----- header of xop_ifc.pro extracted on: Fri May 31 15:31:07 2013 ----- Documentation for /scisoft/xop2.3/src_idl/xoplib/xop_ifc.pro ----- =========================== xop_ifc ========================= xop_ifc is a generic widget based graphical interface. It allows to include xop-like interfaces in xop at run time. It reads the inputs from a file .ifc which must be sitting in the $XOP_IFC directory or alternatively (is $XOP_IFC is undefined) in $XOP_HOME/ifc directory. See the file $XOP_HOME/ifc/mlayer.ifc as an example of how to write these files. srio@esrf.fr 97-04-07 Modification history: 97-09-12 srio@esrf.fr makes no_block keyword. Adds the option state.ifc.run='' to avoid spawning (to be used in applications fully written in IDL). Uses $XOP_IFC as a directory from where the *.ifc file is read. If $XOP_IFC is not set, uses $XOP_HOME/ifc. xop_ifc_run accepts now 21 (a0,...,a20) generic variables... Use of sdep.pro for getting system dependencies. 97-11-07 srio@esrf.fr ifc files are in $XOP_HOME/ifc and not longer in $XOP_HOME/data. 97-11-07 srio@esrf.fr fixes a bug when loading/writing files. 98-11-04 srio@esrf.fr uses Catch. 98-11-24 srio@esrf.fr changes to new input file system (xop2.0) 00-07-17 srio@esrf.fr the tags nrows and ncol in the ifc structure are now optional. One of them must be set. 02-05-23 srio@esrf.fr bug fixed: writes to a file the correct version (not 1.0). Added optional input ifc to xop_ifc_run