----- header of xcrystal_bent.pro extracted on: Fri May 31 15:31:06 2013 ----- Documentation for /scisoft/xop2.3/src_idl/optics/xcrystal_bent.pro ----- ============================= Xcrystal_bent =============================== Xcrystal_bent is a common widget based graphical interface to different codes that perform curved crystal diffraction calculations. The idea is to perform bent crystal calculations with different modules (computer codes) using the same interface. The different modules use different theories. The initial considered theories are: 1) Lamellar theory. 2) Penning Polder theory. 3) Takagi-Taupin theory. In addition, and for comparison purposes, a module to calculate flat perfect crystals, based on the Zachariasen's theory has been included. For FLAT crystals calculations it is recommended to use the xcrystal application in XOP> Plase note that: The Penning-Polder model is only available for LAUE crystals The Takagi-Taupin model is under testing for BRAGG crystals, and it may not produce correct results. XCrystal_bent uses the codes crystal_za (Zachariasen), crystal_ml (Multi-lamellar) crystal_pp (Penning-Polder) and crystal_tt (Takagi-Taupin). DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTROLS IN THE MAIN WINDOW: File: xcrystal_bent input parameters: This option allows to save the current parameters to a file for later loading. It also allows to save the current parameters as defaults for being used when the application is initialized. In the last case, the file is named "application".xop (where "application " is the name of the current XOP application) and is written in the directory pointed by the XOP_DEFAULTS_DIR environment variable (which must be set). The parameter file is ASCII and can be read and edited with care. Quit: to exit from the program Set_Parameters: Set Parameters: to define the parameters for the calculation. The same result is obtained pressing the "Set Parameters" button in the main crystal_bent window. Please refer to the information under the HELP button for a complete description of the parameters. After pressing the ACCEPT button, the corresponding code starts running. Set Defaults: Sets the default parameters. Takagi-Taupin specific parameters: two items (Set Parameters & Set Defaults) allows to define the specific parameters for Takagi-Taupin calculations. They are placed in different windows to allow a too complicated main window. Show: Plot, View or Print the results. Diffraction Curves: display calculated diffraction curves. Bent Crystal Parameters: shows numerical parameters of the calculations. Crystallographic Parameters: shows numerical parameters used for the calculation of the crystal structure factor. Takagi-Taupin: Some specific outputs only available if using the Takagi-Taupin theory. Integration Network: Shows the integration network with the electric field corresponding to y=0. This option is only available when the calculations is requested in the TAKAGI-TAUPIN/SET PARAMETERS option. All Reflectivity Curves: Shows an array of diffraction profiles corresponding, each one, to one knot in the incident surface. This option is useful to check that the "window" parameter is large enough to avoid border effects in the main (central) diffraction profile. This option is only available when the calculations is requested in the TAKAGI-TAUPIN/SET PARAMETERS option. Help: Shows the xcrystal_bent help (this text). COPYRIGHT: XCRYSTAL_BENT belongs to XOP package and it is distributed within XOP. PLEASE REFER TO THE XOP COPYRIGHT NOTICE REFERENCE: Published calculations made with XOP should refer: M. Sanchez del Rio and R. J. Dejus "Status of XOP: an x-ray optics software toolkit" SPIE Proceedings Vol. 5536 (2004) pp.171-174 http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.560903 In addition, published calculations with the xcrystal_bent aplication should also cite: M. Sanchez del Rio, C. Ferrero and V. Mocella. "Computer simulations of bent perfect crystal diffraction profiles" SPIE proceedings vol. 3151, pp.312-323, 1997. LAST MODIFICATION: srio@esrf.eu 2008-02-01