per period (for internal use in calculations) Undulator magnet: Magnet composition (Nd-Fe-B of Sm-Co) Undulator type: Plane (convensional) or tapered undulator K: Deflection parameter K For tapared undulators define: GAP: initial gap in cm. GAPTAP: Gap taper in % FILE: The output file name. It uses a linearly modulated gap model of the form (see BFIELD.F): B=0.95*3.44*exp(-r*(5.08-1.54*r)) where B is the magnetic field r = lgap/period lgap is the "local" gap, i.e., lgap=GAP*(1.0+z*(GAPTAP/100)/PERIOD) z is the spatial position along the undulator axis