Conical Geometry¶
The following documentation has been extracted automatically from the comments found in the source code. Discard Parameters. object variable.
- class
¶The input variables are read from the input file. The input file is written with python syntax. The Input file is interpreted as python after a preprocessing The preprocessing was introduced at the time of HST-> PYHST transition to maintaing compatibility with:
NO/YES meaning 0/1
items containing FILE in their name can be initialized without using the “” which are otherwise necessary for strings
The input file has to set (some of) the following variables. To setup easily an input file you are suggested to start from one of the examples given in the doc.
= 0¶Set to 1 to activate Conicity
= 0¶Set to 1 to activate Conicity fan geometry ( only horizontal corrections ). In this case reconstructions is still slice by slice ( at variance with CONICITY=1 where the projection of a slices hits sever<al lines ).
= 0¶Used with CONICITY=1. DETECTOR-Axis distance in meters
= 0¶Used with CONICITY=1. Source-Axis distance in meters
= 0¶The X coordinate of the detector pixel where the beam is normal . This is a float. The first pixel is 0 ( not 1). If you let this variable unset, it will be set equal to ROTATION_AXIS_POSITION
= 0¶The Y coordinate of the detector pixel where the beam is normal This is a float. The first pixel is 0 ( not 1). Unused if CONICITY_FAN=1
= 0¶When STEAM INVERTER=1 PyHST goes from volume to projections.